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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Unless you're really confident in your Whitewings, it's better to thin out the Arcanists on the left side of the map first before taking on the Cantor, because they will all swarm towards the right side (aside from the top one with Fortify) once the door to the Cantor is opened. With the help of Celica, Mae and an Archer, Palla and Catria should be able to take on the Arcanists. The summoned Gargoyles aren't that strong, so your other units like Saber etc. should be able to just hold on the right side. If needed, you can have Genny Invoke to draw their attention.
  2. I'm pretty sure you can't miss spells this way. You'll get them a few levels after promoting, I think depending on how many levels you still had to go up before you got the spell in the base class.
  3. The Hexlock Shield is at the Fear Shrine in Chapter 4 though, and only on Alm side, while Celica side has way more Arcanists. Dread Fighters also take forever to get. I don't have too much of a problem with Arcanists; their low Attack Speed make them quite easy to take down, especially with Palla and Catria. There are times when one can get overwhelmed, but it's preventable. Also, you can forge the Iron Bow you get on Celica side into a Silver one (or just have it forged on Alm's side and transfer it over), then have Leon use it. You should get its Art pretty soon; it Silences enemies that get hit.
  4. CS:GO's gun skins (before Valve began cracking down) are a better comparison, probably.
  5. My Alfonse, Xander and Anna are all still 4*. I think I'll finally commit to one of them instead of 5*ing some skill fodder yet again.
  6. After god knows how many hours of listening to the wonderful themes of Echoes, which of the normal map and battle themes did you end up preferring?
  7. It'll turn up as soon as your new phone arrives....
  8. Oh yeah, the Switch and whatnot. I'd want a weeb Switch instead though, so I wouldn't spend that gift card on that. Meh, you'd just blow it on lame stuff like natto tbh!
  9. Well, maybe not years I guess. But I felt like it was some significant amount of time they didn't elaborate on. I'd say at least a year. I haven't pulled her in Heroes yet, and maybe I shouldn't...
  10. I didn't go to something that big lmao. I wouldn't drop 400 on this game anyway. ...Or would I?
  11. They did spend a few years together, maybe they already got past the "don't talk to me stage". That or Faye was nicer as a kid.
  12. Well technically I got paid via Walmart gift card. Apparently handing out actual cash prizes isn't allowed at the college I go to or something.
  13. I've spent real money once which got me a Hinoka (I wanted Cordelia :[). I got a free Google Play card once that net me 75 orbs, but I didn't even need them to get Ninian and a Jaffar. Those 75 did get me Azura and a second Jaffar though. Even though I wanted Priscilla.
  14. It'd probably be 3D, but I sure hope that if we get a world map, the world is actually rendered instead of just a drawn map. I'd love free roam like other JRPGs.
  15. Did you actually start a new file to see these, or did you just dig the lines up from the game? Seeing Faye's lines to Celica remind me of how I felt bad about dragging Faye into the war. I almost felt like leaving her at Ram Village. I wonder why Silque refuses to go with Celica. She already handed the Turnwheel to Alm, so it's not like she has a reason to remain at the Thief Shrine. Warp would have helped Now I'm tempted to start my own file to see what they say in moonrunes.
  16. What happened to your phone? Azura is definitely of note in this banner. Cecilia too I guess, but she's free already.
  17. After I get my first run, I just bring all my highest merged units regardless of team balance to try and top my score. It works sometimes.
  18. So far, my biggest project has been Effie. - 20,000 feathers for 4* -> 5* - another 20,000 for promoting Donnel to 4* -> 5* for Brave Lance+ - possibly another 2,000 to get a Robin to 4* for Bonfire? - Total SP for inheritance: 1950 Second biggest is Julia: I spent another 20,000 feathers to get an Ursula to 5* for Death Blow 3. Total SP cost was 1800. Third biggest is probably tied between Azura and Kagerou? Azura cost 2,000 feathers to get a Niles to 4* for Iceberg, and cost 2130 SP. Kagerou cost 2,000 feathers to get a Matthew to 4* for Hone Spd, and also cost a 5* Jaffar for L&D3. Total inheritance SP was 2250.
  19. At Dread Fighter level 10, the unit can "promote" into Villager at a Mila Shrine, which means they can go Merc -> Myrm -> Dread Fighter -> Villager again for stat grinding.
  20. If you don't mind backtracking (which causes random encounters to spawn, giving you more EXP than you should be getting etc.), you can go back to the Sea Shrine to promote him. Alternatively, I recently heard that if you re-recruit Atlas, Catria and Palla, they won't leave if you go to the Dragon Shrine a second time. It still requires backtracking, though, so if you're not willing to do so then you'll have to beat Grieth first.
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