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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. If this really is Bernadetta and Felix by the way, both of their designs look really cool. Google tellin' me Kronje instead of Cronier, and I mean, it's an actual name apparently, so, sure.
  2. She does seem very girlie. Childhood friend that's always worried the boys will hurt themselves(if I'm understanding correctly) Interestingly, this implies not only Felix and Dimitri are childhood friends, both Ingrid and Sylvain were part of the group as well. Considering Annette and Mercedes are also friends, and Dedue is Dimitri's servant... that only leaves Ashe in terms of characters that don't know anyone, for now anyway.
  3. Ah, it's in another video of that map, couldn't even tell you which one... ... oh, I noted it down actually. He levels up in the Kotaku one so we get to see his speed.
  4. Nice, there were so many things barely left unshown. Though I really wish Dimitri mastered his class in this one, he gets so close every time... I want to see what that does. And if it gets him a skill, what skill. Ashe has 16 speed as a lv 14 on this map, I'd say he's plenty fast. He's just using a heavy weapon. Dorothea only had 10 Fire uses in the first chapter Tree house played though, and it was due to the skill. Considering she has thunder as a Commoner, she might be a thunder mage, but who can say.
  5. Yup, these are new. Confirms that pink man is a baddie, how unfortunate! Also there are names, but I don't think we're going to work these ones out... Leonie's art has some weird proportions at that size by the way.
  6. The one issue I could see with that is, how are the professor levels requirements going to work for such hybrid classes? You can't expect pure mages to have built up their riding or flying skills, nor can you expect mounted units to have any proficiency in reason and faith magic that they cannot use at all. The most practical way I could see is a low riding/flying requirement and high reason/faith one, but it's difficult to say for sure if the final tier of classes will be that lenient, especially considering any requirement we've been shown has been completely linear up until now.
  7. ... uh. ... you know, I was expecting a bit more out of him, considering his name. We'll see how he is in the game I suppose, but his introduction isn't winning him many points afaic.
  8. I feel that his design is too elaborate for that, plus we already have the plague masks appearing in cg. Not impossible, though. Yup, though I do have to say, since the E3 trailer he doesn't look evil anymore to me. Somehow. I think so too, but I guess there's a slight chance there are yet more older evil looking people we don't know of.
  9. Okay, so we all remember this guy, right? ... that evil looking, crest crushing, neck breaking pink weirdo. You know, the bad guy. Well, turns out... he may not have done either of those things. See the sky in the top left of his frame? Dark blue sky. Okay. ... okay, that's not the same sky, sure, what does that prove? Well, here's the next frame with that sky: "Yeah, see, that's him!" ... but is it though? Let's look closer. Waaait a minute... nothing matches! Not the hair color, not the completely black cape with shiny borders, not the fluffy hood even! Did we get the wrong guy? Can we see his right hand? Okay, it's rough, but... no purple lines, it looks like a regular glove. Dang, seems like it actually wasn't him. ... right but surely, he is killing that poor unidentified lady in the E3 trailer, yes? Let's make the shot a little less dark... Seems plausible! ... but wait, isn't something missing... No beard. No glorious light pink manliness. This guy's innocent! We were about to put him in villain jail without a second thought, when he might really be a good guy! Shame on us all! Let us apologize to this gentleman posthast... ... ... Er... let's give it some more time I guess.
  10. AS still matters to avoid getting doubled, to be fair, as well as for (a bit of)avoid. Also not every combat art boost accuracy. Also also, enemy phase. But on paper, OU maybe not, but better than usual, perhaps. ...Then again I thought they were pretty good in Fates already.
  11. Do we? Dedue changes shields, but I can't see anything on Ignatz...
  12. Agreed. Gambits seem to have fixed accuracy however(like Magic in Echoes, neither your accuracy nor the enemy's avoid affect it at all... that's not completely true in Echoes, but you get what I mean), so it's probably just the damage. With all the footage we got, it can probably be established at this point, actually.
  13. And tying the whole MyCastle resource system to it, throwing part of the game balance out of wack. Can't forget that.
  14. Yeah, I guess it became obvious her sword wasn't Seiros' when we saw it from closer. The blade was too large. I can't help but see a future enemy when I look at her. Her crest... I thought it was taken already, but I guess not:
  15. To complete this a bit, we can compare exp gains through the auto tutoring at the end of weeks, though it only helps with the stats characters are currently focused in. Here''s the whole thing, from the Treehouse coverage(two happen, and both give these same bonuses): - Edelgard +32 Axes +32 Authority - Hubert +32 Reason +32 Authority - Ferdinand +48 Axes - Linhardt +28 Lances +28 Riding - Caspar +48 Axes - Bernadetta +32 Lances +32 Bows - Dorothea +48 Reason - Petra +32 Swords +32 Axes - Raphael +32 Axes +32 Brawl - Ignatz +32 Swords +32 Bows Interestingly, having a single focus gives a much bigger bonus here(1.5x it seems), so there's reason to do that, though that's off topic here.
  16. Sounds like a possibility as well. It's not the same menu, so that could be the reason for the difference.
  17. It's been confirmed to not be possible I believe, plus why not simply show the S, then? We know it exists.
  18. Maybe, but then Edelgard can marry no male from her house beyond Linhardt. Prepare for some noise if that's the case.
  19. Yup, realized a bit after posting, my bad.
  20. I don't think so; there are two sessions with her, one at ~9:20 and the other at ~12:20. The first one gets her from 92 to 60, the second one from 60 to 28, it's consistent. Edit: Ah, I see where my mistake came from. I was looking at her Sword skill. Okay, that's not a thing.
  21. I do think + ranks at least always level up your prowess level(which I'm going to assume is just the bonuses we've known for a while multiplied by the skill's level). As you said, Authority could be a special case. Outside of it I have yet to see a counterexample, at the same time I've been slacking on my analysis yesterday. Well Petra learned Helm Splitter without getting a rank up at all, so there may be more to it than that(too lazy to resize, so spoiler tag it is... it's not a spoiler though): Edit: Also in that same video, Bernadetta gets Knightkneeler by getting to C Lances, so there may be no hard rule for Combat Arts.
  22. Please don't say these things to me. ... she's at B+ reason magic in the Cutting Gale footage, so it could be a late spell everyone gets. Still, access to Wind as a commoner is potentially a bit rarer.
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