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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. "sigh" Okay, is it fine that we've both lost 2 weeks of exchanging with each other on the subject because of my lazy butt? I'm starting to sound like a broken record though, and this is not a PM, so I'll get to the point. But I'll say it again, you're using the seminar formula way more liberally than I would(^_^') Also, sorry in advance if I completely miss the mark/you've long figured any of this out. Oh, and great writeup on this one too! Although it's weird to see my name so much. I don't believe you need a goal in Authority to gain exp through combat/healing though, only an equipped battalion. That's mostly because I don't think we've seen a single combat interaction with battalion equipped not give authority. We do also have a straightforward example with Linhardt in the treehouse coverage, as we know his focuses to be Lances and Riding, and yet by simply attacking, he earns 2 exp in Authority. It doesn't come from his class, either; I don't think Mercedes' case is any different. In general I don't think combat exp is tied to focuses at all, an example of that being F!Byleth gaining sword and authority when equipped with a sword, and only lance and authority when equipped with a lance in the King of Beasts Gamespot footage. Unless we're looking at a solo authority focus, here. I feel that while the numbers match, you may have had the right idea by thinking of choir practice early on, since it would cover for both the experience being higher than a strengthless seminar with Manuela would give, and Byleth and Ingrid having the same Faith levels without either of them having a strength with an E rank. Two choir practices would give both of them 14 exp if they're neutral from my understanding of it, + 10 authority to Byleth. And while going pixel perfect may or may not be wise, if you resize the image so that the bar is 60 pixels long, 6 pixels are filled, which matches. It's just two points though, so that doesn't weigh all that much. The 10 authority also fits Byleth's bar perfectly assuming they started off at D. The issue being that as you said, they've seen combat, judging from the damage of their battalions(and another shot from the same series, showing Felix, Dedue and Mercedes also with injured battalions). However, said battalion has 0 exp, so maybe, just maybe, all she did that chapter was tank a ranged attack, which depleted her battalion and got her no exp? Then again, Felix and Dedue don't have any exp either, and how likely is it that all three did just that... Either way there's something weird here. Also, did you establish what level Byleth's sword started at? I don't recall, but if it's D+, the Manuella seminar you've theorized would give her 12 floored to 20, x 1.5 = 30... which fits. This would also work with the previous assumption that this was the second Catherine seminar Byleth was going through in that previous case, as their exp would then become 28*1.5 twice = 84, which is exactly how much exp they have in their D+ bar. Plus, when you look at lv2 Byleth having a D+ in our other case, this just fits better. Sorry, I get that this is an old post too and I should have answered much sooner. Note that neither the floor 20, nor the formula itself are guaranteed to be correct in every situation, mostly because the base 16 amount is a bit of an arbitrary number, but also because... well it just matches two situations, that's not proof. Anyway, the idea of a floor comes from the fact that when following a seminar in the treehouse footage, Edelgard and Byleth got the same amount of authority exp(30, or 20*1.5 due to their strengths) despite Byleth being at B rank, and Edelgard at C. Now this could mean either of two things from my point of view. 1, the student malus stops happening above C-rank, or 2, which I went with; there's a lower floor, which would be what Byleth gets, divided by 1.5, so 20. That's the reasoning. Also, I'm not going to start quoting the entire planet when I'm two weeks late, but thanks Onestep and ArsSanctum, you've helped my understanding of professor expertise too, I think. It's now confirmed to not be a thing pretty much, but just pointing out, I think you nailed it. Nothing to add.
  2. The clues were definitely there, but hearing it officially makes me really happy for some reason. And to be fair, Eldigan and Quan aren't at all on the level of Sigurd as far as the plot of Genealogy goes, so that parallel wasn't that easy to see. Granted, for all we know this could happen with 3H too.
  3. Ok, I feel like I'm making you repeat yourself when it comes to Ingrid(Edit: Yup, I am. Sorry.). I'll reread through what you posted already before answering. Two things though: - Great writeup! Forgot to say it - Assuming you hadn't seen it already, there's a Lysithea combat forecast in a new japanese ad, it's not highly informative, but hey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=hlKRg-4RuiQ
  4. Yussss. And wow, they made that one even smaller than usual; pretty clearly about giant monsters first and foremost, though(are all of them demonic beasts? I was assuming those were tied to crests, and some we've seen look like plain giant animals). There sure seem to be a lot of different kinds...
  5. Hmmmm yes, that makes more sense that way, I had forgotten that Dimitri should have sword 1. I guess the leftmost ??? is most likely not a class skill, then. Do we have an example of a strength starting <E+ rank yet? Otherwise, since the faith is at the right of close counter, I don't know about that. Others have brought it up in other places but, he attended the same magic school as Mercedes and Annette, so that makes sense with his background at least. I'd also assume he does have a strength in authority considering his Personal skill, but that remains to be seen(plus that reasoning doesn't hold true for Ingrid). That 5 swords just doesn't make any sense. Assuming you get level 5 at A+ that is, but at the very least from what we've seen you have to reach A minimum(nobody who we've seen the skills of has, so even though it doesn't fit the pattern it's not impossible), which is 1320 total exp if you start at E(which considering the skill position, is likely her case). That would take a lot of time through tutoring and weekends alone, it's pretty violently improbable. Also while I agree with the reasoning, Leonie is canonically a hunter down to her commoner outfit with archery gloves(among other things), so I have a hard time believing bows aren't her main strength. But we'll see. Also it's a bit tangential but, speaking of things that don't make sense: ... no real insight on this one, I just don't know what to make of it.
  6. Weapon seems unique too(judging from what little of the name is visible), probably his prf
  7. Maybe they're just slowing down...? Makes one wonder why last saturday had a reveal, though. In any case, if we got Artur, I'd assume Rodrigue is happening too, sooner or later. Edit: Meant Tomas, sorry my bad
  8. You are taking a tendency and making it the crux of your argument here, though. Furthermore, I'd say the deeprealms don't really work with what you're suggesting, for two main reasons; they went with possibly the laziest solution possible(so the opposite of what's going on with 3H), and, they had already faced this issue with Awakening making it unlikely they were unprepared as a result. Things point to children never being planned as a core feature of the game, while if they were willing to go as far as they are with the timeskip in 3H just for shipping, it very much would have to be one of their absolute priorities. I meant that about your Awakening statement, which didn't sound like a hypothetical. And if it was, I'm not quite sure why you brought it up. "Maybe Awakening did that so maybe Three Houses is doing it too"?
  9. Yes, but there's a possibility that they unlock skills on top of that. For example, Annette has learned rally res as a weapon skill somewhere, somehow. Could be from authority, it's a rally after all. Hidden talent is always possible of course. But on top of that, what stands out is that she's really good at reason(B+). And really, looking at her spell list, at B+ she's learned Cutting Gale, Sagittae, and maybe Wind, though she could start with it. That's potentially less than the amount of weapon arts you get with normal weapons. Unfortunately we don't have that much footage from mages. Here are the only three skill lists I could find(third one is Marianne): One skill of unknown origin on all three. Granted, Mercedes' is shared with someone else, I think it was Ashe and Ingrid, and Dedue, thanks LSM and it's HP +5 from what I could tell Edit: Oh, I guess we have Hubert with rally magic, too:
  10. For Ingrid, we do know because of the order, as said above. The new class skill we've never seen is between two class skills, so it is one as well: Sylvain lacks one of the skills Dimitri has because class skills are logically tied to class mastery, in which Dimitri has 94/100 at the start and Sylvain 19/100. I'm saying the shield is a class ability(because it's to the left), the boot is unknown(could be from authority, lance 4, something else), and the flaming arrow we know about in fact, it's battalion wrath or something along those lines I believe. We've seen it being learned through tutoring of authority before.(woops you said that). It's not a guarantee that the shield is that though, it could have been reorganized to the left of lance 4. Hence why I said probably. Some things are assumptions, others not so much. We know more than most people think at this point.
  11. That is true, but hopefully not the whole story either. For example(as-in that's all I've got), choir practice is the only source of weapon skill for both Byleth and two students at once as far as we know, and it raises Faith specifically. Weapon ranks also give skills it would appear, and there's a possibility that characters get something valuable enough from reason and faith to warrant the effort even without being magic users. Maybe. In practice probably not if we're being honest I wonder, because using physical weapons for magic inclined characters seems really niche thus far. I mean it can't be worse granted but, I do question whether or not it'll actually be worth it. Especially if the theory that strength reduces weapon weight is true.
  12. That's an assumption, isn't it? We already know of classes getting skills that weren't revealed, namely Pegasus knight(through Ingrid in the japanese overview trailer) and probably Cavalier(through Dimitri in the King of Beasts map).
  13. This was revealed as early as the first Famitsu coverage, but we misinterpreted it back then because there wasn't a clear concise statement, just some classes having the "can use magic" mention, and others not. We were led to believe that all weapon types were universal thus far, so it wasn't enough to make us realize that was wrong, or that magic wasn't considered a weapon type in the first place(since technically, well, no weapon's involved, it's just spells).
  14. I get what you mean but there were probably more likely theories to bring up. On top of various gameplay elements and plot ramifications that definitely seem potent, making the students young and having to create a timeskip to age them up with completely new designs and models because they cannot be romanced as a result... that sounds like a self-made problem. And really, if shipping was a priority to that extent, the very structure of the game getting in the way would make little sense. That's pretty clearly a much more involved timeskip than Awakening's basically. And I'd argue even that cannot be 100% established as exclusively being done for shipping purposes, as far as I'm aware anyway.
  15. Both are possible, but I just get the feeling in general that we don't have the big picture in our hands just yet. It makes sense to have more frequent reveals the closer we get of course, but in a context where you don't have that many that look meaningful remaining... I guess another way I could have worded it is that we're swiftly running out of known playable characters, in fact, we have haven't we? Rodrigue is a question mark I suppose, and Anna as well, but beyond that...
  16. Okay, so not much to Cyril thus far, but hey, I didn't love Sothe either before the PoR -> RD timeskip. I wonder what's the plan at this point, we have relatively few known characters left. Like, Lonato, Rodrigue, Seiros and Nemesis perhaps? That's not three weeks of reveals no matter how you look at it.
  17. Really? Both your chart and the site put them at 3/5, same as assassins
  18. No way. Now that we know that close counter is relatively easy to reach, and we've seen Ashe, Bernadetta and Ignatz all pull their own weight no problem, mobility aside I strongly doubt they're going to be bad. They also naturally synergize really well with the new "attack stance" system. Might only amount to +3 avo/acc and some negligible Gambit damage at first, but considering support bonuses seem to work that way too... only thing that could really make them awful is this being mount emblem, and even still, there's a good chance for bow cavalry. As for this penalty, it's significant(-20 per tile above 2 I'm pretty sure), but being able to hit from 4+ range at all is still really nice. Others don't even get the option. If any class is looking like it might be getting the short end of the stick thus far, it's mages. 4 Move still at tier 4, yikes. At least they were competent in dungeon in Echoes, where movement didn't matter, but we haven't seen anything like that at this point... Frankly outside of movement I'm not sure these ratings will have that much weight, from what we've seen. None of the cavaliers we've seen in action have been noticeably slow, outside of Lorenz, but I think it's more his natural speed being bad. In general really, what those ratings could be pointing at first and foremost is the amount of stat fixing the class can provide, which would mean you'd have to be bad in the first place for the bad ones to hurt you. Grapplers too apparently, right?
  19. I'd say it's a big part of almost every game from Japan these days, really.
  20. That's true. Chapters shouldn't be >80% of the playtime like usual anyway, so this was a moot point I guess.
  21. We saw that class changing to Armor Knight got Edelgard points in Luck and Defense(at 15:43), but the game isn't in focus so it's hard to say how much she gained. That being said, if the bar in the middle is your stats total without HP or Mov(which matches for Edelgard, though it's a bit short with Linhardt), both here and in the material where she got +2 Luck by becoming a Brigand, she had 90 total, and considering it's the same build, chances are her stats are also the same, aka 35 HP, 16 Str, 10 Mag, 9 Dex, 12 Spd, 4 Mv, 6 Lck, 11 Def, 9 Res, and 17 Cha. So Armor Knight raising both her Lck and Def seems to generally make sense if we assume that just like in Echoes, class changing doesn't give static stat boosts, but instead raises your stats to the bases of the class if applicable. To note though, is that while the first total before class changing we see matches, Edelgard going to Brigand raises her total from 90 to 94, yet she only got +2 in one stat. Also both Linhardt and Ferdinand have 1 more HP than they should once the gameplay starts, and no other character does. So there's more to it all yet. I really wish we saw the numbers here... Edited because I misremembered Linhardt's total matching with the bar when it didn't.
  22. It's probably fair to expect a thorough playthrough to take a lot of time, since the monastery brings many time consuming rpg elements to the table. However, I don't doubt that that's an inflated number. For what it's worth, the treehouse save files were at 11 to 12 hours of playtime on ch 8. The game would need between 50 and 60 chapters to last 80 hours at that rate, that's a lot.
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