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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. I want to say IK, but probably Hoshido ???

    Not voting for now since I can't figure out which yet.

    The only reason I like IK though, is because you get both sides (and a happy end?) which is a win in my book -however,

    I've been on the last two chapters for the past four months so I have no idea how exactly it all ends yet xD

    In all honesty though, Nohr's plot is terrible.

    I actually had to delete my game because of how bad it was, and no amount of gameplay // interesting maps could make it up for me.

    There are definitely a few characters that I like, but the vast majority of my favorites are in Hoshido, mostly because I found their personalities to be a lot more interesting and unclichéd.

    Also, another thing that I have a huge problem with -

    one thing that I love about the Hoshido route is how you're able to see the better sides of some of your Nohr siblings (basically all of them except maybe Marx, though that's debatable; Hoshido route is actually what made me start liking the Nohr royal siblings, such as Leon), but in the Nohr route, everyone just seems mindless and cruel -including Kamui, who is just so wishy-washy, like please stop and actually make your own decisions for once ?? It's also pretty ridiculous that even in the Nohr version you basically have to defeat yourself (by that I mean King Garon, who represents Nohr) and Hoshido just wasn't in the wrong but was forced to suffer for their mistakes. The plot probably could have been improved if they vilified Hoshido a bit, but the problem lies in the fact that they didn't.

    Anyways just my two cents ~

  2. It depends from the route. On Hoshido and on IK I think you can give the Boots to Oboro and not have any problem. On Nohr it'd be best to give it to either Camilla or Xander, since that +1 Mov can really help them. I don't have the game though, so take this with a grain of salt.

    I think that EXP gain varies based on difficulty. Maybe you're playing on Hard or Lunatic while others are playing on Easy/Phoenix.

    aah totally got caught up with rl but thanks for the answer !

    I deleted my Nohr file and filled it up with all IK runs, plus Camilla and Xander are usually unfortunately benched (ugh so many good characters I can't decide which ones to use) -so I guess I'll split them between Oboro and Takumi (just because I'd hate the latter to be left behind since i always have them in attack formation lol)

    and ooh I totally didn't think about that !!

    I've been playing both hard and lunatic, so that may be the reason ><

    It's a bit hard to believe that THAT many people are playing on easy though ?? (and I always reset if more than one of my units die on any map, so kind of like pheonix mode so I'm taking that out of account) None of my characters got close to cap on normal either, but I didn't grind much there.

    A good handful of players I've encountered through wifi have capped teams ~

  3. More of a general question about boots -

    would it be really pointless if I just gave them all to holy lancer!Oboro ?

    I was trying to decide between her and Takumi, and at first I was thinking the latter; but I don't really use his Fuujin bow anymore, so it wouldn't be as useful for him without the bow's terrain negation effects;

    Who do people usually give the boots to anyways ? Mounted units ?

    I don't really use any in my main file, so there's not too much of an option there (mounted units are either mostly benched or have been reclassed) and I don't think giving it to my f!Kamui would be a good idea since she's a dark blood class with magic flaw (silly mistake on my end and I am full of forever regret).

    But yeah, any advice would be great ~ ; U ;

    I just don't want to hoard them forever and have them waste away like they did in my other games ><

    Also on a side note, HOW does everyone level up their units so quickly ??

    I'm seeing capped level 99 units everywhere when I visit castles and HOW lol

    I grind so much on the DLC maps (I have all of them, I do a combo of the weapons, exp, and gold ones)

    and have been using eternal seals but...it's...really slow... ; A ;

    leveling is under unit optimization right lol

  4. Like, I think we would need another set of comics to "expand", as in it would feel more uh...complete? so to speak?


    ...Well I dunno though

    Yeah, that's the problem I find with a lot of the comics in the 4koma -because the authors are given so few panels, most of them are a bit bland for me, and I was really disappointed when I got it (should have listened to those reviews haha) ; m ; but the comic anthology is really good !

    the second comic is so cute though, Kazahana freaking out over something like tripping lmao

    ok I kind of like her with Tsubaki now aah

  5. I imagine they won't get DLC pictures. It'll probably be like Robin where they made figures (or was it just the amiibos?) with the default appearance.

    I've tossed a vote or two f!Kamui's way in the hopes that if she ends up more popular than m!Kamui she'll be the one to get all the merchandise this time...

    oh WHAT in that case I want Oboro to win even more !! ; m ;

    though imo, I think f!Kamui's a LOT more popular amongst Japanese fans anyways;

    literally 70+% of the castles I visit online (and on japanese forums and such) have female Kamuis.

    The m!Kamui's just don't have as great customization options (hair, mostly lol)

  6. Still voting for Takumi and Oboro,

    but on a sidenote, I'm really curious as to how they'll implement the Kamuis in if they actually win ?

    Like will everyone get their own personalized ones ?

    Because I can't see how that'll work out well ; u ;

    (unless it's going to be like -Anna decided to temporarily put make up on Kamui and dye their hair // give them a wig so that they look different ! lol)

    I kind of want to see Belka or Soleil win as well though !

    I'm hoping they'll pick two females and two males ~

  7. More exclusive S-support pairings;not everyone can marry everyone, no characters that can ONLY marry avatars ( like, give them at least one or two more options, yeah ? ; u ; )...reading a lot of the supports in FE:if was just a bit cringe-worthy for me, the convos are just awkward and don't make much sense. I'd personally say three-maybe five options for each characters is good.

    I'm looking at you future predicting Mikoto

  8. Ophelia, Sakura, Elise, and Shara seem to be good. Especially a Nyx!Shara.

    Aaah thanks for the suggestions -I might go Elise!Ophelia if I decide not to make her a dark flier this time or Nyx!Shara...

    The latter actually sounds a bit more fitting, so I'll probably go with that ~

    She would have a -2 MAG modifier and about 15% MAG growth (35% as a Witch), which isn't very good, unfortunately. She'd also be wasting the very high STR growth and modifier she got from Soleil (+5 or +9 depending on your Asset).

    alsdfkj I'm still beating myself up for making my main file's F!Kamui magic flaw...

    and I can't believe I made the same mistake for my lunatic file too aagh

    thanks for the statistics though, it's convincing enough that I guess I'll just make Kanna a dark blood~ ; u ;

    orr maybe I'll just make her a dreadfighter like Soleil ~

  9. Reading through this thread....WHAT.

    Elise = same age as Elfie ?

    Camilla // Hinoka = 17 ?!

    That is...completely different than what I had originally assumed;

    I put Kamui at 18-19

    Ryouma // Marx at 25

    Camilla // Hinoka at 20-22

    Aqua at 18-20 (I like thinking she's older than Kamui)

    Takumi // Leon at 18

    Sakura at 14-15

    Elise at 13-14

    I gave very few subordinates thought, but something like

    Kazahana at 16

    Tsubaki at 18

    Oboro at 16-17 (given her personality)

    Hinata at 18

    Belka at 17

    and I was conciously making them younger than I thought with knowledge that this was...well, back then when people became adults at age 15 or whatnot and that this was an FE (and more in general Japanese) game, where it's popular to have characters a lot younger than they seem.

    But if Camilla/Hinoka are 17...

    then everyone's probably liek ~14 which makes me uncomfortable.

  10. [spoiler=map image]annamap.jpg

    all enemy units are Hormone and William lmao

    Anna doesn't come with her "Anna's good fortune bow//アンナの福弓" btw

    also I tested in all my files, Anna's stats for this map alone are capped no matter what;

    her levels differ depending on where you are in the game, however.

  11. screw pics, gimme vidyas! lol

    aaah I bought my 3ds too much in a rush for FE:if to come out so I don't have a capture card // proper set up or anything

    so it'd probably be all shaky and whatnot

    my sister has a great camera though cause she's a photographer so the quality would be okay i guess xD

    i might try testing it out later if the dlc comes out ~

  12. someone is going to post the Anna map right? right?! I need her like I need air!

    I always post screenshots of the DLC maps when they come out, so I'll do that for this one too ~

    Well, based on what I read, there was no eshop update today due to Silver Week.

    So...maybe next week?

    Wait, didn't silver week end yesterday ? I think one of my cousins or someone mentioned it lasted until the 23rd in Japan ?

    also the release date still says the 24th, so I'm pretty sure the devs took that into consideration when they out the dates for the maps ~

    otherwise I'll be extremely sad xD

  13. yep general boss has divine shield, vantage, defensive formation, and a lot of HP which makes him extremely annoying to kill.

    Astra with a hammer and a crit hit didn't even kill him, but two strong units should do the trick.

    Probably should have used Foleo with a tome in the first place, but he was too far away ~

  14. Actually, earning 1 HP per enemy defeated would be a pretty quick way to raise a unit's overall health. Of course, last I checked, only FE4 gave out permanent stat boosts for tasks other than using stat-boosting items, raising levels, or promoting...

    Agh I'm sorry I was super sleepy and made a typo -units earn 1 exp per unit defeated sans enemy bosses, not HP xD

  15. And for curiosity's sake, what bow is Anna using in the third screenshot featuring her map?

    scrolled through my entire IK save file and found one called アンナの福弓 (Anna's good fortune bow)

    Equipped it on Takumi, it's the one pictured ~ * U *

    description of the bow says luck +5 // ability // str (能力) decrease ?

    oh, yeah so luck+5, skill and str decrease.

  16. So I have two chances to put Aether on someone?

    There are three bosses, one carries aether, one carries steel blade, and one carries veteran's intuition.

    You have to defeat them all in 12 or less turns to get the skills, I believe you can play the map as many times as you want...

    so you have unlimited chances to put aether on a unit.

    edit: to get Aether, you have to defeat the general standing in the middle.

  17. Details // strategies for map;

    three bosses, one carries steel blade, another carries veteran's intuition, last one carries aether.

    I can't remember which one, but I'm preeetty sure it's the one carrying aether, but it's the toughest boss of them all and it's a general class with vantage.

    I had Soleil take care of him (everyone was out of reach) but it took an astra with a hammer, standing next to Oboro who of course activated a crit...

    yet still, Foleo ended up tanking a vantage and defeating his last few HP.

    Map ends once all three bosses are defeated, bosses will keep getting reinforcements until they are defeated ~

    enemies will all swarm towards you;

    most of them are fairly weak, around 40-50 HP, watch out for the great merchants with extravagance.

    Also, enemies that had 19% hit rate still...ended up hitting my units xD

    Dual guard is recommended to put your units at the edge of stairs to tank attacks;

    there are a LOT of enemies. Like a lot lol

    put a few of your strongest units at the bottom right so you can sneak up on the bosses, there aren't many enemies there so they won't be swarmed.

    Most of my units run clone + lifetaker, some just run renewal, it helps a lot.

    Also the map ends in 12 turns and you get the vanguard seal afterwards;

    however I finished it in seven and still got all the rewards ~

    (map also ends when you defeat the bosses)

    oh also, you will earn next to no HP for defeating all enemies except the boss (I literally got one HP each time someone was defeated)

    so unless you're trying to rack up support convos // weapon ranks, don't bring along anyone you're trying to level lol

    (I took Shara and Eponine along and despite being well under the enemy levels, they didn't get much exp either)

  18. screeches where's my credit card

    Ballistians and witches for everyone

    so excited for all of these to come out ~

    edit: just bought season pass rip social life

    oh wow, so you can use lots of units for this map.

    Here's screenshot of starting if anyone's curious, going to play it now;


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