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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. What's the starting time actually? Anybody knows?
  2. Welp, Fire Emblem is first in line tomorrow. Let's all go to our european beds. Edit: That is a lot of ninjas
  3. They have been open about these being just basic overviews of the games, and the fact that they'll give them more time later... so at this point it'd be weird if they just leave FE out today imo.
  4. I haven't seen a single youtuber yet that isn't a fan and understood what was going on in the trailer... which is really frustrating, that's by far the best showing Three Houses has gotten... as long as you get what's happening. Edit: Well, Daemon X Machina is next, no Fire Emblem yet.
  5. We'll know fairly soon then, I think they're almost done.
  6. They seem to be giving each game a bit of time right now. They've been through about six or seven ones covered in the direct already, TH could come up at any moment at this point. Not a guarantee, but eh.
  7. Yeah, I was wondering about the height, it's been a while. No problem, I'll PM you when I'm done, then.
  8. I hope Petra progressively gets better at the language as the game moves forward. It'd be interesting and stop her from becoming stale. That is a challenging character trait to attempt in any case, I like the ambition.
  9. Would have said mercenary, but since it's not listed, myrmidon with an iron blade and a kodachi is fine, no need for skills if I'm a boss. Let me see if I still have this thing... Sorry, no eyes animations, but they're Wil's, so his should work. Good luck, and no worries if I can't be included.
  10. I know that BR enemies are easy to underestimate, but just looking at Subaki vs your random Great knight in ch23, on his own Subaki should have roughly 10 magic with an 11 might weapon. To 1RKO, he needs 35 attack, so disregarding any bonus and since we can't really assume wta on enemies that often wield axes, he's 14 away, that's a lot even for Fates; and that's against an enemy with bad res. Hinoka is only marginally better, same for Malig!Scarlet since she gets worse pairup bonuses, and Rinkah can get the damage with her personal, but has serious accuracy problems(so does Malig!Scarlet, btw). Kaze can also struggle against enemies with an actual defense stat and no armor weakness, such as paladins(43 atk to ORKO), dark knights(45), wyvern lords(48).
  11. It's difficult to establish that the two are the same character, as we saw the evil figure's right eye, and it was relatively normal, emptiness aside. Their facial structure are also different maybe? The character does look like Edelgard to me as well. Could be her, could be a relative. And judging from the angle of the blade, if it really is the whipblade, its wielder seems to be menacing them with it. Also, that middle one is pretty clearly Jeralt with ominous looking flames behind them. With this and the darker shot on the left page... daddy might not be a good guy. Ah, same, subscribed to a couple channels to make sure I wouldn't miss it, but nothing thus far. Either way, thanks, let's do that then!
  12. That is much better. Do you mind if I put the corresponding ones in the OP? Good find either way, never would have thought to look there.
  13. As someone who had the high voice problem as well, I'd agree, if not for the fact that I was extremely self-conscious about it back in the day. Still, I didn't really mean to throw shade or anything.
  14. Well, if people weren't confused enough about his gender... now there's that voice.
  15. Makes sense, thanks for looking it up:) Well then mine is both more and less relevant I guess, so... eh? Yup. In general it's interesting that they'd show a broken mural on something like that. Heavy symbology, and I'd almost be willing to say that's straight up foreshadowing.
  16. We don't have the same one then, I went through it three times to make sure before I posted Edit: We're talking this one on the right, correct?
  17. Not the special edition one at the very least. The most spoilery thing I could find in there is Azura being slightly consumed by purple matter. No trace of Anankos and very little Valla.
  18. Well, theoretically, yeah. What I can't tell is what convinced you that Sylvain, Ingrid and Marianne are now in a different situation than them, when Sylvain and Ingrid in particular have almost zero chance to be revealed before E3... There IS the possibility of there not being any twitter reveal after E3, because they'd have become unneeded or something, but even then afaik out of the seven remaining, any is susceptible to never getting a twitter bio as a result, not just the four you asked about.
  19. That's really difficult to say for sure, and everything else seems to match
  20. I assumed that was Edelgard to the left and Rhea to the right.
  21. Oh, very true. Looks more like clouds than flames, too. I think you're right.
  22. True, we may see some of it there. We do see Rhea smiling in front of flames pretty clearly though, and, well, yeah.
  23. Kay, so I'm just going to focus on the new stuff in this one: Back of the Steelbook is a broken version of the mural, showing Byleth's crest, and confirming that its shape is a reference: Artwork of mostly new CG! Tried to get the best shots I could: Note: Cleaner versions courtesy of VincentASM Left page(still a bit blurry): Right page: Another page, looking to be student focused with mostly things we've seen, but I won't assume:
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