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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. I love the Oboro and Saizou art, but I'm curious as to why that support ?

    It wasn't that great imo, compared to her others >< Eh, at least they didn't put S in xD

    Though tbh I would have expected Saizou x Kagerou or something ?

    and holy Kurodeko's art looks so familiar,

    reminds me a lot of some kancolle stuff !

  2. hmm that's really strange, I preordered mines three days ago and it hasn't charged me ; A ;

    but yeah, definitely try calling in ! Although it may be because sometimes gamestop will charge you for pre-orders, but not the full price until the game actually comes out ? For example, a friend of mines preordered in store and she had to put down $25 or something, so it may be similar with online things ? ; u ;

    I'm actually...on hold with gamestop atm and they told me to wait 30 minutes lmao

  3. I meant should I choose Spellcaster for my avatar's secondary to pass onto Leon. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

    omg !! I feel so silly now aha ~

    imo, He doesn't need it; he does best sticking with something like Dark Knight or Grandmaster (if you have DLCs)

    ...unless you want the skills that come with the class promotions...? ; u ;

  4. I chose option 2. Honestly, it all boils down to your own opinion -if you haven't played it yourself or seen any gameplays yet, it's a bit unfair to judge it based on what you've heard. Watch a few youtube videos and see what you think then.

    Besides, it's likely that the localized version will be different than the Japanese one, so I'd definitely say wait until a good 1-2 months after it's release and you know what to expect if you don't want to have to return it after realizing you hate it or something xD.

    Also I did a no-grind Lunatic Hoshido and IK run and it was fine, so I wouldn't worry about that.

    (No grind as in the only maps I've played are like 1-3 children paralogues and the rest have been main chapters, I don't even do the side stuff)

  5. Are you talking about the first one with the three ?
    I remember having trouble with it the first time, then I restarted and did this:

    Pair up Owain and Severa. Put Inigo in the VERY corner of the map, bottom left hand side. Put Owain + Severa pair directly in front of Inigo.

    Units will all swarm towards you -during your turn, either use the boost items or heal up. Your three units will automatically destroy anyone who comes near them during enemy phase. Severa will attack with Inigo, and Owain will have defense guard with Severa, when the boss comes to you, swap into Owain (whose stats have NOT been lowered significantly) and he will destroy the boss.

    ^ I literally copy and pasted that from a thread I posted in a few months back when it first came out xD

    But yeah, that's what I did and it worked for me !

  6. I guess I'm in the minority here, but I've used both consoles and prefer the new 3DS XL much more as opposed to the old 3DS XL system ~

    imo, the circle pad is a lot smoother (I didn't realize how unresponsive it was until I played exclusively on my new 3DS for months wasting away on FE:if) and the 3D is SO MUCH BETTER. You can actually move around now when you use the option, and you don't have to be a certain distance to get it to work. I also think the volume settings are a lot better (your options are wider and it's easier to control). And of course, the auto-brightness settings are extremely responsive, so if you're like me and like to play fe:if at night until you pass out, your eyes won't start to see spots from staring at the screen too long afterwards xD

    I'm seriously considering buying a new 3DS XL for the localized version when it comes out as well

    but that probably won't happen since I've already spent too much on this series lmao

  7. It's ok mima

    once winter break rolls in im drawing some obokumi for great justice

    she might end up a bit bara though coming from me ehehe

    aha PLEASE do xD

    I've been avoiding tumblr lately because of all kamutaku stuff on my dash hnng

    Oh. My mistake ;-; sorry, I haven't probably shouldn't have butted in, given I don't speak Japanese…sorry!

    Aah oh my gosh, I'm sorry I was just using your post as an example since you conveniently mentioned pixiv,

    askdfsj I hope I didn't make you feel bad !! ; A ;

    My view of popularity is probably a bit skewed, because I tend to look on game forums for FE:Fates information (prominently SF) rather than on Pixiv or on Tumblr. I never really got used to Pixiv's layout; I made an account two years ago and barely touched it. And as for Tumblr, it has too many spoilers that it doesn't tag properly, and I've learned the hard way to stay clear of it. Anyways...

    On this website, a lot people have played the game or read the supports, and hence support TakuObo. I was actually surprised when there was a confession here saying that KamuTaku was really popular, because I've rarely stumbled upon it, since a lot of people here don't really like Kamui as a character. So here, the ships that I've seen people mention the most are Subaki/Luna (for Matoi), Marx/Charlotte, TakuObo, and TakuLeo (and a couple of optimization pairings). And since my pool of information was pretty limited, TakuObo seemed like a huge ship to me, especially given Oboro's established crush.

    So sorry about jumping the gun on that. I shouldn't go around making hasty statements without fully knowing the situation, such as asserting that the TakuObo fanbase is big when it isn't. But I still do think that my hatred for the character does stand from the reason I've listed, although admittedly it sounds a bit irrational given the full context.

    Aaah really ? For some reason, it's just where ever I go, it's always F!Kamui x Takumi ><

    I just haven't seen many Takuobo shippers here either, but I tend to steer clear of SF for...other reasons,

    though I'm usually online chatting through PMs ~

    Sorry if I seemed like I was being a bit rude, I've just seen so many people hate on Oboro because of her crush on Takumi, I just feel a need to defend her all the time, since their support is actually pretty great in game xD

    But I'm going to be need to introduced to all the other Takuobo shippers here, because so far I think it's only me, Lumi, and Sunwoo lmao

    but yeah, no need to apologize ! I myself got a bit riled up for no reason, aha ~ ; u ;

    Yeah now that you mention it I haven't actually seen a bunch of Takuobo on the internet, only a selection that I've been personally interested in because of my feelings for that pairing. It's a real shame, but I imagine it may increase when the game releases in US/PAL? Either way I agree about Kamui/Takumi and Hinata/Oboro. Not a fan.

    Ah that's what I'm hoping ! ; U ;

    the TakuObo fandom is actually depressingly small, even amongst Japanese players...

    and in game, too; I've visited hundreds of castles, and only a small handful have that navy haired Kisaragi LOL

    aaand to stay on topic, I forgot to add but another guilty confession I have is that I dislike Asama (same reasons as Zero)

    and tbh I married Leon myself, but I really wish it wasn't an option to marry your siblings...

    the whole S support, especially for Hoshido family, it's just...aaaah ; m ;

    (worse than M!Kamui x Soleil imo lol)

  8. *coughs* well hello ~

    I feel like I'm turned away from Oboro purely because she is so popular and I see TakuObo all over the place, which really pisses me off. Because you shouldn't hate a character for their fanbase, especially their positive fanbase, but...

    Well, I can't really help how I feel.

    I still think she's interesting as a character and I look forward to playing with her, but every time someone mentions her as best girl or or gushes about how cute she is with Takumi, I can't help but get a little irked. Like... nothing against those people. They're just people liking what they like, and I'd do the same in their shoes if I loved Oboro and TakuObo.

    But, idk. It's just a personal, stupid thing.

    I'm all for people expressing their own opinions, but the TakuObo fanbase is extremely small, especially considering how many people actually HAVE the game atm and how many people know of the game via stuff online atm.

    Uh, I guess another confession is that I hardcore ship Oboro/Orochi and I don't know why but I just do.

    I see a bunch of takuobo on pixiv, and the General Fire Emblem Art thread, there are links to some of that artwork.

    Let's take what Shadowess says for example;

    a "bunch" of TakuObo on pixiv.

    doing a quick search ~

    Oboro tag: 203 results

    TAKUOBO TAG: 28 results

    Takumi tag: 978 results

    KAMUTAKU TAG: 368 results, note how it is much more than the Oboro results in general.

    You, my friend are either hating on the wrong girl or hating for the wrong reason.

    It's no shame to feel hatred for a character for no purpose, but let's keep it within reason (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞♥

    all that gushing is probably from me anyways xD and the only reason I'm so set on getting this through is because I'm frustrated as one of the few Takuobo shippers that actually exist aha I do searches on them in all sorts of Japanese websites, and yeppp they are NOT popular, not even in my castles

    THAT aside, my guilty confession is that I absolutely can't stand Zero ; m ;

    I want to love all the characters so badly, I just...can't.

    I also really dislike F!Kamui x Takumi and Hinata x Oboro ~

    their supports are pretty bad, especially if you have a good understanding of Japanese

    and compare it to all the other support options sighs

  9. The comic anthology was actually really funny (Saizou was pretty hilarious and I loved the takuobohina one)

    I have high hopes for the Nohr one, though I probably will be opting out of buying it ~

    If I hadn't bought the Hoshido one and 4koma, I totally would have gotten all three together though sighs

    also the artist who drew the cover for the Hoshido anthology didn't actually have a comic, I think ??

    (at least not that I remember -if they had one, it was better drawn than the actual cover, which I am very upset about ><)

    but Nohr cover is really cool, I like all the character placements and Aqua just looks awesome ( that hairr ~ * q * ) ~

  10. I feel like all child units have the potential to be "great" (depending on who their parent is; I mean you can make a really strong anything if you choose the right asset/flaw for your Kamui and marry someone to get the optimal child then mass buy skills from other players, and all of that kind of goes into unit optimization), so not really taking them into consideration.

    I've found Charlotte, Oboro, and Takumi to be pretty amazing, they're always on my team for every run. Sakura, too;

    Charlotte has massive HP and can easily get a 100% crit rate; her only weakness is against mag units, but she could probably get some skill to counter that (or can she get vantage?), I usually just keep her away from those and she can take out anyone else // tank any other attacks for me.

    Oboro's pretty much great in every way, her critical rate is pretty high as well and she takes damage well too. Same applies to Takumi, though if I HAD to say he had a weakness, it would be his vulnerability towards enemy units next to him (since he's an archer, and imo he does best in that class so I keep him as one), and no mag means no shining bow.

    Sakura is pretty great with a shining bow, but I've been running her as war priestess + servant's joy which probably isn't the most effective usage for her, but it works and she gets things done ~ * U * (tbh her str isn't bad either, I think she's just a very good unit in general, and the fact that you get her early on really helps)

    Kazahana really impressed me in my lunatic run, but not so much Hoshido run, so I'm very conflicted about her ???

    for lunatic, her dodge rate is incredibly high and she can hit hard. I'm still not very sure on what's up with her so I'm going to do a bit more testing around and whatnot before I put her on my list xD

    Oboro!Kisaragi, STR asset Kamui!Foleo, and Kanna are really great too, though I'm not going to touch too much into child units because reasons as stated above

  11. I'm not sure about stat boosters, but if you use boots on a unit the effect stays even if you reclass.

    If you wait enough turns on the Witch map, a witch in guard stance will appear carrying a warp scroll, which can be used to give warp to any unit above lv 15 promoted. This is helpful if you don't feel like reclassing.

    aslkfdj OH my, I did not know that !! thanks for telling me, I was able to get a scroll for Oboro ; U ;

    the first time I ran the map...I was literally one turn away from her showing up, so I'm beating myself up a bit for missing her xD

    but yes, definitely helpful, thanks again !

    also replaced flamboyant with breaking sky, so that should help.

    Depends on her class, but from her base classes alone:


    28 SKL (12%)

    Class Bonus (17%)

    Ogre Strike (37%)

    Roundhouse (47%)

    Beaststone+ (52%)

    Beaststone+ SKL Boost (56%)

    You can also get Awakening for 86% but with access to Odd Cry and Sol, Velour shouldn't have to have low HP on Player Phase. If you go the Vantage + Awakening route and make her an enemy phase attacker then you won't activate Ogre Strike anyway.


    31 SKL (13%)

    Class Bonus (33%)

    Ogre Strike (53%)

    Roundhouse (63%)

    Great Club (118%)

    Awakening (148%)

    To actually hit anything with Roundhouse and the Great Club you need Raven Strike or Flamboyance so I'd say go:


    Ogre Strike



    Odd Cry



    Ogre Strike



    Odd Cry

    or even


    Ogre Strike



    Raven Strike;

    You'd have an effective +70 HIT and a 30% Astra chance.

    aah thanks for the in depth insight !! * U *

    I'm definitely planning on keeping her as a managarm (I seldom reclass units)

    but hnng that berserker set up is...quite tempting ~

    I might try it out for my lunatic run, thanks for the help !

    but yeah, she's sitting at 37% crit rate right now, which isn't too bad, but I'm expecting more of her since she's charlotte's daughter lol

    and yep, Velour has pretty nice HP and a handful of skills that keep her nice and healthy at all times.

    Though she probably doesn't need magic counter, so I'll see ~

    also screenshotting this on my tablet so I'll be able to refer back to it xD

  12. They use Midoriko for PvP, and that is different.

    They have grinded for green numbers so growth rates don't matter, while skills and caps become important.

    Growth rates are much more important than caps for main game.

    Sakura!Modoriko has 32.5% Str and 27.5% Mag... Both are lower than Odin so it is not RNG XD.

    aah that makes a lot of sense !!

    hnnng I wish I saw this months ago before I made my decisions xD

    I never thought perhaps people were telling me to go Sakura!Mido because of CAPs aaah

    thanks for the clarification though !! ; U ;

    yeah, I never planned on using her for PvP team, so that's probably why I preferred Felicia as her mother so much more...

    wait but Odin ? what does he have to do with anything lol

  13. ooh a question about class changes -

    I'm planning on getting warp for a few of my units, which means I'll have to make them all witches for a while;

    Let's say that I have Oboro who I've already given a few HP +5's too, and she's a level ~50 holy lancer.

    If I reclass her to witch, get warp, then go back to holy lancer, would she lose those +5 HPs ?? (same for boots);

    this is seriously the first game in which I haven't hoarded stat-boosting items, so I am pretty clueless.

    Also, what is a good crit build for her ?

    I'm currently running Astra, Flamboyant, Ogre Strike, Lifetaker, and Clone;

    I want to add in vantage somewhere, though I guess she doesn't really need it -I'm mainly looking for a replacement for clone,

    seeing as how I only use it for DLC grinding purposes anyway ~

    she currently averages about ~60% crit when she activates battle, which isn't bad but probably could be higher ??

    (I had a higher crit one for Hoshido run, though that was normal)

    aaand on another note, does anyone know approximately Velour's potential max crit rate w/ ogre strike ?

    I have Charlotte as her mother (with cnosistent 100% crit rate) and Velour's only at ~30%.

    a friend and I are planning on having a match and I want a crit team lmao

  14. You may try Midoriko/Sakura. Just don't stick her with merchant class too long because she will lag some speed.Midoriko would be good as priestess or butler with miracle skill combination.

    it might just be rng or whatnot, but I really disliked Sakura!Midoriko...

    she was very weak, even with the shining bow;

    I usually go Felicia!Midoriko, but was advised to try using Sakura as her parent so that Felicia could mother Eponine,

    and now they're both do very very badly. I would have preferred to do Felicia!Midoriko and leave Zero and Sakura unmarried, like my other runs;

    I'm planning on doing that for lunatic as well ~

    (Also I don't even think Midoriko can get maid class unless I have her marry Deere, who I haven't even picked up yet. ; m ;

    Soleil's married to Foleo too so that option's out)

    but yeah I'm sure Mido/Eponine might be okay with some leveling, but because there are so many other units that outshine them,

    and they're just so incredibly bad atm, it's just not worth it to me anymore ><

  15. I pair Lazward with Luna already, or should I give up on Epionne?

    Honestly, you're not missing out on much if you do.

    I'd rather have less child units than pair characters up randomly,

    plus there's a handful of characters that tend to do better than her just in general imo.

    I'm pretty disappointed by the Eponine I got despite optimizing her and now she's just benched with Midoriko (screwed their parent options up so now I can't even use either)

    I'm just gonna say, unless you're not the greatest at Fire Emblem or playing Lunatic, you're not really gonna have a hard time, so try pairing couples you LIKE rather than for some kind of min-maxing optimization.

    Aand I'm going to second this, except scratch Lunatic.

    I did no optimization for a lunatic IK run and it went fine ~

    (Nohr is manageable too, I tend to just use characters I like anyways)

    but seriously I think this is the first time I've heard someone this on here lol ; u ;

    also more on topic, I've fond Nyx!Shara to be an amazing sorceress // magic user,

    along with Elise!Ophelia (despite being really flimsy) and Charlotte!any non-mag child lol but I'm using Velour is great as well !

    I'm on the edge with Setsuna!Kinu, but after leveling her a ton and giving her aptitude, she's turning out pretty good ~

    her dodge rates are pretty great and with Astra she's bound to do some damage even if her str's pretty low when starting out

    and of course I always believe Oboro!Kisaragi is the best option for him, I don't reclass many characters anyways so idc if Takumi doesn't get an extra class or whatnot

    and with buying skills as an option...it's a no-brainer for me lol

  16. My guess is that several of them were simply hacked, where the stats where maximized without too much grinding? I mean, I read quite a bit on reddit that a lot of Wifi teams are manipulated (I read "Action Replay", I believe?). Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they actually grinded the conventional way.

    RIGHT totally forgot to take that into consideration.

    That makes a lot of sense, considering how many hacked teams I've seen in PvP and just in general.

    I feel a bit better about my slow grinding now xD

    on a more on topic note, which is a better parent for Matoi, Aqua, Sakura, Kazahana, Felicia, Rinka, or Kagerou ?

    I'm pretty much sprinting into my lunatic run blindly and have no plans for anything -would any kind of Matoi potentially be a good witch ?

    *I've been going Aqua!Matoi for all my runs so far, but tbh I'm not too fond of their supports, so just seeing my other options ; u ;

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