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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. You have to pick, at least early on. Edit: And I don't say "later on" because I've witnessed a change, only because I don't know yet.
  2. One per weekend, for now at least. Edit: woops double post. Sorry.
  3. Ah, nice:) I really like them thus far, especially gameplay-wise. Hilda's p.skill combined with 3 range from the bow weapon art is proving to be very nice thus far, since as said above, nobody ORKOs. Really. All right then, my bad, must have misremembered. (Dex+Luck)/2, in both cases. Crit avoid I haven't confirmed just yet. Crest activation is difficult to say, thus far it has happened around 1/5 times when the appropriate attack takes place, although Lysithea's Gloucester only triggered once out of ~15 magic attacks. It dealt +5. One per weekend, for now at least.
  4. You can't repair early on, I'll tell you when I know. Money doesn't seem too tight at the moment, although the game gives you plenty to spend on immediately, so you have to show some restraint. Combat arts also just eat through your money early on when you can't double or ORKO(on hard anyway). Though I have a habit of keeping everyone at the same level, and I try not to overuse Byleth, so there's a chance I'm making things harder on myself. 1 - Yes. 2 - Nope. 3- A bit tough to say for now, however from what we've speculated it's a bit of an in-between. Classes do modify stats, but not insanely so. Will do, although the information will probably be well known by then:)
  5. True, but at the same time, it's lighter than weapons. The base fire spell weighs 3, compared to 5 for an iron sword. So a 20 str character with an iron sword would have the same AS as a 10 str mage with the fire spell, assuming they have the same speed of course.
  6. @BastienSoul, maybe you're aware by now, but the reason Dedue disconfirmed the AS formula is because indeed, unlike every other weapon type, Iron -> Steel is only +2 Mt, +2 Wt for Gauntlets. Also I can confirm that the formula is indeed correct, although for some reason, the reduction from Strength seems to be rounded down rather than up, resulting in an universal 1 less AS for everyone(because of hard mode perhaps? Although that wouldn't make a difference for the most part, since it affects the enemy too). Also it's been a few days so maybe you know, but magic weight works off of strength just like weapons. @LSM, you were pretty much right on the money with all of your theories. I won't get into details, but I just wanted to say, congrats:) Also the seminary formula seems to indeed have been correct the whole time, even the 20 exp floor. About battalions in general: - Exp gained with a battalion is kept when putting it on a different character - Cha does affect Gambit damage in most cases, but there are weird cases - Accuracy is mostly fixed as expected(not affected by Dex, enemy Avo, etc), however outside of supports, it's affected by your Cha and the enemy's, both ways. I'm not sure of the formula just yet. Edit: GAMBIT: Gambit Mt is : Base Gambit Mt + Str or Mag(depending on the nature of the attack) +(Cha/5) - the target's corresponding def stat. Boosts to attack from battalions or skills are included Gambit Acc is: Base Gambit Accuracy + (Unit Cha - Target Cha)*5 Boost to accuracy/evade from battalions ARE NOT included. Boosts from skills on the other hand, such as Ignatz's personal, are. WAY TOO LATE EDIT: There is, however, a cap to how much Cha will affect gambit accuracy, at +30/-30. Meaning from Cha alone, you can only take a 50 accuracy gambit up to 80(with >=6 Cha over the enemy), or down to 20. Other stuff: STATS: Str: For Physical attacks, as always. Also lower weapon weight by Str/5 Mag: Seems to be only for magical damage at this point. Healing seems to be about Mag/3, although this could vary from spell to spell. Dex: Affects accuracy of weapons(Weapon Accuracy + (Dex*1)), Magic accuracy((Dex+Lck)/2), Crit(also (Dex+Lck/2). Potentially other things; seems a bit underwhelming at the moment due to very low multipliers. Spd: Same old. Attack Speed is Speed - (Weapon or Magic Weight - Str/5). Avoid is AS x1. Lck: Affects Magic accuracy as said above, Crit, and Crit Avo. Potentially other things. Def: Same old. Res: Same. Cha: Affects gambit damage in most cases(is added as a flat damage value). Also affects gambit accuracy and gambit avoid, meaning the enemy's matters too. Formula is unclear at this point. Edit: Cha is mostly for Gambit accuracy/avoid, with each point giving +5 in both; beware that this is also true for the enemies, hence why your hit rates won't be stellar immediately. It also gives +(Cha/5) damage to gambits. WEAPONS: Swords: Most precise, average weight, mt, and durability. Proficiency grants +5 Acc(+1 per level), +7 Avo(+3 per level), + 5 Crit Avo(+1 per level) Lances: #2 most mt, average precision, high weight and lowest durability. Proficiency grants +6 Acc(+2/level), +6 Avo(+2/level), + 5 Crit Avo(+1/level) Axes: Most mt, #2 best durability, higher weight and worst precision. Proficiency grants +7 Acc(+10/level), +5 Avo(+1/level), +5 Crit Avo(+1/level Bows: #2 most mt and #2 highest precision, high weight and average durability. Proficiency grants +6 Acc(+2/level), +6 Avo(+2/level), +5 Crit Avo(+1/level) Gauntlets: Lowest weight(by far) and highest durability, #2 highest precision, lowest Mt(by far). +5 crit built in. Proficiency grant +5 Acc(+1/level), +7 Avo(+3/level), +5 Crit Avo(+1/level) MAGIC: Reason: Way varied especially since it includes dark magic, which seems heavier, less accurate, but stronger. Proficiency grants +7 Acc(+3/level), +5 Avo(+1/level), +5 Crit Avo(+1/level) Faith: Difficult to gauge at this point, only have Nosferatu, which has low mt but better accuracy than in Echoes, at least. Proficiency grants +5 Acc(+3/level), +7 Avo(+3/level), +5 Crit Avo(+1/level) CLASS CHANGING: Classes in this game have both bases, like in Echoes, and modifiers, like in Awakening and Fates. I'll use an example to make this easy to understand. The Monk class has a 8 Mag base, a 4 Res base, and a +1 Res modifier. If we take Raphael with say, 3 Mag and 2 Res, and make him a Monk, he will gain - A permanent +5 Mag and +2 Res - +1 Res as long as he is a Monk Thus his stats as a Monk will be 8 Mag 5 Res If we take Lysithea however, with 12 Mag and 8 Res, she will gain - +1 Res as long as she is a Monk Thus her stats as a Monk will be 12 Mag and 9 Res. What this means is that classes will bump you up if stats relevant to them are lagging behind, and also will modify them on top of it.
  7. Basically. Famitsu is level 1. If you can't get a good score there, things aren't looking too good for you. Still, that's something.
  8. Either it's literally nothing or something doesn't hold up. As others have said, it could be mostly relevant during the 2nd part of the game I suppose. Also, since you're confirming that your previous post was partially targeted at me, I'm not trying to fight anyone. I gave my opinion and answered people who addressed it.
  9. It's not even that, I don't think it's been mentioned anywhere, whether in the context of fanservice or not. I've heard of fishing, cooking, seminaries, roaming around, the calendar, and the dogs that thou cannot pet more than a dozen times, but this? Not once.
  10. This is obviously going to sound like a cop-out, and that's fine, I'll take it, but... ... seriously?
  11. Well now you're the one making their perception of things questionable. But bad faith aside, I'd say it was pretty conservative frankly. It's not that, please stop. There's just a time and a place for things. This is a given in any context that isn't debating media integration of sexuality for some reason. You're just lumping together attractiveness and sexualization though. There's a line, and it's not that hard to perceive. Though attractiveness in fiction is an interesting subject too, that's not really what we're discussing here. We shall see! And the pool isn't for swimming at all. This is exactly what I'm talking about with benefit of the doubt arguments though. You can always make those when it comes to matters like these, devs aren't dumb, they always make things subdued enough. The question you gotta ask yourself is, what's the most likely intention behind this feature? And if the answer is "probably fanservice", then you're probably playing right into their hand with this kind of arguments. ... no, though. Like, that's clearly incorrect. Would you find it fair to say the same of cartoons? Granted, they're less bad about it I'll grant you, but, still, just... no. Now you're just putting words in my mouth. If your argument is that fanservice doesn't make a game bad, you're absolutely right. This is really frustrating for me, I'm not going to lie. But okay, let's drop it if you want.
  12. I'm not saying if you're a fan you have to dislike fanservice. I'm saying Fire Emblem isn't mainly about fanservice, and you probably don't play Fire Emblem primarily for the fanservice, hence if fanservice is added, it's unlikely to be for the fans. That is not to say that you shouldn't be happy that it's happening if that's how you feel. "Sex sells" isn't about literal sex so much as sexualization, and I do call the creating of a context for people to be half naked in when they'd have no reason to be otherwise sexualization, doubly so because this kind of features strives on benefit of the doubt and such. Which is not to say that it's evil and should be destroyed, but I do think that's a pretty solid explanation for the integration of this feature, if, again, that's even what it is in the first place. I really don't think associating FE with the few PC-98 games I can think of is fair. Still I won't pretend it's a huge surprise when it happens, but that doesn't make it cool or justifies not getting angry at it. If anything it's the opposite. Edit: Yeah, I was thinking back of the "Skinship! With your true little sister!" narrative, and admittedly, that didn't feel that far into the pre-release. There was something though, other than the kids... Edit2: Eeeeh skinship was revealed pretty late, less than a month before the game's release. It was also one of the last features we learned about, my castle itself was introduced in Famitsu before that. But admittedly, that wasn't the last moment.
  13. I definitely don't think they're doing this to appeal to fans. It remains to be seen what the feature actually is, but the obvious implication is the opportunity to show characters almost naked, for visual appeal. And despite the "fan" in fanservice, it's mostly the good ol' sex sells mantra at play. In other words, this is to appeal to non fans most likely, broaden the demographic by adding something that doesn't have much to do with the game. I mean, if that's part of their vision I can take it I guess, but considering the removal of outfit damage and the more subdued armor design, that doesn't really add up. There's also no denying that they kept it hidden until the last moment, just like they did with skinship, which I can't help but feel suspicious about.
  14. They really like trying to sneak those by at the last moment, uh. IS, if you know it's gonna annoy your fanbase, maybe stop compromising for basically no reason and just don't put these things in. It's fine. People will buy your game whether there's a sauna or not. ... at least I seriously hope they will.
  15. So, I guess those descriptions of characters are the ones you can already find in the game. I'm the tiniest bit disappointed by this. Still, they're really doing a great job with Claude so far.
  16. "shrugs" Do we know the specific requirements yet? Doesn't sound too hard to adapt them, with requirements for stats and weapon skills Byleth is good at being proportionally higher.
  17. It's still pretty interesting that they didn't take their time a little bit so that there could be a more continuous stream of info towards the end. Could have been an off week too, I've stopped trying to guess. I'd assume the japanese press is giving the game ample coverage as well though, so it's unlikely the japanese playerbase feels left behind.
  18. OhXD What's the appropriate emotion when you're both genuinely useful and genuinely stupid at the same time?
  19. No it's still a thing, that's the weird part: I would assume it's actually a story event that happens pre-timeskip(White Byleth?), or Byleth needs a certain level/Professor level. In the shot with the master classes, Byleth is lv 24.
  20. You could call both optional, but the turnwheel is about as optional as using healing items, which is not really the same. That doesn't really matter though, I guess. One can think of it as a quality of life feature first and foremost, but do you know for a fact that's how the developers see it? Besides, even on classic with only the base amount - assuming you only use your charges when someone dies -, you can have three deaths before there's any consequence, that's massive; when was the last time you lost four units on a single map? I think 20's a little low too, but we are slightly above 30 existing characters total... there may be a few more but I definitely wouldn't expect a dozen or something, and thus that problem wouldn't really get fixed.
  21. I really hope it is. Way too many people saying the game is effortlessly easy at the moment, that's discouraging.
  22. The turnwheel isn't optional, permadeath is optional. And his logic is sound, the turnwheel can easily take the place of larger casts as a measure to counteract permadeath. No, that doesn't prove anything, but that's still the truth: /
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