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Everything posted by Lord-Zero

  1. Mostly AR-crazy choices, how boring. At least give me some semi-decent fodder.
  2. Bernadetta in any form, axe armor Garon, Rinkah, Gen2 Arvis, Ayaha and Sain. That’s it.
  3. My first 2 votes were for Merric. Day 3, I went with Wrys. We’ll most likely end up with a second free Legendary Ike anyway so I’ll just meme vote this time.
  4. A drop in revenue and a player exodus? Not surprised. - Powercreep is as strong as ever. - Buffs/refines for older units are going at a snail’s pace. - The “story” is an embarrassing mess. And now, we have fairies into the mix... - Next to none character interactions. Sure, FB was a nice start but they haven’t really improved on it except giving us more generic headbands. - A lot of boring grinding events. Sure, most of the Japanese audience has been sort of domesticated into thinking this is good but it’s pretty bad in FEH. - The summoning pool keeps getting more and more bloated...why are units such as Raigh and Est STILL in 3* AND 4* rarity? Send those old units to a separate summoning pool with the currency being something similar to FGO’s Friend Points and put them in 1* and 2* rarity. - They’re too afraid of fanservice.
  5. I voted for Bernadetta this year because I wanted Brave Bernadetta and I’ll stick with her next year.
  6. Wow...pura caca. I didn’t think they’d make an anniversary so bad it’d make last year’s anniversary feel like a masterpiece. They spent more time trying to sell us on the Feh Pass crap and qol improvements that are behind said paywall. Terrible, terrible. The only good thing would be the free Silque for me.
  7. They can always base him on Loog and actually give him a griffon. As for Bernie, full Countess look or having her raid Byleth’s closet.
  8. Day 7 and one final vote for War Arc Bernadetta. I’m done for this year. Depending on this year’s results, I could probably end up supporting Ayaha, Rinkah or Sain next year.
  9. @eclipse? I was away from this forum for a quite a while so I did not know the details. I don’t recall myself “complaining” about Camilla in particular but whatever floats your boat. No need for your “not-too-subtle” hint thing on caps and bold letters, no less. Goodness gracious. If you have any particular problems with me, feel free to do so via Private Message. Back to topic, if this ends up all 3H, it’ll be interesting to see how they’ll handle made-up weapons this time around. They could always make them all daggers or bows now that we have colored variants.
  10. Which is why I’m voting for her War Arc variant. Academy Arc Bernie getting the “Brave” variant would feel a bit awkward.
  11. Day 4, another vote for War Arc Bernadetta. Just 3 more days and then it’s a waiting game to see who actually won.
  12. Maybe. “Divisive” in the terms that she’s also an antagonist of most routes. Some people “hate” her probably as much as others “like” her due to this. In Camilla’s case last year, she had an alt overflow with one released shortly before CYL3 began. This caused massive troll voting and “hate” voting. Edelgard, on the other side, currently has no alts but a rather more...defined “hatebase”. Not because of alt overflow/fanservice pandering but due to her actions in-game. Camilla isn’t nearly as “controversial” as Edelgard in that regard. Comparing the two of them, Camilla, despite her issues, was actually quite tame in Fates. Who knows what will actually happen this year...?
  13. I mean, as in “Lord” class characters/main characters in the Fire Emblem series. Ike, in particular, isn’t “Lord” class until later in PoR but he’s a main character. Characters such as Camilla and Veronica aren’t “Lord” class characters nor main characters in their respective games.
  14. Good thing she’s just a fictional character like every FE character people can vote for. You’re taking this too seriously. Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how this year’s early midterms will affect the final result.
  15. I don’t think there will be that many 3H banners. With TMS being a thing now, spin-offs are on the table so they can spread things out better this year. Well, since you’re open to suggestions, consider dropping a vote for Bernadetta. The Women’s Division could actually get two non-lords to win this year if Bernadetta and Lysithea are rallied hard enough. Camilla and Veronica have shown that it’s possible for non-lords to win. The whole idea of the usually socially awkward Bernadetta winning CYL and getting those “voices calling out for her” is pretty fun and there’s also the fact that voting for her is also voting for a character that isn’t in the game yet.
  16. Well, fortunately in this case, Edelgard seems to be far more divisive than Camilla ever was so there’s a decent shot at actually dethroning her with organized rallying. It’ll be tough but it should be a tiny bit easier than Claude dethroning Dimitri. These midterms only take the first 2 days into consideration so the window for an upset is actually pretty decent.
  17. Why just keeping her in second place when she can be first place if rallied hard enough? Claude being second place, I wonder if they’ll be satisfied with just being the Silver Deer instead of attempting to aim for the Gold...? Sure, attempting to dethrone Dimitri sounds insane but it’s definitely worth trying.
  18. Well, her Academy Arc version seems to be getting most of the votes so any vote towards her War Arc version will be quite welcome. You could always throw a couple of votes for her and then go back to Dimitri. I don’t think Claude will overtake him but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  19. I prefer her War Arc version because she looks more refined, more...mature. She’s still a bit socially awkward but she’s improved. Anyway, I didn’t expect midterms to be dropped so early. These results basically just cover the first 2 days.
  20. It seems people just like the messier version. Has more of a “shut-in” vibe than her War version. In any case, results are about what I expected. With some extra organization, Lysithea and Bernadetta could knock Edelgard down.
  21. Another day, another vote for Bernadetta. Just 4 more days until it’s officially over.
  22. They could actually try to put him on a griffon as a reference to Loog.
  23. She contributes absolutely nothing besides pointing us to the cave that has Durandal. She’s a worse Caeda. Then again, FE6 is basically FE3 with a slightly different label. Making her into a lord just because she’s Hector’s daughter would show how desperate IS is in trying to make her hang on the coattails of Hector’s popularity. In any case, that’s off-topic. Back to the actual topic, it’ll be interesting how the Byleths will fare now that they’ve confirmed that the Byleths from the 2 arcs will be tallied together.
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