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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Isn't Chon'sin on the continent of Valentia?
  2. Now we can play that star-crossed thing with Sharena and Celica.
  3. While poking around for the other FE4 mangas, I somehow came across an Ayra figurine. Huh. I didn't know FE was hot enough to get figurines back in the day.
  4. Oh, huh. I've only ever checked out the Oosawa one, and never heard anyone mention the others. Strange. CLEARLY THAT MEANS THE FANDOM EMBRACES LEX x AYRA
  5. Camus' tragic stuff really shines more in the Archanea games. His role here with Tatiana is just to supplement the tragedy. She's more like a flying warship, since she gets Rewarp.
  6. They're Hectors. You have 10 years worth of time to kill all of them lol. Renewal or Desperation doesn't really matter.
  7. Now I wish they had a cross-route support post-game.
  8. She's pretty great for the first half of the game, especially with the Angel Ring (yay random crits) or Magic Ring (yay 4 range Aura nuke). She is bae.
  9. He doesn't recover 40 though, iirc. Then again I hit the benchmark for the shield drop just fine.
  10. That's probably because the Medusa guy is healing him, right?
  11. What did you say about Mae come here fite me Or are you saying Ayra is gonna be bad when she gets released? Oooooooh...
  12. He actually has 182 HP (200 on Hard), and his seal doesn't activate until he has about 30% of his health left (56 for Normal mode, not sure if it's the same number for Hard, I don't think it was).
  13. Just don't let Alm die. You should be bringing every Saint you have, because they're that good.
  14. Basically, by using a weapon a lot, you can unlock Arts specific to that weapon (some weapons/equipment share Arts though). Arts use a bit of HP to activate, and prevent you from doubling, but you gain properties, such as bonus Hit/Might/Crit, a Silence effect on an arrow, increased range, a Brave weapon effect, Astra, etc.
  15. I guess it's mostly because of the Warp nerf and Silque's shaky Atk growth, which makes Warp less useful than it should be for a long time, but it's quite important for things like skipping to Tatara to kill him so Delthea stops doing her thing, and fighting Nuibaba in general. @DragonFlames It's honestly not hard to figure out, considering Gaiden was FE2, and Mystery of the Emblem was FE3. The timeline is FE1/Shadow Dragon -> FE2 -> FE3/New Mystery.
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