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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I guess I was overthinking it then? It looks so weird when compared to her clothes being almost completely unaffected. My bad, sorry for not listening.
  2. I don't know about that, Mario Maker 2 has been revealed four months ago and has received roughly twice a much coverage as Three Houses already, when the latter was announced in early 2017. SMM2 also had a surprise tournament at E3, and it was playable, too. Edit: My mistake, scratch that last one. However, it received three separate segments of Tree house coverage. ... which is crazy when you think about it. Also what Sentinel07 said.
  3. I don't think so, that's way too drastic. You can see shadows on her clothing and there's no comparison.
  4. There might be a veil at the back, but something's definitely going on with the front
  5. Lorenz is perfect. That being said... the girl at the far right... she has Lysithea's body type and haircut, but there's something off with the color. Where did this come from by the way?
  6. That's a bingo for me, then! "Edits you-know-which-thread"
  7. ... I'm kind of impressed, that... sounds pretty good. A bit too restrictive even, but I was already imagining how strong a 20 uses per chapter 1-2 range prf was going to be, and... I'm kinda glad we've apparently avoided that? I know some people wanted it, but, 20 per chapter? That was way too much, you'd be able to use it 99% of the time outside of solos. So, an additional thing to do on the already pretty stacked weekends will be to do nothing so that your Relics get fixed. It's gonna be tough to choose between all of the options we know of. As much as they like their naming themes, Clonia doesn't quite work, when it totally could have. Unless the greek pronunciation is weird or something.
  8. Thanks for bringing up Radney, people always forget about Radney. ... Thracia has Machuya(or whatever she's called now) promoting into mercenary, though. And Echidna in FE6 is a female Hero.
  9. That would be the eye at the top right. Still, that explains most of it, then.
  10. Sounds like the only one that might have known Byleth personally prior to all this, then. OTP confirmed, checkmate everybody Er, you did?
  11. Nice! Thanks a bunch:) ... you should probably point out somewhere else that this video exists, I had no knowledge of it and I'd assume I wasn't the only one. ... oh, you have. Okay.
  12. You think so? To me it seemed like points spent are recorded at the top, and prices are consistent with that number, with Divine Pulse +1 costing 2800 with 200 spent, and 2500 with 500 spent.
  13. 2500 renown isn't nothing though, the quests we've seen gave 300. I mean, I'm assuming you actually spend it this time around? Edit: Oh, I get how this works. So what you've spent on each statue only matters for that one. And +1 Turnwheel seems to be 3000 instead of 2500.
  14. It remains to be seen of course, but with regular javelins and short spears existing(meaning regular spears potentially do too), I really don't know how this could be balanced. As for Grappler not being gender locked, assuming it's not a mistake... I'd assume it's like Wyvern rider? As in lack of access, but only for one tier. Hopefully it's that. Also funny how Hero is Swordmaster in everything but name here.
  15. Have we been given any reason to think it could be Hilda beyond her being revealed early on, though?
  16. Wait, why was Lorenz recruitable, then? If he's not Claude's second in command, who is?
  17. Probably everything considering how little dex seems to affect accuracy. ... that being said, from what we've seen archers lose 20 accuracy per additional range above 2, so it makes sense he's always depicted as that too.
  18. Caspar having Anathema as his P.skill confirms that those won't be unique to characters, or at least not all of them. I guess Rally strength on Annette was already a good indication of that, but with Anathema we've actually seen it being learned by Hubert as a Dark Mage. I would assume Sylvain's personal skill is related to ladies(+2 damage inflicted, -2 received when around them?), and thus, logically, Leonie's would be the same for males, implying that she's a flirt? Or it's also with females, implying that she is... a flirt.
  19. Shaver is back as wind magic, although that might just be localized as something we already know. We see it's Annette learning it.
  20. It was considerably less accessible, though. I don't think it's game breaking either, but I certainly didn't expect them to go that far. Aggro lines and targets were already a pretty big surprise for me.
  21. Hey, missed that the first time through: You get to see as far as the potential result of what the enemy will do during their turn. That's... pretty crazy, actually. Sorry if that's old news, btw.
  22. That would fit the black motif, but in terms of pronunciation, I don't know. Not that Kronje is any better. Couldn't it be another year? I'd like to publicly apologize for suggesting pink man aka Tales wasn't evil, by the way. Didn't expect his artwork to reach Garon levels of explicit.
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