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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Yes, I already figured that out a month ago. I'm spitballing.
  2. Darting Blow Kagerou doesn't really use Vantage that well; she needs the boosts from Fury/Life and Death to get more one-shots.
  3. The Str +2 is alright for a shield, but it's not really THAT great. Its Arts are just the Leather Shield and Steel Shield skills (you get access to both at the same time though, so I guess that's something). Shields aren't really that useful imo, especially on Hard, since weaponless offense won't be enough. The Speed boosting cheese is obviously great since it boosts an important stat, but it's also used in a mission in Zofia Castle that lets you get the Foreign Spice (idk what it's called in English), which gives a whopping 3 Gold Marks when sold. In short, yes, return it.
  4. It did feel a bit rushed. I feel like the show could have used like, two or three more episodes.
  5. 4820 is Rank 3185 in Tier 17. I have to fall below Rank 4502 to not go to Rank 18, and I think I'll be able to scrape through, if only barely. Not sure if I'll be able to stay at 18 though.
  6. It fell off the front page, but I guess this will be useful for you.
  7. It's about the random spawns that Grieth generates as I walk around the map. That's the most annoying part, especially since I try to avoid unnecessary sources of EXP when playing games that have world maps.
  8. Oh, really? But since I have to go grab Palla and Catria again too, that's too annoying.
  9. Hm, okay. That's a bit too much backtracking for my liking, so I probably won't do that if I do a second run either.
  10. Really? I thought he won't go to the Dragon's Cave before Grieth is dead? Also, I tried to avoid grinding on those graveyards and stuff, so I guess it's a no.
  11. Is it actually feasible to train up Merc Atlas? Aside from lack of EXP due to swamps, starting at Merc for Chapter 4 is...pretty sad. Maybe the massive Speed bonus would have made things easier, but Cav!Atlas basically had no way to grow without backtracking or grinding.
  12. The worst part is that I promoted him to Cav not knowing that everything ahead would just be swamps on swamps lol. Literally killed the only reason I wanted a Cav (mobility).
  13. In the Japanese version, he says "I'm obliged to you" instead. Probably a localization error.
  14. I made my Atlas a Cav, and I regret everything.
  15. I guess since the Astra skill is now commonly associated with Swords, they wanted to keep that theme. Though Sol and Luna don't even have the Sol and Luna effects unlike the Astra sword. Luna being a Bow does feel a bit weird, and there's not much point to it compared to the Killer Bow and Parthia.
  16. Apparently if Fensalir goes off before this fight, they both live. Not with Arcanite's +Atk one though. If they ever somehow make an online PvP and this match happens, both players would just keep passing lol, since whoever strikes first dies. I'm glad that's not a thing.
  17. You really don't need to, especially for units in the Mercenary line, who can loop back to Villager to grind stats. What difficulty did you play on? If you were playing Hard/Classic and delayed promotion for so long, that must have been extremely hard. The post game is unfairly hard for a team that just came out of endgame, but at the moment max stats trivializes it already. Overclass level 20 is overkill.
  18. when you sleep sharena will murder oboro I think I'll fiddle around with that more later.
  19. I'm not drunk. Also, all you have to do is put Moonbow on Fury Sharena, and then she instantly wins the above encounter lol. Of course, Oboro still has her A slot, but Sharena also has her B slot.
  20. Atlas' brothers were captured anyway, and defeating Grieth essentially frees his brothers, even if Celica did not know him at the time. I think it's possible that he would still be recruitable.
  21. for my money sharena will win because she has a shield and better choice of clothing It seems that with default kits at 5*, Sharena wins because of doubling. Seal Def doesn't let Oboro one-shot, even without Fensalir's Threaten Atk. If both of them wield Silver Lance+s, Sharena still wins. For Oboro to win, they'd have to both wield Steel Lances (or Iron), since Seal Def and Oboro's bulk will start to matter. Who strikes first doesn't matter.
  22. That's true. Also Arcanite and Vaximillian 1v1 when
  23. I actually liked the fort tiles. I only benefited from them.
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