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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I just noticed your sig after I answered your question lol. You're welcome fellow Celica fan.
  2. Faye actually loses Avoid from being near Alm once they get their A Support, because otherwise her Hit and Crit bonuses are broken.
  3. I wish they made him reconsider his life choices after he killed Rudolf; Celica told him not to go to war, but he didn't listen and went down his linear path, and the result wasn't pretty. Instead, the game just says Rudolf planned it all along, and shows Alm slightly mad at Mycen for not telling him anything. Celica later even apologizes for not telling him.
  4. So for the Japanese version, we just got the new Rise of the Deliverance pack, and it came with four fully voiced missions and three fully voiced Memory Prisms. However, I just got the Lukas/Python support convo added by the DLC, and it actually wasn't voiced... I'm a bit disappointed. Hopefully 8-4 will do voice acting for these convos when the DLC hits the west.
  5. Moonbow is a pretty good Special, so you can definitely keep it. Bonfire hits for harder I guess.
  6. Lmao that sucks. Thankfully I never ran into Chatots much when I played.
  7. They're basically alternate versions of the weapons they share icons with, with alternate stats and properties. Generally, it seems the weapons have more weight than their counterparts, and some of them have additional downsides (Python's Bow has no 1-range, Fernand's Lance loses Hit and Run etc.), but get more Might, sometimes Hit, special effects (Clair's Lance also boosts Res), and more Arts. I haven't unlocked the Arts yet, though. They start off weaker though, but they become stronger than their counterparts generally at max forge. So you can't cheese the early game.
  8. I legitimately find Clive a bland man, and I don't mind Faye that much. Though I sort of desperately wish she had better dialogue.
  9. The common Nowi build is Triangle Adept... Dragalge has Adaptability as its Hidden Ability...
  10. There's nothing in the sentence that indicates he meant 500 pages "each", to my understanding. I can read text, but not minds, so beats me.
  11. "3本合わせて" is "three in total", so 3本合わせて500枚もの原稿 means the three drafts in total were 500 pages. I could be wrong, since it is 4 am, but I don't think I am. Someone could double check I guess.
  12. Well, in this Tweet here, Kibayashi said his three drafts combined was 500 pages.
  13. Back in the Feh Channel livestream, the Vortex was mentioned. I can't remember if they said May now, but I think they did. People datamined the game, and found Narcian's GHB icon back in the game's files, which means they're bringing him back.
  14. I actually like the "magic using HP" mechanic. I never really liked the fact that you could just put supposedly squishy mages out in the open and let them clean up on Enemy Phase in some FEs. Archers are pretty much the direct counter to mages, though. I think Bows are more annoying for the player than they are advantageous to use against the enemy, because of the ones you get are generally poor defensively. I think Bows really need this kind of range buff though, as mages tend to take over their roles in more recent FE games due to actual Enemy Phase and hitting Res. Agree that terrain effects are too dumb. I actually don't mind the fact that there's no weapon triangle. It was honestly refreshing for some reason.
  15. I just ran my tried and true Lucina/Azura/Julia/Reinhardt for 1 through 4, actually. Had to switch to double Dancer and Kagerou + Celica for 5.
  16. It was 500 pages in total, not 500 for each route, actually. Still a lot, of course. I remember the things you said as well, but I don't think slime Garon itself, or really a lot of key plot points, were necessarily bad ideas; the overall execution of Fates was just done very poorly, with Revelation being the best example, and that's what I meant by my statement.
  17. I spent a Stamina Potion to get most of them done. I got a bit stuck on 3 - Hard, so now I don't have enough Stamina to finish 5 - Hard. Also, I just 5*ed my Anna finally.
  18. No. They're dancing the ranged units. Maybe they're just being smart with the new zigzag map.
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