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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Faculty training would be the only way, I suppose, and then being in the relevant classes during combat. We know Alois can teach armored, at least: Your question did give me pause for a second, though. It's true we haven't seen many ways at this point. Edit: ... and Hanneman teaches riding:
  2. I'm not denying that it's possible, I will however maintain that it makes little sense in the context of a video game. Commands are really about what you can do; giving a "recruit" option to someone who cannot be recruited period is counter-intuitive, just like putting the option to try and become a Pegasus knight for males(which could also add flavor if we're going to make that argument) when they can't. You're thinking in terms of realism but commands in video games rarely have realism as their main focus; instead, they tend to go for "straightforward and easy to understand", like pretty much any good interface I can think of. As a result, it's more logical to think of the "Scout" option for Marianne as "serves the purpose the scout option serves for seemingly everyone else" rather than "actually serves a different purpose entirely, most of which could have been fulfilled by not having the option at all". That doesn't prove it, but that's the logic.
  3. But you would know how they answer by there simply not being the option is the thing. It's not about the prerequisites if they are recruitable, but the binary choice "recruitable period, yes or no". Plus, the fact that you can scout even when you don't have the right stats yet implies that the option isn't time-sensitive, that it appears for everyone at once. If that's correct there's nothing confusing really.
  4. It would appear that for classes based around movement type, you do need both. Besides, Bernadetta's case is a weird one, as to my knowledge, no strength has ever had a lower starting rank than E+(would love to be proved wrong), but she apparently starts at E armor. True, but it would be the same as showing the pegasus knight option for males, only to tell the player that it's inaccessible once they've selected it. It's not impossible but the logical way to do things is to not put the option in at all.
  5. 2) Would work... but not for Dedue, indeed, he's pretty far off. Steel gauntlets would have to weigh 5, vs 3 for Iron... not impossible I suppose, but I'm like you, I see the patterns in damage, weight and accuracy from iron to steel...
  6. Oh, indeed. Point to you. Edit: It's not on the stat screens we've seen either, though: ... maybe movement type mixed with something... But Linhardt having just 1 makes that really unlikely too...
  7. Oh, gotcha, sorry. ... now that you mention it, no, I don't think that was confirmed.
  8. Wait, what video is that? In the Kotaku one he levels speed at 01:51, and we see his AS of 15 at 02:38 with a Javelin, then 12 with a Steel lance right after that. Edit: Oh, the Polygon one maybe? He's already gone from 23 to 24 before it begins, he probably got speed then
  9. Wait, Dimitri has 15 AS with a speed of 19. That'd be a weight reduction of 4. Meanwhile Sylvain has 8 AS with a Steel Lance(11 Wt) and 16 Spd, so a weight reduction of 3. ... I really don't see the point of hiding con if it exists. Then again it doesn't seem to be stats based either(Dedue has universally worse stats except for Def), nor a class thing since two mercenaries and two cavaliers don't have the same. I guess hidden shields could be messing the numbers up, too, or some other form of equipment... I don't think they'd get a scout option only for them to answer "not interested, ever", but if you're willing to believe that, I guess it's not 100%.
  10. It's hilarious to me that we now know of 6 Golden Deer students that can defect, as opposed to 2 for the eagles and just 1 for the Blue Lions. And in the meantime, we never seem to get any Golden Deer gameplay. I think IS might be trying to send a message.
  11. Because of the "スカウト", aka "Scout" option, at the top.
  12. I think you're right. Would explain this disparity, too, since the shield is the only difference I'm seeing: I guess there are the troops too, but they shouldn't affect AS, and he has more troops alive in the shot where his AS is 0 anyway. Edit: The second in command thing was a mistake, apparently, but I think we know of everyone BUT Hilda at this point, let's see... Claude: Obviously no Lorenz: Yes Hilda:? Raphael: Yes Lysithea: Yes Ignatz: Yes Marianne: Yes Leonie: Yes ... yup, seems about right.
  13. I had been looking into that too, and Felix was weighed down by 3 less points than he should have been when using a steel sword(I think it was in the Polygon video). You were right, there's definitely something at play, I'm having trouble making sure what it is, however. The weight of lances will definitely help a ton, almost half the characters used those in the gameplay we got. I thought it could be based on weapon level, but that doesn't seem to be it...
  14. So, Marianne, Petra and Annette confirmed as recruitable. Ingrid, on the other hand, either isn't, or Byleth picked the Blue Lions on her shot. Edit: Oh, also, Caspar is recruitable too.
  15. Well, she can use a relic not tied to the crest of Seiros, that doesn't seem possible unless she gets the corresponding crest. "How" being another problem entirely.
  16. That is true. In general I feel like I've missed something when it comes to Edelgard's second crest, so don't mind me.
  17. So, just like Renka back in Fates, then. ... you know, I'm all for giving exposure to new talents, but right now I can't help but see it as a way to limit costs, too. Regardless, she has a lovely voice. Doesn't that confirm that Edelgartd's second crest is that of Hresvelg, by the way? Edit(sorry, dense post again): That eagle(?) she seems to be looking up at, on the cover... there was an eagle in the E3 trailer, too, it struck me as slightly out of place then. I wonder if there's something to it now.
  18. Well, logically, yes, that doesn't really work, on top of him being the strongest "knight" as opposed to more general terms like man or warrior. Still, ever means what it means... ...but I can agree that it probably shouldn't be taken that literally.
  19. I'd say the "ever" part is pretty important though, as we have no way to tell if Greil ever came close to Altina(I'm not sure even Ike could dual wield the Ragnell and the Alondite effectively), and in Fodlàn, we already have some strong competitors from the past too. The implication being that Jeralt is stronger than Seiros and Nemesis, and both look pretty formidable. ... makes me wonder if they're not overselling Jeralt a little.
  20. I'm still surprised Raphael has money to spare, though. Depending on how old he was when his parents died(we're led to believe it was a long time ago), the most likely outcome is that he would have lost everything, rather than him becoming the new CEO. I kinda want to hear more about his story now.
  21. I wonder, Dorothea is probably fairly rich thanks to her successful singing career. Maybe. ... actually, this bios stating that there is a hefty entry fee to the academy puts a lot of things into perspective. It implies that everybody(besides Leonie) is wealthy to some extent. Let's not forget, Jeralt is said to be the strongest knight ever. Not even Greil was explicitely presented as such, I believe. We haven't seen much of him, but it's unlikely he's insignificant compared to Byleth.
  22. Different battalions just give widely different bonuses: ... but those plus the gambits, which are looking really strong at either support or straight up damage, sometimes aoe... that might be a little too good to pass. Even for him.
  23. So she really is centered around Jeralt. This might be a problem later down the road; won't it be weird for her to still be around if he dies, or even turns on us? Hoping they don't drop the ball on this one. Beyond that, she doesn't seem to be needlessly tomboyish, which I appreciate. I might bite myself later for saying it, but character gimmicks seem way more subdued this time around, which, to me, is good news. Anyway! We're still more than a month away; what will they do from now on?
  24. I mean, it's not too hard to look at the numbers: Fire Emblem got a 2:10 trailer, a 5:17 presentation, a 1:37 trailer, and a ~30 minutes Treehouse presentation. SMM2 got a 1:27 reveal, a 17:28 direct, and three separate ~24 minutes Treehouse segments. Then it got a roughly one hour long tournament on top of that. There were also a couple short interviews focused on the game with Takashi Tezuka and/or Shigeru Miyamoto. That's ~40m and four segments for FE, vs ~2h40 and 8 segments for SMM2, in ~1/8th of the time. And I mean regardless of all that, something pretty important is that there's a lot to say about FE16(we'd know), and, frankly, not necessarily that much about SMM2? I don't know, maybe I'm being biased here, what I'm trying to say is, it's not a result of a lack of material, but a choice. Now maybe they plan to catch up right before release, but I mean, I can't think of many reasons not to at least translate the twitter profiles.
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