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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Promoted units get more special properties, like Falcon Knights doing more damage to Terrors, Gold Knights getting more movement, and Saints gaining a great attack spell, along with a healing aura and immunity to terrain damage. All of these conveniences just make things a lot easier. The effects of not promoting as soon as possible are more apparent on Celica side, where if you hold off on promoting the Whitewings, Chapter 4 will be an extreme slog, you won't have Dread Fighters to deal with the high amount of Arcanists, and you won't have Genny's healing aura + terrain immunity to make walking through the swamp more bearable. Not promoting Mae and Genny also only leaves Celica as your only Seraphim user, which is pretty detrimental for the Terror-focused Celica side. The thing is, in FE games pre-Awakening, you can almost never reasonably hit 20/20 level for your units before the game ends, so by holding off on promotion, you're just wasting your own time and making it hard on yourself. Echoes is one of those games,especially with classes that have three tiers. Unless you like grinding forever (EXP gain is severely nerfed after going past level 10 in any class), you'll just be wasting time. Promoting early is almost always good.
  2. As one of the few people who actually even bother to speak up to Faye, I'm not surprised that Silque is that accepting honestly. Could be written better, but eh. After a shower, I've just accepted that it's normal to dislike Faye as a human being, since a person that acts like her in real life wouldn't be popular. Shame that she doesn't have more traits.
  3. Maybe? We're heading into unknown territory with nothing to base our assumptions on at this point, so I'm not sure what to say. I guess one thing to consider was that any talk with Mila about this would basically be done at gunpoint, since humanity still possessed the Falchion. Now that you mention rain, maybe it just doesn't rain often in Valentia? Mila's blessing is said to be on the earth of Zofia, and that shouldn't make rain either; it just carries hard so the crops can grow or something. Not much they can do about that, if that's the case, but the land can be worked on at least.
  4. I mean, discussing with someone about how to murder them is usually counter-productive. Mila may still be rational, but she is unlikely to be willing to discuss this sort of matter with someone who just killed her brother. Mila herself acknowledged that she was acting purely on emotion when she sealed the Falchion after Rudolf did the thing (unrelated, but I wonder if Rudolf threw his shield too). It's quite possible that those emotions can get the better of her when confronting Rudolf after Duma's death, and I somewhat doubt that the cutscene we were shown was the full extent of Mila's wrath. At best, Mila could do something like giving humanity a way of stopping her as she goes insane, like how in Fates (yes), Anankos teaches humans the Song of Prophecy for use when his time comes. But really, that didn't do the Vallites much good when Anankos went berserk. Different setting and different dragon, but I think it's something worth considering. The Zofians didn't really need to do any real farming when Mila's blessing was still active. I think the land is still usable for farming, it just needs actual work. Valm was doing okay in Awakening.
  5. I really don't get why people pretend Silque and Faye's A Support doesn't exist, and that people who suck at making new friends don't exist.
  6. Desaix had been planning his own agenda for ages, even without Rigelian support. It's more like helping Desaix was convenient for Rudolf imo, since he needed Rigel to antagonize Alm. But how could he convince his Zofia-raised son, as well as an entire army of Zofians, including priests and priestesses dedicated to the faith of Mila, to turn against her for no reason? Mila was still doing fine, and everyone loved her. Alm trying to seal Mila would completely discredit him in the eyes of basically everyone around him, even Celica, so I'm not sure what kind of gambit he could pull off here, especially if Rudolf wanted Alm to be seen in a good light by the continent. Mila herself clearly doesn't want to be sealed, either. She fought back against Rudolf, and sealed the Falchion into stone as she was struck down. If Mila learnt that Duma was sealed, that'd probably be the first step in driving her to madness. The Mila faction would still remain loyal to her until she does something extremely drastic, however, I'm pretty sure. Wouldn't it just be the same story as the Duma Faithful?
  7. I want both. I want to be able to traverse on a world map (time-based objectives can be used to prevent/discourage backtracking) and go on detours and such, fighting encounters along the way to a big destination, kinda like Echoes. I hope they do away with just moving along dots on a map, and actually give us a line/lines that we traverse on, and we can choose to stop at any point to set up camp for a My Castle-esque experience. Basically, I'd want more JRPG elements on the side for FE, but map design etc. should be prioritized, of course.
  8. His plan is basically the Zero Requiem from Code Geass; he wanted to gather all of the world's hate onto himself by being a cruel king on purpose, so that when he dies people will be happy. Of course, that's just part of it. I think if he went about with sealing Duma, it would actually cause an uproar. The general public doesn't know that Duma is going crazy, so their already cruel king sealing the nation's patron god is basically a death sentence for himself. Even if the Duma Faithful lose the power to stand up against him, I think it's very likely it would cause a rebellion and civil war. Rigel will end up torn apart, and Rudolf won't really get the chance to seal Mila, both because he'll have his hands full with his country's problems, and because Mila, still sentient, would notice that Duma is gone and be wary. I don't think it'll end well. Like I said, he wanted to die so that the world would lose a hated figure, so I guess that's why he didn't back off from Alm. To be honest, I think that part's okay, as long as we operate under the mindset that his plan works.
  9. Welp guess I gotta actually train up a Narcian now.
  10. Technically this game has an actual postgame while Awakening and Fates do not, since there are multiple battles and a ten floor dungeon built into the game. Awakening and Fates' postgames are just personal endeavors you decided to take on, not content intentionally added after the main story is completed. For #6, you can actually get Rusted weapons etc. that can be forged, or get more drops from the Astral Temple. There are some weapons that are still limited, such as the Ridersbane, however. Unless you can actually get that as a Rusted Lance, which I don't think is possible.
  11. So, I've had my Celica avatar and badge for about a month or so, and I managed to get three Celicas from free pulls. I wonder if this method works on any other unit. I think I might try Faye.
  12. I'd actually be 100% fine if this kind of world map became the norm, except maybe without the forced skirmishes. I love the sense of progression on my path, and all the detours. I want to see a more advanced version of this, kinda like FFXV, but not really.
  13. What do you plan on Forking Lukas into? I'm not sure if he does well in any other class, while he's amazing in his base one for Chapter 1. Chapter 1 is going to be Lukas, Merc Gray with Lightning Sword and Mage Tobin carrying. Chapter 2 is basically Celica and Saber doing everything. Mae can help occasionally, and Boey is already droppable. You can use a Fork on Mae for an early flier, which actually works quite well, especially on the boat maps. Chapter 3, Alm side starts off a little bit slow unfortunately, but the trio from Ch.1 should still be serviceable early on, and you also get the Ridersbane early. Have Clair sweep with the Ridersbane, then pass it on to Mathilda as soon as you get her. Alm should also be trained up. For Celica side, Saber and Celica are still pretty solid, but you're gonna want to start pumping up the Whitewings (not Est though), as well as Mae if she was made into a Peg. Leon will find some use too. Deen vs Sonya doesn't really matter I guess, since both are serviceable but not necessary. Sonya's map might take slightly fewer turns because of the Witch Warps skipping the dumb desert, but it's probably also annoying to deal with. Chapter 4, Alm side is still Mathilda land. I'd recommend getting Tatiana and Zeke instead of skipping, unless for some reason you're really behind in total turns. Mathilda and Alm should be nearly soloing stuff. Celica's side is basically all up to the Whitewings (and Peg Mae), and maybe a Dread Fighter or two. Conrad joins too late in a Tier 2 class to be worth the time. Clerics/Saints are your best friend. Silque's Warp is actually important, so don't neglect her. Once Tatiana comes you should aim to get her Warp asap, and field both her and Silque for double Warping shenanigans. Try to avoid skirmishes and even dungeon encounters if you can, unless they're mandatory or get you something good like the Duma Lance. You can skip the Blessed Sword, too, if you want. Promoting ASAP is the name of the game for Gaiden/Echoes, even if you're not going for Blitzkrieg. You probably don't need to reset for level ups, except for maybe Palla. It's very hard to get a screwed Alm or Mathilda imo, but Palla could possibly not get enough Speed. Celica doesn't really need Blessed Zofia at all, since her Black Magic is her strong point, and you're realistically not getting Ragnarok Omega anyway if you're playing with Whitewings as the core. I'd recommend nabbing the Saunion (imo for Catria) first instead, but if you have a Gold Mark to spare and nothing much to do with it, The Zofia is still worth for the self-healing mitigating the swamp damage. No one really needs the Gold Marks on Celica side anyway, since Brave Sword doesn't require Gold, and forged Steel/Silver Lance (Steel for better arts, Silver for the regular damage) is what Palla wants. On Alm side, forge the Ridersbane, but don't go Rhomphaia (it's alright to do so in Chapter 4 if you really want to, but I don't recommend it). You should also have a forged Steel/Silver Lance around. Saunion is still a good choice, but costs a bit more Silver on Alm side since you don't get Javelins to begin with iirc. If you have Gold to spare, buffing Alm's Royal Sword is also a good idea, because Double Lions is broken. No idea about the DLC or turn count thing.
  14. I think it's supposed to allude to Alm having the Mark of Duma, so he can dispel sources of power that come from Duma?
  15. Looks like we're also getting the special login bonus back with the new banner.
  16. Abilities and movement increases so the game is easier, and therefore progression is faster. You can't realistically hit 20/20 in most FE games, so there's no point most of the time. The fact that you need to retreat from a battle and can't fight it out just shows the level of stat inflation.
  17. I mean, if you hit those benchmarks, that means you already grinded. On a 100% growth rate game and promoting ASAP, Kliff's still going to only have 26 Spd. You were way above the curve. For a regular team coming out of postgame, it's extremely unfair, but it becomes beatable once your endgame units reach about level 17 on a promote asap run.
  18. I didn't download the DLC through eShop, but maybe in the DLC menu.
  19. Duma influenced his mind, but didn't make him do anything. His own weakness of mind was his downfall, to be honest. By the time he realizes what he did, it's too late. It's his fault, imo.
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