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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. The Gossamer Hair is found on Alm's side, dropped during the Duma Statue's trial at the Fear Shrine. You need a merchant to transport it. I remember getting a similar amount of Gold Marks as Alm side on Celica's, but I didn't actually count them. You should have enough to at least get the Blessed Zofia, since Grieth drops one.
  2. The new DLC both deepened my understanding of Fernand and what he was like before, and renewed my dislike for him. He was never able to pick himself back up from the mud, and he died groveling in it.
  3. Lol RIP. Alts steal your luck. You don't have a Minerva, right? If you do get one, maybe your curse will do good for once lol. He runs L&D1, and I think the extra Res makes her very hard to ORKO overall.
  4. I wonder if they'll do Kozaki maps again, except this time with his full Skill Inheritance teams. That'd be fun. Maybe. I wonder if there are other FE figures that play this game.
  5. Apparently, @DehNutCase says +Spd -Atk is Minerva's best nature. I can't remember why, but he does love his redheads. Also Lute coming as a bride? That's a strange pick.
  6. Hm, yeah, that could have worked too. They had that in older games like Sacred Stones.
  7. They voiced all the Memory Prisms, though, strangely. Maybe it the Cipher characters don't come with Prisms, they'll voice their supports?
  8. Eh, all of the story chapters are doable without using orbs. It was your choice to spend those three orbs.
  9. It is though. For an offtank, not getting doubled is more important than doubling, and 32 is enough for the things that you'd put Raigh in front of.
  10. We're skipping the kiddie pool and going in the deep end Yeah, I've been spending some time poking around my box during the orb drought, and I found that I actually had a couple of +Atk 4* Brave users lying around. Can't wait to train em up, but I have to get Anna to speed first.
  11. If you had PMed me or something so I even knew about this I would have asked something lol. It's too late now... Also, so we don't get killed, I'll ask one more question: Favourite character in Echoes so far?
  12. I don't think I even asked you anything for your interview, did I? I didn't really pay attention to this thread at the time.
  13. I think they all fit together to make something beautiful, honestly. I can't pick one over another. There are some really great Memory Prisms, especially the postgame one. I love Palla's support with Est. Base conversations give insight to all the characters; I like Kliff's convos the most because of how cynical he is. Then there's Jesse and Silque's Memory Prism (it's Chapter 1, I'm not gonna spoiler that), which serves no purpose because they didn't give them a support conversation for postgame...
  14. This so much. I actually can't imagine a time when support conversations weren't voiced anymore. I thought my 3DS broke when I couldn't hear Lukas talking.
  15. Guess I'll just ask everyone the same question. Favourite branch of magic in FE, and favourite spell?
  16. Magic Ring in general is great. Stuff like Magic Ring Delthea throwing out Auras at 5-range with threat of doubling is crazy. The Avoid loss hurts the other Faye classes a lot, though.
  17. 32 Spd isn't bad, but 29 base Atk is kinda low with that nature. He'll definitely work as a semi-tank with Raurraven I guess, since he can avoid getting doubled easier with 32 Spd, but I don't think much damage can be expected.
  18. Lol one of the (15 now?) people that lost to me had a Klein with Daggerbreaker. He sacrificed a Kagerou for this? Why though? It's not like Daggerbreaker Klein can survive Kagerou, and there aren't really any other notable dagger users that Klein doesn't just shit on.
  19. In the Japanese version, Forsyth is just focused on his goal of becoming a knight, and is pretty serious about it, so he doesn't have the humorous side that 8-4 gave him. Can't blame 8-4 for changing him at all.
  20. So what do Alm and Celica even do in their finisher animations? Do they just teleport twice really fast, or are they shooting wind from their swords?
  21. Pretty much, yeah. +HP -Res is alright, I guess, so unless you plan on building an expensive Raigh, it's serviceable.
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