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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. first part: yeah, no, i've read the lines and a bunch of them are straight-up voiced avatar molestation man, it's kind of fucked up. and for context, i'm an adult with healthy attitudes towards sex and sexuality, tyvm.

    second part: being common in japan doesn't make them acceptable to a western audience due to differences in culture, yo.

    Firstly, I'll admit, I haven't "amie'd" with a ton of units outside the ones who I personally like, so that's an oversight on my parts. I haven't looked up any of the lines either, so I would know. But if that's true, then I stand corrected.

    Secondly, yes but I meant that as in "it's common in Japan and the devs are from Japan so it's not unacceptable to have it in the game that was created in Japan". If the translation team for the globally released version plans to do something different b/c they deem it unacceptable in their cultures, then I believe they will take the proper action.

    Also, I was wondering why I received warning points ? I may be a bit new to this website, but I don't believe it was quite fair just because I disagreed with a group of people.

  2. Okay, that's great to know.

    Does Flannel get anything, or does he miss out?

    You mean what Flannel gets through marriage seal with Charlotte ?

    let me check...

    Looks like hero and berserker !

    edit: aasldfjs wait Velour gets maid !?? aaah interesting, interesting ~ * U *

  3. Topics like these are really upsetting. It's impossible to cater to EVERYONE's needs and wants.

    No matter what things old or new are implemented in the FE series, there's always going to be a number of people

    complaining and a number of people who enjoy it.

    My Castle is stressed to be very very very optional. You don't even have to have a "My room", there is an option to literally remove

    EVERY building in your My Castle. If you don't like it, then go ahead and do that !

    Yes, "amie-ing" with people allow your units to bond faster than you...

    but it's not a huge advantage that cannot be obtained through other methods ??

    I hardly use that function to gain supports with my units, and it's still pretty straightforward to get everyone A rank with Kamui.

    Besides, you don't even have to A rank Kamui with everyone. It's more important to get the other units S ranked to each other,

    which cannot be achieved through "my room".

    Awakening got a ton of success for being different from the other series (with children and whatnot), so they wanted to implement

    those same things into FE:if, because that was what made it successful and saved the series. It was what the newer audience wanted.

    However, no one wants a FE:A clone, so they tried their best to be original. (no going through time for the children, but same basic theme)

    Was it a complete failure ? Maybe to a lot of people ! But they tried, and it's not always easy to get it right.

    And if honestly you think the lines in FE:if are too provocative or suggestive or it makes you uncomfortable,

    (which really, isn't that bad for the most part. I mean, we're all adults // teens here, right ???)

    don't use it ! No one's forcing you to -and honestly, different culture do different things.

    These types of lines and stuff are very very common in Japanese games.

    If you really can't handle it, don't even bother playing the game.

    If you're a huge fan of the series or want to play it anyways, then look past the extra features and suck it up. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

    but seriously, I joined this site to have fun discussions about FE:if.

    Why are half the posts bashing // complaining about the game ? aaand i'm gone.

  4. Actually, Thanks to some Tests done by Carter, signs seem to point Charlotte would actually get Outlaw from marrying Flannel just like Arthur gets it from him as a Buddy.

    To expand, it seems all the Non-Kamui Characters with Special Classes keep Hidden Sets of their own a la Azura (who gives Hinoka access to Rod Knight via Buddy Seal) that come into play with Class Overlap cases with their Secondary Trees...

    Somebody quickly pair up Flannel and Charlotte to check.

    Only one way to really find out.

    whoo got Charlotte and Flannel married yesterday;

    just checked, Charlotte gets Adventurer // Bow Knight from marriage seal !

  5. Setsuna one clearly feels like S rank to me... I mean there is even a kissing moment...

    Got your PM ! so it's as nocturnal said -that video is recorded to show ALL the different conversation possibilities. They're not even in order;

    note when Setsuna is heavily blushing : all the lines she says then, are S-ranked lines. If she's not blushing, it's a normal non-S rank support phrase.

    When she talks about being friends, she's not blushing ~

  6. Thanks for the explanation.

    How do you fill up hearts? By tapping the face? Can hearts decrease if you tapped a wrong place?

    What actually happens once you fill up the big hearts gauge? Likewise what happens if you fill up the small gauge? They just... reset? Nothing happens?

    No problem ~

    you fill up the hearts by rubbing the face. I don't think tapping is good, it just halts the process; you want to use circular motions.

    [spoiler=this is the face of a man that got jabbed violently in the face lol]lol%20leon.jpg

    If you fill up the small gauges, they fill out one of the big hearts.

    If you fill up all three of the hearts, you get a special "confession screen // dialogue" from your spouse. (it's just them talking, no special CG or anything)

    as for regular units...I'm not sure what happens. I'm like two hearts away from maxing with Oboro though, so maybe I can tell you then xD

    there'll also be little exclamation marks beside the small heart gauges in your spouse amie screens only that have other..

    special dialogue convos when you reach them. Sorry, it's a bit difficult to explain ; A ;

  7. Yeah that shade of red isn't possible. I used the hexcode #963443 to get it. I would kill for that to be in there though, all of the kids look great in it.

    And yeah Soleil looks good with Ganz's hair color.

    ooh I meant in general since Velour has that red hoodie and Kinu has the red clothes ~

    alsdfjs but WHY is that shade not in the game ??! there's not really a good light blue for kamui either, from what I remember ; m ;

    and I know, who would have thought ??

    For some reason, i always imagined Ganz had...brown // orange rusty hair lol

    I'm not actually sure why. ; u ;

  8. You must have bought skills for Aqua!Matoi to have Hoshido… so you could basically get any skill for her…. disregarding that fact, Matoi has Swordfaire access always through her father's passed down Trueblade access…. Swords are the primary weapon of Great Lord, weapon rank wise, so she'd do well with that. More intermediately, Lancefaire would also be helpful (B-rank).

    Yeah, not going to lie I buy a lot of skills; I had Aqua pass down Hoshido because I am lazy ; A ;

    so swordfaire and lancefaire as replacements for mirror strike and swallow strike ? Thanks for the suggestions ~

  9. So I can "Grind" amie lines for characters by playing tons of skirmish battles or DLC on the world map correct? You said each character is restricted to 1 amie per chapter but is limitless for skirmish and DLC.

    You can choose to amie with "both"? So you can amie with your S-ranked partner and another character of your choice at the same time in the same room?

    Not sure what the bolded part is supposed to mean. What repeats? How to fill up heart gauges? Do characters say anything while you fill up heart gauges? What do they say after heart gauges are filled up...? Is there a time limit on when you must fill up the gauge?

    If you S rank someone, can their amie lines still use lines from C-B support phrases too?

    When can you start amieing someone, do you have to reach a particular support rank?

    Yes, you can most definitely grind for amie lines through any sort of skirmish battles, including paralogues !

    Chapters work just like skirmishes, except there's a definite limit...so it's easier just doing amie if you're grinding and whatnot !

    You can amie with both as in "you can first amie with your spouse or another unit, and after you're done, you can pick the other if you'd like".

    Your spouse stays in the room at all times with you, but you cannot interact with the two at the same time.

    Here's an example, I'm married to Leon, but I've called Velour into the room to amie with her.


    She'll be the only one on screen when you actually do the amie though.

    You fill up heart gauges by amie-ing with other people.

    Here's what it looks like:


    Three large hearts and ten small hearts for spouses, Three large hearts and five small hearts for units you've A ranked with.

    One large heart and no small hearts for units you haven't ranked up to A with.

    In the picture above, I've already filled up all small hearts, so it reset. The first time you fill up ten of the small hearts with your spouse,

    a big heart will fill up.

    You can amie anyone at any rank, you don't even have to have a support rank with them.

    Amie-ing helps you bond and gain ranks.

    aaand I think even if you S rank someone their amie phrases can remain the same, but once you're done, their ending sentence will be different.

    I can't remember tbh ><

  10. Well, its a choice of Tomefaire from Sakura or Swallow Strike from Azura…. More damage, or double more easily (might might in turn also give more damage).

    Actually, I just realized, Ophelia can A+ Shara, so you don't have to get Elise to A+ Sakura.So like astrophys suggested, you can A+ Aqua and get Swallow Strike from Peg Warrior which is easy since it is the first skill from the class line.

    But if you already A+ Sakura, Swallow Strike is not a necessity considering Dark Falcon is a flier so they are naturally fast and 8 times out of 10 double.

    Aah okay, thanks for the tips ! * U *

    So pass down swallow strike through Elise and A+ Aqua,

    and get tomefaire through Ophelia and Shara A+.

    aaand just recruited Aqua!Matoi and reclassed her into Great Lord.

    Realized that I now have no idea what skills I should have on her.

    Besides her default, she has Hoshido, Copycat, Swallow Strike, Mirror Strike, and Attack Stance equipped.

    I plan on making room for Aether (of course), and the Awakening skill isn't looking so bad either;

    I'd replace Attack Stance, and I only have Copycat for grinding // leveling purposes ~

    but I'm not sure if she would greatly benefit from swallow strike and/or mirror strike,

    and am tempted to replace them with something like Pavise/Aegis...maybe Magic counter instead of mirror strike ?

  11. Aha, getting yourself more soldiers.

    I don't like the fact that the HP is shared between the fake and real,

    May be I will take the skill on a few of them. Thanks!

    About the boss, if she can be captured, we really need to look into her,

    her fake dragon skin skill is a passive (Top-left slot) and she has counter.

    If only I can get Vantage on her.... I will be very very happy.

    indeed ~ it's very useful if you have renewal or lifetaker on them;

    that way, use the original to destroy enemy (if it takes more than one hit), recover with lifetaker.

    Use clone to destroy another enemy, recover health with lifetaker. (your units should be able to at least two-shot them

    ...unless you're playing on lunatic haha ? ; u ;)

    And of course, copycat is always useful just for defensive stance purposes.

    For example, Takumi paired w/ cloned Oboro and Oboro paired with cloned Takumi;

    that way they gain the benefits without risking being attacked twice. (Brave weapons on cloned support units are nice as well)

    Also, pretty sure I heard from someone that the dragonskin skill will disappear // turn into something else if she's able to be captured ~

  12. Does the amie dialogue lines loop? What happens if you exhaust all the lines?

    How many times (are there any restrictions, like once/twice per chapter etc) can you activate the amie function before S rank, and after S rank? Any difference?

    Yes, amie dialogues loop. They say the same phrases each time, they don't mix and match. (for example, dialogue A has five different phrases, dialogue B has five other different phrases; you may get A twice in a row, or even a larger amount before you get dialogue B.)

    If you exhaust all lines, it repeats ~

    Also, amie activates once per chapter, but I think it's every other time after a my castle battle (against other players), DLC, and regular skirmish.

    You can amie with anyone as soon as you get other units, and once you get S ranked with someone, you can amie with them in addition to any other unit. For example, I'm S ranked with Leon; I just finished a chapter and for my castle, I now have three total options -the top one is to amie with Leon, the middle one is to amie with one of the other units, and the last one is to change my hair style...I can choose to just amie with Leon, just amie with the other units, or both.

    There are also heart gauges; once you fill them all up, it just repeats (as if you hadn't filled the last one at all).

    In my experience, amie lines with units change as you get closer with them (become A ranked), but they'll occasionally use their C-B support phrases as well !

  13. I would say go ahead.Really if you can get Elise to A+ Sakura, get TF and pass it down, Ophelia will be great.She does not need Nosferatu since it is not that good unless you are making a strict tank so yeah.Really Elise!Ophelia can be anything magical.Though it sucks she misses out of Excalibur though.

    Great to hear, thanks ! and SERIOUSLY dark falcons don't get up to S class weapons ?? noooo ; A ;

    alsdfjs aah can't believe I forgot about tomefaire -luckily I just married Elise to Odin and haven't started the paralogue yet ; u ;

    gonna have to do a quick dlc run for the scroll first though ~

  14. Hello guys, so I am currently trying to get LOTS OF killer swords (For my Odin) and some 3-range bows

    I'll grind the Duelist Museum a bit.

    But I need a good tactic to get as many chests as I can.... The boss parade (The boss, a few pegasus warriors and some archers) has a very big range, theres no way for my brain to come up with a safe way to get the chests.

    A side question, can I capture the boss? If so, what is her secondary class?


    For this, I recommend you either have your strongest units pick up copycat, or buy the skill.

    Proceed to clone everyone and rampage around, destroying all enemy units lol

    I had my kamui as an adventurer for subclass, so she was able to pick up locktouch; though it can make things quicker in this map,

    it's really not necessary. The boss (golden kite warrior) goes around the map opening all chests, so really,

    you just need to keep your eye on her and make sure she doesn't run off with the weapons -she WILL leave the map as soon as the last chest is opened, so it's possible for you to have a few units guard the last chest until you finish off everyone else.

    Also, I've found having units with high crit rates + ogre strike (specifically Takumi and Oboro) helps a lot;

    with those two having crit rates at 50%-70% units really stand no chance. Charlotte as well -she also has massive HP, so she can tank some of your attacks. Having a few units that use bows in general for this map is useful when it comes to the boss and her entourage, since you're going to want the weapon advantage.

    But yeah, bottom line: clone, clone, clone if you plan on taking many turns;

    if you aren't confident in the levels of your units, pair everyone up with the clones ~

    haven't used the prison system at all yet (because...I haven't used Orochi or Zero in any of my runs aha) so can't help you with that part...

    Though you can capture the other units in the map, so I'm pretty sure the boss is obtainable as well ? ; u ;

  15. How viable is Elise!Ophelia as a Dark Falcon rider ?

    Or is she better as a Sorcerer ? (I will probably be making my own MU a witch, so that's not an option for her~)

    Also, if Ophelia's better off as a sorcerer, which unit would benefit the most as a dark falcon rider end class ?

  16. By picking a faction I meant picking a royal from the faction. It doesn't matter which version you play on!

    By siding with Ryouma, Hinoka, Takumi, or Sakura and win, you get the Dread Scroll.

    By siding with Marx, Camilla, Leo, or Elise and win, you get the Dark Flier Scroll.

    Oh no, that's what I meant as well, haha~

    It's just that now I have three dread scrolls (though I used two already, the ones you get from buying the game) and no dark falcon ones (that you receive end game, but you don't get them if you have both physical versions, at least one, either Nohr or Hoshido needs to be digital);

    So yeah, I'm a bit peeved that you don't get to at least pick which one you want haha ~ ; U ;

  17. Ok, so its only named characters.

    Thank you for clarifying!

    Yep ! like in the beach // island dlc; it's the same map too ; u ;

    and no problem ~

    if anyone wants me to scout the skills and/or weapons of each unit, I can do that too ~!

    but that might take the fun out of it aha

  18. If the other units move, do they also attack each other?

    NO quite the opposite actually, I got teamed by two of the siblings (from opposing sides, too) ; u ;

    and they'll also use rally skills on each other; none of the units will pair up if they're not already though ~

    when I played, some units will actively pursue you, while others will kind of keep low until you're close, but still out of range.

    Two teams literally chased me from the other side of the map, haha ~

  19. Siding with each faction gives a specific seal.

    Hoshido: Dread Scroll

    Nohr: Dark Flier Scroll

    Only the Royals and the subordinates are there, so nope.

    *smacks head on wall repeatedly* NOOO did it say that somewhere in the beginning ????

    I'll admit, I didn't read any of the dialogue and jumped straight to team Takumi...

    danng needed that dark flier scroll though, since the game decided not to give it to me after I bought the physical versions cries

    aaah i can't imagine betraying takumi though so looks like that scroll will just have to wait ; U ;

    don't know who I'd give it to anyways ~

    [spoiler=quick sketch i drew for celebration lols]


    I admit I wasn't paying too much attention and rushed things but stuff like Saizou's Breaking Sky and Kagerou/Oboro's debuffs surprised me. Elise also has a Freeze Staff and 42 atk/26 AS. Everyone's stats are pretty high and not much healing overall. Stuff like that.

    aah yeah, i got rid of Elise first thing, and as soon as Saizou // Kagerou // Ryouma were in range, I just finished them with one hit as soon as possible ; u ;

    Leon and Sakura gave me a lot of trouble though, they had me surrounded and if it weren't for defense stance cutting in at the right time,

    I would have lost really early on ; u ;

    Luckily Takumi's bow was able to take care of a lot of the flying units...I used Oboro to finish off the others and Hinata mostly to tank attacks haha

    but yeah would NOT want to face against those three !

  20. This DLC is pretty hard. >_>

    Sakura and Leon teamed the crap out of me >< they surrounded me with all their units cries

    but it's not that bad if you just keep all your units paired up,

    plus Oboro was scoring crits like no tomorrow for me ; U ;

    actually, just finished my first run, and it wasn't bad at all;

    would have taken less moves if Ryouma didn't wait so long to move, since I was all the way across the map sighs

    took me 24 turns ~

    aaah I only got the dread fighter scroll though ; m ;

    I didn't lose any units either, so I guess you only get one class reward each time ?

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