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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Yup, I agree. As much as I like Celica, I disliked what they did with her in Chapter 4. The whole thing feels very nonsensical and forced. Chapter 4 and 5 paint Alm in too good of a light imo, since everyone stops criticizing him despite the fact that his mistakes could have been a source of self-reflection, while Celica just apologizes for everything and loses hope completely.
  2. Yes, the entire thing is super unfair, and probably on purpose. The 7th and 8th floors become pretty ridiculous. When I came out of endgame, my units were generally sitting at Tier 3 level 12 or so, but the entire dungeon took me about three runs (including a lot of resets), such that when I finally was able to beat it everyone was at level 17. And even then, I could only barely scrape through Floor 8 fights, while Floor 9 was basically impossible unless I get lucky and only bump into one set of enemies every time. If you ever get caught on Floor 9, just turtle until you can retreat; the enemies all despawn. By the way, there's an unavoidable fight on the 9th floor against like, 8 dragons, if you want to get to the Lion Wells behind them. Then once you reach the final boss of the dungeon, unless your units are maxed out, expect to funnel upwards of four people to gang up on one enemy, especially Villagers and Dread Fighters. Also, I won't tell you what exactly goes on in said fight, but don't waste any of your Turnwheel uses prior to this, because depending on your luck with the reinforcement pattern, the situation can become unwinnable without deaths no matter who you bring, unless you grinded a lot. The whole thing might just be to sell the Overclasses, honestly.
  3. If you're running a Fury build on Celica, I personally suggest that you just go all-in with Desperation instead of Renewal, since you can't really expect to return to full health with Fury unless you barely use Celica at all. Fury + Ragnarok recoil instantly puts Celica in Desperation range. Also, if you're gonna run Raurblade, Tharja is just better.
  4. Yes, as far as I know. OverClasses are to go even further beyond.
  5. Well, there are two Villager's Forks so far (not sure if the Western version has them released yet), so you can make two non-Dread Fighters reset as well, but only once (or you could use both on the same guy). The OverClasses are a promotion, so that naturally comes with 20 more levels I guess.
  6. What new weapons are we even getting? I never heard anything about it.
  7. But the thing is, assuming that you play both sides at the same time, by the time you get the Hexlock Shield and the means to transport it without backtracking forever, you'll already have a Dread Fighter (or will be extremely close to having one, at least), so I don't think there's much point. It can still contribute, but it barely matters imo. I recommend you go back in, though. The Fear Shrine contains the Duma Lance, Speed Ring, and Blessed Shield too, all great equipment to have, especially the first two.
  8. That one was epic the first time I heard it, but it kinda got old for me as I kept on playing. It lacks the oomph of The Dauntless Blade, nor does it have the whimsical feel of A Blade on the Wind. It definitely fits the final battle, but I wish I could change it back afterwards.
  9. Mercenaries can grind infinitely because Dread Fighter loops back into Villager for some reason (and only Dread Fighter can do this), so I guess the Starsphere makes the endgame grinding for max stats easier, if you wish to do so.
  10. Lack of communication kills relationships, even in Fire Emblem. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are partially caused by Celica not telling Alm or her friends about her problems, which just leaves her steaming inside while everyone else is just confused. I don't blame her, though, and I think it's realistic. There definitely are people like that. Everyone else already said what I wanted to say.
  11. Probably, yeah. It took about a week or two for Japan to get the second set iirc. If it makes you feel any better, I believe there's a unique drop in the easier temple that's unobtainable in the deeper part, but it hasn't been confirmed yet.
  12. It's just RNG. I think the deeper part of the Astral Temple (second set of DLC) has higher drop rates for the Shards? Also, there's a Water Dragon in the deeper part that seems to always drop a Shard.
  13. I have to disagree with Zofia Castle, Desaix's Fort and the map right before Rigel Castle. Zofia Castle is mostly okay except for that one goddamn corridor with archers bearing down. It's annoying to get through without some risk-taking, especially since people like Silque can get ORKOed. Desaix's Fort is terrible. It's literally just one chokepoint to a castle, and once you finally break through the choke you get to deal with 20 Avoid forever because Castle tiles make sense. The best you can do is try and have Clair do some diversion to the sides, but she can't do much because of the stationed archers. The map before Rigel Castle is another one of those "let's sprinkle 5-range bows and Mire everywhere", featuring more castle tiles. It's super tedious unless you feel like dashing through a long corridor, praying the same unit doesn't get hit four times in a row.
  14. Apparently if you have Celica recruit Faye, Faye says she missed Celica. So there's that, I guess. Maybe she just takes a long time to warm up to people, like in her support with Silque? My favourites (from JP version): Celica: I love how elegant and kind she is. Lukas: He's really chill and reliable. Mae: Always there to cheer people up. Mathilda: She has this really cool air about her. Kliff: I love that he's cynical without being uncaring. Definitely my favourite out of the Ram Villagers. I would put the Whitewings and Zeke up there too, but they're technically not Gaiden/Echoes characters. Least favourites: Boey: Boring. He's the butt of a few jokes sometimes I guess, but nothing special. Clive: Just bland. Forsyth: Boring. Takes everything seriously. Luthier: Holy crap you're boring. At least your sister is a great unit. Python: Boring. It's hard to like someone who doesn't do anything. There are some boring males in this game.
  15. I can't think of how Celica could die and the game wouldn't just end... Maybe it was dummied out? Maybe it's DLC? I actually tried getting some of these in my game so I could listen to them, but it's postgame and I can't rig my Mathilda to die without half an hour of work lol.
  16. You don't really have to, because I know for a fact from playing that you can get Mage spells as a Sage/Priestess/etc. I just don't know how they determine when you get the spells. I know for sure that you don't have to get to the same level numerically.
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