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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. buy the game and punch through the Japanese.

    You can do it ヽ(o♡o)/

    Also, there's still no confirmation date on exactly when the localized version will come out in 2016...

    I mean, it's unlikely, but for all we know, it could come out in December 2016 and you'd have to wait over a year for it then ~

  2. And IK would stay on the SD card since it's a DLC path, right?

    that would be correct ~

    basically, if you buy Hoshido and your friend buys Nohr, and you BOTH buy the DLC on separate consoles,

    once you swap cartridges, you'll keep your three IK save files and vice versa.

  3. Is Belka any good as a revenant knight ?

    I usually go Wyvern lord for her, but I'm thinking I want to try her as a tome wielder so I can run Oboro through Wyvern lord ~

    For fun. But I don't want to screw either of those two over since it's my lunatic run xD

  4. Wait, if clones don't get the renewal effect, then how does the original restore HP if the clone and original share the same HP value?

    Or do they have two separate HP values and if one of them dies, both die?

    Nope, they share HP values, if one of them dies, both do die !

    Does Lifetaker work though? And how about something obscure like Sun God? - if you ever have checked that :P

    I'm pretty sure lifetaker works for both -for example, Oboro #1 kills an enemy -recovers all HP. Oboro #2 kills an enemy -also recovers all HP ~

    I'll try to check since most of my units run lifetaker along with copycat, but they're a bit over leveled right now, so I'll see what I can do on one of the DLC maps...

    finishing up that double chapter on IK lunatic run atm though, so might take a moment !! ; U ;

    Renewal activates on the original, and both of them are healed 30%. They have the exact same HP value.

    What mimasho means is Renewal doesn't activate twice, it just activates on the puppeteer unit and the subsequent healing affects both of them.

    Haha yeah, thanks for clarifying !! * U *'

    edit: okay, just checked w/ Leon, Sakura, Oboro, and Takumi on exp DLC;

    Leon died, Sakura didn't get targeted, and Oboro killed everyone...

    SO luckily, Takumi was able to complete the job;

    I used clone on all the units, Takumi was standing by his clone. After he was targeting during enemy phase, he went down to 19/50 HP,

    he's not running renewal. On my turn, I had him kill a nosferatu. He recovered from 19-44HP after killing it.

    Then, I used his clone to kill another a ways off. Recovered from 44HP-50HP.

    So in conclusion, copycat clones don't activate renewal, but they do activate lifetaker. Hope that helps !! * U *

  5. Wait I thought renewal activated for clones as well?? I use copycat all the time for grinding purposes, lemme pull out my game and check really quick~

    Ah sorry that took a while, all my units run lifetaker + copycat instead, but luckily Leon was the only one who also happened to have renewal; Joey's right though, clones don't get the renewal effect ~ ; U ;

  6. I have both physical cartridges and bought the DLC.

    The DLC only gives you three save files, the exact same save files will appear in both cartridges, no matter which version you buy it on ~

    Kinda sucks, so I'm just using my Nohr cartridge for IK as well ~

  7. alskdfj I'm all for extra DLC images, but please characters other than the royal family !!

    Give the other units some love ~ lol

    ^ It would be nice to have a separate one for parents and children though !

    why not have them all for four total. Hoshido parents // children and Nohr parents // children.

    who needs money anyways ; u ;

    Also, just for comparison, does anyone remember about how many Awakening DLCs were released ?

  8. What is your Kamui's assest and flaw?

    Here's Elfie!Soleil!Kanna's mods (with let's say a +STR/-SKL Kamui) should be - HP : 0, STR : 8, MAG : 1, SKL : 1, SPD : 1, LCK : 2, DEF : 0, RES : -1 and here is how Kanna's ending stats would be - HP : 60, STR : 40, MAG : 32, SKL : 29, SPD : 33, LCK : 29, DEF : 29, RES : 31.

    Here's Belka!Kanna's mods (with +STR/-SKL again) should be - HP : 0, STR : 3, MAG : 1, SKL : 2, SPD : -1, LCK : 1, DEF : 4, RES : 0 and here is how Kanna's ending stats would be - HP : 60, STR : 35, MAG : 32, SKL : 30, SPD : 31, LCK : 28, DEF : 33, RES : 32.

    I kinda like Soleil!Kanna a little more.

    Ah, can't believe I forgot to mention that ! *goes off to check and starts grossly sobbing*

    It's +STR/-MAG LOL what is wrong with me alskdfjs

    this is my female "planned to be witch but currently dark blood" all over again. why am I so bad at this.

    I'm liking Soleil!Kanna more too though, thanks so much for your help ! * U *

    Guess it's decided then ~

  9. All comes down to personal preference, but

    Male: Cyrus, Leon, Takumi, Hinata

    Female: Oboro, Soleil, Belka, Hinoka (lol forgot to vote for her)

    Some characters I really like, like Flannel, but I kind of find their my room portraits a bit strange ; m ;

    I usually dislike long haired males (Takumi is an exception aha), but for females, I honestly don't really like super curvy, long-haired, or petite characters.

    They're really fun to draw though !! ヽ(o♡o)/

    not so coincidentally I find my favorite characters the most attractive ahaha

  10. have you read his support with Effie (Elfie? What IS her name?)? It's very popular for them both.

    hmm I haven't, I always go Elfie!Soleil, so even if it is good, it's not really an option for me ; A ;

    edit: okay, I just read it, and I guess it isn't too bad ! I just really dislike Asama's attitude still...

    how to put this nicely...he's a bit passive-aggressive ?? hnng I don't know the word for it ; m ;

  11. hmm since I'm still having trouble deciding who to marry for my lunatic run,

    can someone help me figure out which Kanna (probably dark blood endclass, maybe a DLC when it comes out, something magic based ??)

    is better, Elfie!Soleil, or Belka ?

    I'm mostly looking for the better mother overall, regardless of endclass,

    I mostly left that part in just in case !

    (basically, despite her endclass, a good strength stat is more desirable for me than good magic ~)

  12. IIRC someone here asked for Rinka/Asama a while back and I found this that was actually translated a few weeks ago but somehow flew under the radar:


    definitely not rinka's best by a long shot

    tbh I have yet to see a good Asama support...

    which makes me like him even less >< I want Mitama so badly, but PLEASE be more cooperative with me hnnng

    it's so difficult for me to marry him off

  13. Wait, I thought Lunatic growths were fixed? Or is that only for Nohr route?

    All Lunatic growths are fixed when the character joins.

    Aaah, did not know that since IK is my first Lunatic run; thanks for the heads up !

    Guess there's no sense in resetting then, not that I have been (but was totally planning lol)

    hnnng what a shame ><

    Even still, I hardly use guard stance,

    it's just so much easier to have units attack others (plus, having ogre strike and/or flamboyance...yes please ~).

    Which is why I insist on using clone for most of my units lolol

    attack stance for everyone, reset when killed sobs

  14. I think they're both equally great. Personally for my lunatic IK run, guard stance is usually only useful to me in certain situations (like on chapter 15 // The rainbow sage in which I just send two units who are paired up so that all the enemy units in that specific area attack them);

    I personally like attack stance better, because I don't grind often until end game, and all of my units have a pretty high crit rate;

    plus since I don't grind, I like for each to get their share of exp during that specific chapter // map.

    And as mentioned above, attack stance is nice for leveling those weaker units.

    alsfkjs SO many of my units for lunatic got rng screwed. so many.

  15. aaah in the car and using cellular so can't really quote but lol 'm actually super attached to Oboro's voice now ! I just hope the localized version doesn't take it wrong and give her a super high-pitched childish one though ><

    I like her smug face too lmao

    Also, I kind of agree with Sapphire, Aqua kinda is marketed as the face of the game~

    But then again, so is the entire royal family, though to a somewhat lesser extent.

    Nothing to really start an arguement over though ; A ;

  16. Im sad that Harold, Zero, or Rinka didnt get in the poll. This game's Royals didn't really appeal to me all that much, they're just kinda overrated imo. Takumi's ok I guess, too whiny imo, but I'll give him the fact that he does more than one thing. Double the case for Azura, though Waifu syndrome is strong.

    Marx and Ryouma are kinda growing on me, at least theyre better personality-wise than Chrom and Lucina. Plus Marx has the coolest name ever, and he has the hair of legends, so yeh.

    Though Oboro made it, I mean that's something. I like Oboro, like Shinonome, she isnt one-dimensionsal. Just hope the english version gives her a better voice.

    EDIT: ^Homes...is that necessary? Game's centered around Corrin first, then the royal family you side with, along with Azura. I dont really think it matters what order its in, and don't see the need for such conflict.

    lol that's ironic, considering one of the reasons why Oboro made it to the top is because fans liked her voice, haha ~! * U *

    I hated it at first tbh, but I adore it now ~

  17. $50 for a Nendoroid sounds pretty standard to me. Never bought one but I've seen them in manga stores.


    Lilith plushie or bust.

    ~$50 is pretty standard, especially if you take shipping into consideration.

    Some of the ones I've bought though (Kancolle and Madoka ones) have base prices that are a lot pricer ~

    all this nendoroid and figma talk.

    Now I'm going to be really disappointed if we don't get any FE:if ones ; m ;

  18. In a way i'm not surprised since the writers gave Hinoka and Sakura next to no plot importance (hinoka is an interesting antagonist on Conquest from what I've heard though), but I from what i've read of Hinoka's support conversations a lot of them have really good writing and do good things for Hinoka's character. Also see this post from someone who's played the game and speaks about Hinoka: http://ammie-plays-fe14.tumblr.com/post/125375833142/ive-always-found-it-kind-of-sad-at-how-quickly

    Well, I've played the game multiple times as well, and I still prefer Hinoka and Sakura as opposed to Camilla and Elise;

    honestly, Camilla's personality is just overbearing and uncomfortable, and while Elise is adorable, I feel like Sakura's a lot more mature and defined as a character. I'm just saying that I'm surprised Hinoka and Sakura were the royal siblings to not make it to the top ten;

    Elise and Camilla just seem so...stereotypical -don't get me wrong though, I still like them, just my personal opinion I've developed after playing all three sides of the story (to be fair, I deleted my Nohr file before I finished and skipped a lot of the cutscenes, but I've watched playthroughs)

    Also, while I agree that Hinoka and Sakura have little plot importance, neither does Ryouma, really.

    Or...well, any of the royal siblings depending on what side you play. Really Takumi, Leon, and perhaps Elise were the only ones that stood out to me.

    But again, that's just imo, not really looking to start a argument // for a rebuttal, if I sound a bit bitter, my apolgies ! ; A ; I have a killer headache.

  19. OBORO'S !!

    but alas, no one will be able to get that royal blue except for Kisaragi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    That aside, I voted for Felicia's -I quite like light pink, and I am just realizing how GREAT it looks on Foleo ?!

    so tempted to marry her to Leon just for that reason alone ; U ;

    Belka's light blue is also lovely, especially on Sophie ~

    Elfie's is nice too though aaah I just love the lighter shades

  20. I'm planning on playing it in English, seeing as how I've already been playing it in Japanese;

    I loved the Awakening voices, so I have confidence they'll do well for this one...

    though I'll admit, I really dislike Aqua's singing voice.

    I'm most worried about them making certain characters have really high-pitched voices,

    but seeing as how Elise and Sakura from the trailer had more mature sounding ones,

    I think we'll be fine * U *

    Though it's nice to have to option to swap to Japanese if they somehow screw the English one up.

  21. If you want just strength, Kagerou is you're best bet.

    Kagerou!Matoi's Mods - HP : 0, STR : 3, MAG : 1, SKL : 2, SPD : -2, LCK : 0, DEF : 3, RES : 1

    Rinka!Matoi's Mods - HP : 0, STR : -1, MAG : 1, SKL : 1, SPD : 0, LCK : 0, DEF : 6, RES : 0

    Aqua!Matoi's Mods - HP : 0, STR : 0, MAG : 1, SKL : 4, SPD : 2, LCK : 0, DEF : 1, RES : 0

    (I know these aren't growths but I didn't know if I would get it right, so I went with mods instead... Hopefully that was okay.)

    Oh no worries ! mods are great as well, thanks so much !! * U *

    Looks like I'll probably be going Rinka!Kinu then, and aah that +3 STR looks good, but...speed lol

    I will have to think things through a bit more ~

  22. aaah after reading these posts and sleeping on it, I'll probably just stick with Aqua again ; u ;

    while Felicia!Matoi sounds nice, I'd prefer her to be a non-magic user (since other child units outrank her in that category),

    but Kagerou as a mother sounds interesting.

    Now that I think about it, Rinka was left unmarried in my previous IK run...

    which of the three would be better, Kagerou, Rinka, or Aqua ?

    (in terms of strength growths and disregarding skills, end class will most likely be falcon warrior or great lord).

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