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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Missed a bit of it, so far the only new thing I caught is that FE amiibos would give the player music tracks for free maps Edit: yeah, I'll stay out of this one, conditions aren't ideal. As we thought there may not be anything new anyway.
  2. > When you leave 1 1/2 hour early to REALLY make sure > When your train gets stuck for more than an hour and it's now painfully obvious you're going to miss the whole thing anyway Never change, Paris
  3. I was unwilling to believe it but, it's true that she deals a lot of damage.
  4. When Fates started getting in the hands of people in Japan, I left, because I knew the game wouldn't come to Europe for a long time, at best. But this time there's no such thing... and I've involved myself too much in the pre-release process, written documents, have specific daily theories, there's the character sticky that I really like to try and keep up to date at all costs for some reason, so, basically... there's no salvation for me this time around. If it affects my enjoyment of the game too much in the end, I'll know to do things differently next time. My hype has also been sustained for maybe a bit too long at this point, one could say it's plateaued a little, or maybe I've just spoiled myself too much. Either way I'm fine waiting, doing other stuff. Just finished Bloostained, which I really wanted to like more than I did; I'll blame the Switch version I guess. Still really glad it seems successful.
  5. It's a lot to expect of a singular piece of information, to be fair. But there are people popping up now and then saying they haven't seen a lot but have no interest in highschool emblem, so, having your mind changed by gameplay details doesn't seem that impossible. It's not like I don't see your point though, I just disagree on superficial stuff at the end of the day.
  6. I can completely agree that gameplay elements aren't something most people actively wonder about first. I mean, after reading so many thoughts about Three Houses from so many places, I'd have to be blind to think differently. That being said, it's not the full story either, and they can actually be very receptive to mechanics, as long as they're properly introduced to them. But, that needs to happen first. That's why showcasing those can be a really good idea, on top of showing that your game has depth(ideally) and legs. That's why I brought up Xenoblade 2. Would the game have sold as well if they didn't dive into the gameplay? It's not like the majority was asking, either. The same argument could be made for Smash Ultimate. Who was discussing frame data from trailers outside of the most hardcore fans? Yet, do you think the game would have sold as well with exclusively cg trailers? I doubt it, personally. So yeah, I don't think a lack of gameplay interest is the reasonable consequence of the limited advertising, but the opposite. I wonder, though. Sometimes, any info is good, you know?
  7. Wow, Commercial 2 is spoilers galore. They're going in, aren't they. I'm not sure why, but I'm past listing details now, it seems generally pointless. There are tons here though. I think the most interesting one is that as @Onestep said, Byleth has white hair in several(all?) of the maps, even though they're clearly pre-timeskip. Also we've seen no new face in all of this as far as I can tell, which is interesting. Edit: Ah, but I see VincentASM worked overtime! It's all good then. You quoting the thumbnail directly made me realize... did they change Hilda's face again? What was so wrong with the previous ones?
  8. I'd say that's a bit of a biased perspective here; remember that almost all of the Three Houses content on this site as well as >90% of discussion come from japanese reveals, that have been translated by fans. It's not just twitter bios, if you were exclusively looking at US marketing, before influencers started entering the picture you'd have known almost nothing specific about the game; you wouldn't know about classes, gambits, crests, no weapon triangle, how skills work, how any of the monastery functions (including menial tasks or more important concepts such as venture gauge) the calendar would still be unexplained with the structure of one chapter/month, etc, etc. These are not just tidbits, these are the game. Compare to how deep they went in with Xenoblade 2's combat system and how that paid off for them. That's really interesting, I was wondering if something like that was at play. Thanks for sharing. I still don't think they're appropriately understanding how the internet works on this one, since people sharing information in japanese for months gives them a very bad look; you may say that doesn't affect the average Joe, but I wonder. And there's still no excuse for the website, but we'll see how things go from here I guess.
  9. At the same time, if they keep that model this leaves us with five presentation videos left just for the students, and potentially one more for Byleth, Sothis, Jeralt, etc. I know they technically have 23 days left, but they're cutting it real close here. I'm not going to lie, I don't understand why you're doing this.
  10. The backdrop of that scene is interesting. We've seen that place as a chapter several times, and I think it's just outside of Garreg Mach, but I don't recall it ever being implied that your characters went there on their free time, and considering they're talking about fishing, I'm not convinced this is before a chapter either. I get what you're saying, but I don't really agree that it's a particularly good example of that. Being openly judgemental towards a person you're speaking to for the first time isn't being honest, it's being rude, and the second option is pretty neutral.
  11. I mean, maybe they're right and it's support, specifically a gambit. It's not that much more ridiculous than +5 move for almost all of your team really.
  12. They're a currency for the eshop. Essentially, you get 5% of what you spend on the eshop back as the same value in Gold Points, or 1% for games bought physically that you then registered on your MyNintendo account, I believe. Apologies if that's not 100% accurate, but that should be the general idea.
  13. I guess the term "build" was poorly chosen here, I do agree it's the full game. To be more specific, I'm concerned they'll just show the exact same two sequences again. I'm trying to find how long this presentation is supposed to last, but it's not on the official schedule. Decisions decisions... ... you know, it's probably not happening again any time soon, I think I'll go.
  14. It's just a live, and I feel like there's a good chance this will just be the french version of the E3 build.
  15. Wait what. I could go, theoretically, assuming it's not sold out... A bit concerned it won't be worth being present though.
  16. Can we talk about the fact that the only information from this video that got me excited, aka the stats of Ashe's Lancer battalion, was exactly where they chose to cut? Oh well...
  17. Yup yup, I did see your mention of that, it's just that camera angles can be treacherous, and he's standing in a place very close to where the E3 build started players if I'm not mistaken. ... then again that video takes place during the first(?) month of the story, so he's probably standing somewhere else by month 8. If he's still around to begin with. ... yeah, the Geeks & Com' one goes straight for that door behind him, and he's not there.
  18. This one went riiiight over my head, didn't even bother to check before I left. I wonder if he was visible in some corner at some point, and we all missed him.
  19. Magic users also have Res to work off of as far as stats go, and Dex, Lck and Cha are pretty universal so they'd work too. Also a character like Marianne likes animals, so maybe she'll require Riding/Flying instead. Not too worried about that.
  20. Okay, this seems to confirm how the monster enemies will function, or at least this one. They normally have a half damage reduction for everything, and attacking damages the tiles they're standing on. Normal attacks need to hit twice to destroy a tile, while for Gambits it's only once on the main tile they're targeting(but still twice for additional ones they can reach; at least aoe isn't useless here) When a tile is broken, the 1/2 damage doesn't take effect there anymore. This is probably what the stun icon means, since it can still attack and its range shows that it can still move too, but this isn't certain. The turn after one of its tiles has been broken, it automatically restores all of them. As for its special breath attack, I'm not certain, but it seems to be action based, aka when the KoB has entered combat and/or moved a certain number of times, it will automatically do it. There are a few snippets here and there outside of that(we get to see what tomb Jeralt is praying at, briefly), but I think that's the main big thing about this video.
  21. Ah, all of these('cept Lysithea) were in the RogersBase video from yesterday, so I didn't mention them. Although you're right, the audio is much clearer here.
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