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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. @Ertrick36 Well, yeah, it does factor into how it Camus' story ended, but his actual involvement in Echoes is minimal, and his relationship with Tatiana is only meaningful because of FE1 and 3.
  2. Ah. The Mogalls can get overwhelming sometimes. It's a bit of RNG, honestly. Invoke won't help you with those guys, but you'll love it for the boss itself.
  3. If the chapter boss is a problem, Invoke is your friend. Abuse the overpowered Saints.
  4. My army was generally in that level range when I beat the game on Hard Classic. As long as a few key units are strong (Alm, Palla, Catria, Mathilda), it's pretty doable. Otherwise, you should still be able to win imo, it's just more tedious.
  5. She doesn't need the Starsphere to already be extremely good. When you get Zeke, give it to him, though; he has the highest growth total in the game, but they're all coin-flip growths. The Starsphere will break him.
  6. Can't go wrong with TA3 Raven. Not even +Atk Klein kills her, while she kills him back. Renewal is alright on Hector I guess. Especially if he has Bonfire. It also works for Celica. Other than that not really, since Quick Riposte is better. What Phineas said.
  7. I just thought: Genny has never had a father in her life (I think), and her mother abandoned her at a young age. Psychologists currently believe that the key cause for a father complex to develop is the lack of a father figure in life. She does say she wants an older man. Saber could be Genny's father (at least age-wise and hair color it makes sense, and Saber did play around as seen in his support with Jesse, but nothing solid really, just my headcanon). Estranged blood relatives that meet for the first time as adults often fall victim to genetic sexual attraction (yay Fire Emblem). I'm going to hell for this
  8. With that trash Res, I'm not sure lol. Camilla can do it because she can ORKO the Archer AND tank the mages. Can Michalis even do the first thing? I don't have any of the stats around.
  9. And like I already said, their endings don't change regardless if either of them die. This is especially true if Genny dies, since Saber still takes in said "stunning" wife with no issues. Also, the support thing I mentioned is actually significant, because every character gets passive supports with literally everyone that they might be somewhat related to or would communicate with (Celica and all the Ram Village kids), even in passing (Silque and Jesse), with the sole exception of Jesse and Kamui. It is still a valid ship with some support from in-game material, but I was disagreeing with your statement that the ship can be anything remotely close to semi-canon.
  10. Kliff actually has a pretty solid Spd growth (a personal of 60%) compared to the default Archers you get.
  11. They have no support convo or passive, and their endings don't change regardless if either one of them die, so it's really just conjecture. Not to say it's extremely unlikely, just not to be taken as anything remotely canon. With how terrible his experiences were back in Archanea, I can't blame the dude for not wanting to talk about it.
  12. Time to have Camilla shit on the map again.
  13. It's actually the best one I hear, since she doesn't have much to do with that Def other than tank Hector. Better than -Spd.
  14. Same here (as you can probably tell). In my tiny mind I pretend none of it happened and Celica is the best thing.
  15. Can I delete specific parts of the DLC? Or does all of it go away, and I have to redownload all the chapters?
  16. I'll agree that they're realistic, and that's what I thought too when I saw those maps. It makes sense in real life to design forts that way, and to defend them with a billion archers. But holy fuck it's not fun.
  17. There is no point. They just needed an excuse to have Celica get saved lol. It's supposed to play into her naivety and how she internalizes all her problems and tells no one, but it's not executed well at all.
  18. I wanted to like him, but even in-universe they describe him as boring. All he talks about is magic, and while it's cool knowledge, Luthier himself isn't interesting to me.
  19. No, that was @JSND's Klein. You're gonna take him and you're gonna love him.
  20. Non-flying Mov generally doesn't help much on Celica side a lot of times. You only really get to use Faye in Chapter 3 and 4, and that's when they throw deserts and swamps at you.
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