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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. Personally? I go for Oboro for Matoi.

    gasp NEVER

    aha that aside, she's already married to Takumi xD

    (it's literally the first pair I get for all of the five runs I've done so far lol)

    but...everyone else is a free agent ; u ;

    (excluding Hinoka b/c I have Marx or Leon plans for her and Luna because she'll probs marry Hinata)

  2. Anyone know how Belka faires as a dreadfighter ?

    or just the best in general class for her, excluding movement stats ?

    Also, who is the best parent for Matoi overall ? (Excluding Hinoka and Luna)

    I don't have a specific class in mind for her,

    but I'm honestly questioning whether marrying Aqua to Tsubaki every run is my best option xD

  3. For my current IK Lunatic route, I'm going mostly "screw the children growth rates I'm going to pair up random units who I like together"

    M!Kamui (Sho) x Soleil or Belka

    Takumi x Oboro - the pair I will never separate ~

    Luna x Hinata - They're really cute together ?!

    Hinoka x Leon / Marx - I like Hinoka's support with Marx a lot, but I feel like she suits Leon xD

    Sakura x Marx / Leon

    Ryouma x Camilla - Don't have any other plans for Camilla anyways

    Suzukaze x Felicia - Used this pair in my first two Hoshido runs, and I quite like how Midoriko came out and maid sounds like a good endclass for her

    Aqua x Tsubaki - I've used this pairing in all my runs and I like Aqua!Matoi ~ though this may be subject to change if I find a better mother for her ~

    Setsuna x Joker - Their support is funny lol

    Nishiki x Rinka - Decent Kinu and I don't have plans for either of them otherwise

    Elfie x Lazwald - Good Dreadfighter!Soleil, I don't really use these units anyways (still can't get used to Lazwald, I used him a lot in awakening though...Luna's really the only one I regularly use of the three)

    Silas x Belka - I like them a lot individually and they're cute together as well. Blue haired Sophie is always a bonus as well.

    Asama x Mozume - I really don't like Asama, but I like Mitama, I haven't used these two in any of my runs anyway.

    Nyx x Tsukuyomi - Pretty much the same reason for Nowi x Ricken. They both look like kids.

    Saizou x Kagerou / Orochi - The only two that I think work well with Saizou.

    Odin x Elise - Ophelia reasons and no other plans for the parents ~

    Charlotte x Flannel - I like them both individually and makes for a good Velour.

    aaand that's all the ones I can think of from the top of my head ; u ;

  4. Well, she can always level as Exorcist then come back to a class where she can use magic weapons instead of tomes

    Sakura!Midoriko is really supposed to run Miracle tank supported by her dad for two shots at proccing miracle instead of one, I recommend A+ to Kinu to grab Flamboyant if you get a chance, since it'll stack with her personal skill

    I guess this is too late to tell you to pass Line of Death from Suzukaze to her, but she can still run off Extravagance for more damage if that helps; She can proc Easy Life often so she'll have a good supply of gold coins too

    yeah, but my point is that I just want to stick her right into her end-game class without having to worry about anything...

    because leveling her in a class other than her end-game one will be a bit difficult for me since I have units using the same weapons that can do a lot better;

    aaah yeah, I was under the conception that I had all the skills from the parents set, so I ended up passing locktouch to her xD

    I didn't bother to check until after I did her paralogue too...which was a huge mistake on my part haha ~

    Sakura passed down something useless too, I think it was clone ? which I guess helps b/c I give all my child units clone eventually so it's easier to grind them up for levels. But thanks, I'm going to see if I can still pick up those skills for her (and maybe aptitude while I'm at it), and even if I don't end up using her this time around,

    it'll help for my Lunatic IK run ! (though I'm gonna go with my gut and marry Suzukaze to Felicia and Zero to Pieri this time ><)

    And I'll think about running her through the exorcist line as well, if I decide to use her !

    *also, sorry I'm just incredibly lazy // unmotivated when I end up with subpar children so though it may seem like I've essentially given up on her, your advice is still very much appreciated ! ; U ;

  5. For me, Shinonome's paralogue...lol..

    honestly I didn't have trouble with much of the chapters and late game most of my units were really tanky or strong;

    but Shinonome's paralogue is REALLY annoying ?!

    In all of my playthroughs, I didn't recruit him until really late game, so all of the enemies could easily ohko him,

    and he literally chased after all the enemy asking for death.

    Plus, none of your units can really protect him unless they have galeforce and clone;

    basically, if you recruit him late game, you have to reach and somehow kill the enemies around him or surround him with a protective barrier on the very first turn.

    It didn't help that Ryouma was flimsy and galeforce can't activate when paired up ><

    I mean, you could also give Shinonome miracle or something, that might help; rescue staff doesn't help either b/c you have to keep him away from enemies or he'll go for them. SO yeah, don't recruit him late game lol

    Oh, and that one IK chapter (24? maybe?) where you have to do stealth mode to get the boots reward is kind of hard as well.

    I think it might be easier if you only use like two units though ? and know the pattern. I didn't do..either of those things xD

  6. You could try the Shinrai Pike instead.It is buyable in the Hoshido Armory and is pretty good.

    ooh okay, thanks for the advice ! * U *

    If the hypothetical growths calculations are correct (Mother growths+child growths)/2, then due to how low Midoriko's personal mag is, she's not going to have a lot of Mag unless you put her into a high-magic class. For now, though, as great merchant only, she only has 27.5% mag (all personal, GM has no mag growth of its own) growth while 50% str growth (30 personal+20 Class), since Sakura's personal strength, for a magic unit, is actually not too shabby and is the same as Midoriko's anyway.

    If you're doing this for postgame then I'd just recommend levelling her as a Exorcist for a while if you want her to eventually go magic and take advantage of the +mag cap instead of her -str cap

    Yep, it's basically postgame since I'm on the last two chapters and don't plan to be using her ~

    aah I mainly wanted a shuriken user since I'm not really using any at the moment..I would consider her for puppeteer too,

    but she just doesn't seem good with a bow. That might be just me though.

    I don't have any tomes to spare for her since I'm already focusing on my Kamui, Shara, and Ophelia as the primary magic users ><

    I'll give that a thought though, but honestly if that's the case I might just not use her ><

    but thanks for the help ! * U *

    looks like I screwed myself over ><

  7. Epo is like the best Shining Bow user provided the parent(Which in this case is good).

    As for Mido.I would say go Strategist or Exorcist instead.Maid is good, but it is just difficult to get the Mag shurikens and kunai(Well I think you can buy Exploding Shuriken but they are not the best and don't get me started on Felicia's Ice Tray).

    aaah that's a relief ! I'll give Eponine the shining bow then ~ * U *

    and oh no ; A ; hmmm I was avoiding those two because..the outfits lol

    well, good thing is I don't have many shuriken users (Just Soleil and Sophie, I think they use the assassin ones as dread fighters) so Midoriko can have her pick of the bunch.

    Are there any magic based shurikens/kunai besides the explosive one though ?

    and oh my gosh. So I just powered up my ds and to see Midoriko's stats..

    YEAH her strength isn't bad (it's actually decently high ? especially comparing her to Eponine) but her magic is like, nothing.

    Which was why slapping a shining bow on her did little to help her in battle lol

  8. hmm might need to fix up my team, but so far it's

    F!Kamui - Dark Blood

    Oboro - Holy Lancer

    Takumi - Holy Bowman

    Charlotte - Berserker (that 100% crit lol)

    Elfie!Soleil - Dread Fighter

    sometimes I swap in War Priestess Sakura too ~

    I kind of want to make a crit team, but that means I'll probably replace Kamui with Elise!Ophelia and Soleil with Charlotte!Velour or something ~

  9. Stats wise, I really like Charlotte and Flannel xD

    but based on supports, he and Luna are really adorable ! But I married her to Hinata instead ~ * U *

    (I'm pretty fond of his support with Kamui too, though ~)

    As for Cyrus, I love the whole "childhood friends thing" so I like him with F!Kamui the best...

    and pink haired Sophie is absolutely awesome.

    ...also, I like him with Belka, but that's mostly because I like them both a lot individually and blue haired Sophie is canon // great as well xD

    their support was okay, but I'm not a huge fan of any of Belka's supports except with Oboro...I still adore her as a character though !

  10. You too, huh? Glad I'm not the only one.

    aah same, I'm surprised I haven't seen others who disliked him ; m ;

    I did a google translate/kanji skim of Asama x Kazahana and it didn't seem too bad

    Now I could be wrong and it could be atrocious but I really hope not

    I guess whenever it gets translated, then

    oh okay...I guess I'll start supporting them on my castle battles, and if the support gets bad, I'll just swap over to Mozume.

    It's not as much as the individual support for a certain character would bother me, it's more the "wow this guy is a horrible person I'd hate to have anyone marry him"

    with that said, I wish he could support with Pieri lol

    I have no plans for her and I do want that hair ~

    what's wrong with Asama's supports? haven't read most of the supports

    I don't know about others, but imo he's incredibly rude and personally I don't like his personality.

    Two qualities of characters that I tend to extremely dislike are people with no respect for others // tries to provoke them // intentionally makes them uncomfortable or upset and sadistic characters ~

    I didn't realize it until my current run, because I never used him once in Hoshido and didn't end up picking up Mitama

    oh, on a sidenote, I just recently picked up Felicia!Eponine and Sakura!Midoriko (the latter had white hair but I guess it was a bug because after I recruited her she had Sakura's hair sighs) but ANYWAYS I'm thinking about making Midoriko a maid (marry her to Dia and use marriage seal) because she's extremely flimsy as a great merchant, even with a shining bow ?

    I also plan on keeping Eponine as an Adventurer, so I was thinking I'd make Midoriko a maid and give the bow to Eponine.

    Any thoughts ? ; u ; (also is it possible to get more shining bows through weapons DLC? I only have two because I forged one aaaah *so much regret*)

  11. Sorry if this becomes messy b/c I'm on my tablet and typing is difficult ~ ; u ;

    depends what you want to use her for and if you want a specific class for her (which relates back to what you want to use her for). another concern is if you are using the mothers and if you want to give one of them the Priestess line

    Rinkah would result in the least offensively capable but bulkiest mod-wise

    Mozume would be more offensive at cost of a little of that def

    Hana would make her the most offensively capable (4 Str/Spd to Rinkah's 2/3) but Def mods are now negative

    Mitama just doesn't fit into her class very well. she's offensively dispositioned but physically so it's awkward for her being in Priestess line. War Priestess has low Str cap, too and prefers to go Shining Bow but she just can't. Lol Exorcist. Hana would give her Trueblade/Weaponmaster which Mitama would appreciate while Mozume would overlap Great Merchant (with Asama's Herb Merchant line) but also gives Weaponmaster. Rinkah's the rare Oni Savage

    it's hard to say without knowing which other children are left as well. is there a child that would like Hana more than Mitama? or someone that would like Oni Savage more than Mitama?

    Aah I'm planning on keeping her as a war priestess and I don't have a shining bow to spare ; m ; I foolishly used one to forge (which Sakura holds) and my other one is with Sakura!Midoriko, though I might give it to Eponine.

    Hmmm so basically Kazahana's the best mother for her still ? ; m ;

    I'm basically at endgame right now and the only two children I have left are Ignis, Lutz,and Deere. Kagerou's being ranked with Joker right now and I have absolutely no desire to pick up the other two child units; I never use Harold or Benoit and I don't see myself using their children either, I'm not one to stress over completion purposes, which is why no matter who Asama gets, there will be two female units who remain unmarried !

    I say go Hana because you get Line of Death/Extravagant combo out of that (while not wasting Mozume's package due to class overlap); taking a point more physical damage isn't too awful when you have +4/+4 str/spd and 20 extra damage per hit. Mitama's mods are too physically-skewed to not go physical offense anyway

    Mozume's better used on someone who doesn't start with either, esp the ones that don't even have the option to A+ Midoriko

    Rinka's best on someone who wants to run crit builds

    Yeah, I kind of wish I went Rinka!Kinu so I could make her a crit unit like in my first run, but oh well ; u ;

    But just as a clarification, Mozume won't get married if she doesn't get Asama, and I plan to keep Mitama as a war priestess, so I'm not too worried about class overlaps ~

    But aah it seems that both of you are leaning towards Kazahana, so I guess I'll have to do that...!

    I like Mitama, but after unlocking some of Asama's supports...I really don't want to make anyone marry him ><

  12. hnnng this thread was from a whole ago, but I finally decided to start my lunatic run and am unable to do all the things I wanted to in the first post. Basically, you CANNOT change difficulties if you want to start from decision point, the game only lets you alter your personal character. Difficulty and mode automatically are decided with your original file, and I have been unable to find a way to change it, so I'm 99% sure it isn't possible.

    Secondly, you do not get three new save files for a different cartridge if you've bought the DLC already, I think the only way to bypass that is to buy a new SD card, maybe.

    The save files aren't so much as important to me, but I'm a bit bored playing through the first six chapters for my fifth time. If I'm wrong and you can actually change the difficulty if you're starting from a decision point, please do let me know ~ ; U ;

  13. Alright, so this is the last pairing help I'll need for my current hard IK playthrough;

    the last child unit I'm recruiting will be Mitama, and I'm trying to wrap my mind around who to mother her.

    I'm not a huge fan of Asama, but his available options are Kazahana, Mozume, or Rinka. I asked for help in the past, and decided on Kazahana (b/c the other mothers were better for other children, but now they're all unmarried and going to be otherwise),

    so I'm leaning towards Mozume ~

    Any ideas ? ; u ;

  14. I mean Leon does everything a Grandmaster can do as a Dark Knight with the added bonus of a mount.I would defiantly recommend taking him through Grandmaster if not only for Ignis but Dark Knight is probably Leon's best class.(Well there is Strategist but eh)

    aaah that's good to know ! ; U ;

    and since you can get multiple seals, I guess I might as well reclass him ~

    32/31 Str/Mag vs 31/33 for Dark Knight vs Grandmaster

    34/30 Def/Res vs 28/33

    27 Spd vs 29

    Mount vs foot

    statwise I'd definitely go Grandmaster but that Mount.... tough

    aksjdf YES thank you for the stats breakdown

    still can't figure it out myself aha

    and thank you again !!

    honestly, the only reason I wanted to reclass Leon was because I don't like mounts as much ?? except for maybe pegasus // falcon riders and whatnot

    so this is perfect ~! ; U ;

  15. Um, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm just assuming that there are no established or hinted canon pairings for the three, and the devs only worded it that way so that players who went through awakening can feel like they are the exact characters from their personal files.

    and oh wow, I played the first part of the DLC in the morning, but I kept on rushing towards the boss and one of my units would always die...

    after my first try (reset a lot using saves though) I just ended up rage quitting, but literally at 2am I picked it up, restarted, and easily finished the map.

    1. I usually think better really, really late at night, but here's a good tactic for anyone who's having trouble with it:

    Pair up Owain and Severa. Put Inigo in the VERY corner of the map, bottom left hand side. Put Owain + Severa pair directly in front of Inigo.

    Units will all swarm towards you -during your turn, either use the boost items or heal up. Your three units will automatically destroy anyone who comes near them during enemy phase. Severa will attack with Inigo, and Owain will have defense guard with Severa, when the boss comes to you, swap into Owain (whose stats have NOT been lowered significantly) and he will destroy the boss.

    Anyone know what the reward is for the DLC #2 map ? I fell asleep before I finished it...

    and oh my gosh there is SO much text I nearly fell asleep just reading it aaaah ; A ;

  16. Yeaaah I just spoiled the Nohr storyline for myself by reading the entire summary before actually playing it...

    and now all I want to do is stay far far away from it.

    imo, they make Nohr seem so ridiculously evil that it feels wrong to even join their side in the first place.

    (not that all characters are bad, it's just that even if you play as a Nohrian, you have conflicts within your own nation that almost seem to overshadow the actual Hoshido vs. Nohr thing. It's more like potentially good parts of Nohr we still have a conscience vs. evil bad Nohr kill destroy everything)

  17. How often can you do it anyways?

    if you don't play the game for a few hours, the next time you turn it on, you'll be able to amie b/c it's a "new day" (time passes by much more quickly in my castle). Also, if you do castle sieges w/ random people (NOT online multiplayer) then you'll be able to amie after every other battle. For regular chapter battles, you can amie right after them.

    But yeah, using the internet function and battling other players' castles is a good way to grind for skinship stuff !

  18. My planned IK endgame team, as of now is

    F!Kamui (Aoi) - Dark Blood (might change back to Adventurer, but will probably ultimately be a witch when it's released)

    Takumi - Holy Bowman

    Oboro - Holy Lancer

    Charlotte - Berserker

    Elfie!Soleil - Dread Fighter

    Luna - Hero

    Aqua!Matoi - Great Lord

    Elise!Ophelia - Currently Sorcerer, will promote to Dark Flier

    Charlotte!Velour - Managarm

    Sakura - War Priestess

    Oboro!Kisaragi - Lodestar

    Belka!Sophie - Dread Fighter

    Aqua - Songstress

    I'm on chapter 25 and recruited most of the child units already,

    so this is preeetty much how it's going to be ~ * U *

  19. tbh none of the music in Awakening stood out in particular to me, except maybe "don't speak her name" ?

    FE:if definitely has one of my favorite OSTs for the series though;

    I particularly like how different yet differentiable the Nohr and Hoshido music is ! * U *

    Can't wait for the actual titles to come out so I can find a way to refer to my favorites xD

  20. I can't be completely sure because I haven't personally tried it, but I know for a fact that you can get gain support ranks from skinship alone.

    For example, certain characters who I've never used in battle or interacted with using my Kamui was able to have a support convo with her after I amie'd with them.

    I don't know if the qualifications are different to get from A to S rank, but it works from C through A.

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