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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Let's just say there are other reasons for an extremely tired face than actually being tired.
  2. They're the memes house, upside down Claude and Lorenz have made that very clear a while ago. Black Eagles has generally the best looking female characters, Blue Lions has overall the best looking male characters, Golden Deer has the best memes. Claude, Lorenz, Hilda, Raphael, Marianne, all have immense meme potential already and we don't even know that much about them. Is it a good thing though, this I cannot say...
  3. I think I read somewhere a while ago that crests could appear on actual commoners, potentially without a bloodline, but, I can't find it anymore... so scratch that, I guess.
  4. Well if it was just the crest maybe, but Byleth wielding the SotC(sword of the creator) makes it seem very likely they never were a commoner in the first place.
  5. I don't think that would make much sense, it seems to be a genetics thing mostly... then again, who knows? Other than that, maybe she was adopted because she was born with the crest for unknown reasons.
  6. The thing is... if she's adopted... can she be the bearer of the final Golden Deer crest? That would be weird, though the general explanation on crests did leave the door open for crests inexplicably appearing on people, if I remember correctly. If that's not the case, either the bearer is Leonie, or we don't get access to it at all(out of the students anyway). Both would be pretty surprising.
  7. At least that'll make a lot of people happy, but I was right, they're denying me the character I'm the most interested in! The world is so unfair you guys. Anyway, Marianne! Reminded me of Noire's soft side a little, and that seems accurate. Maybe.
  8. "sigh" I hope class weapon specialties actually make a difference at least... javelin seem to be unrestricted 1-2 range again, too. ... but that's enough pessimism for the day.
  9. - Very possible. - Which is a godsend by the way. Restrict mounted units as much as possible(sorry armor knights, though), because they're on their way to breaking this game harder than Byl... wait, Byleth can fly and still use swords here. ... the end is nigh isn't it.
  10. Yeah, I know. ...I mean, I really don't, thanks for the confirmation, I said that because it was already hinted at before; but, if Linhardt had like, E+ bow and axes, it could have made it seem like both contributed to the boost in chance(and they might, I don't think we've been shown), but no, just one E+ is enough to build that much on the pass rate apparently. Felt like it was worth pointing out. Still not quite sure what that bar in the middle is though... has that been revealed yet?
  11. There's grinding and grinding. Infinite grinding is out for Hard mode apparently yes, but the monastery seems to offer tons of optional quests and ways to affect motivation and such, there's a good chance that by spending time instead of following the story, you will get widely different results. Maybe when it comes to Byleth being teached, a better affinity with the professor yields better results, and you can build that up at the cafeteria at the very least. Or maybe there's a way to increase the venture gauge faster at the cost of other things, to get more optional battles per months. It's not Awakening or Birthright grinding per se, but ignoring the main story for a while to make yourself stronger still seems very possible.
  12. I suspect this was visible once before(and maybe it's in VincentASM's latest analysis), but apparently if your pass rate for a class exam is lower than a certain percentage(25% here), you can't even attempt it at all. Linhardt has a E in lances and swords, this gives him a 25% chance of passing the Myrmidon and Soldier exams, but when it comes to Fighter, even though he has E axes and fists(named "brawl" here), just his E+ in bows seem to be enough to bump his chance up to 65%, which is interesting.
  13. ...oh, it's that simple. Well yeah, as said I don't think that's a good idea for FE supports, or something people will like. Remains to be seen for sure though.
  14. I'm going to retract my previous statement, and say it's likely going to be Leonie, but because of Famitsu. I assume next week's entry will have a Three Houses section, and I feel Marianne would work better for a magazine reveal. Edit: ... Goddammit IS.
  15. In the end it's interesting that Byleth has supports at all. I'm going to assume they won't stay silent then, and even multiple choices really wouldn't work; so, Byleth is a mute during most everything pertaining to the monastery, also during the story apparently, but they talk during battles and, most likely, supports. Wonder how that'll work out.
  16. The gameplay footage we've seen has revealed worryingly high weapon ranks, with tons of people at B and B+ in one thing or more. I don't really know what to think of that by the way, but regardless, it might not end up being... that unreachable, plus, grinding for more playable characters? I mean I hate grinding and even I would be tempted to do it.
  17. You know, I did notice that Dedue was wearing different shields across all the material we got. I wonder what they do, hopefully they're genuinely helpful.
  18. You're right, that being said, let's not jump the gun, she has three skills which we don't know the effect of, could be receiving stat boosts from her prf sword that wouldn't show up in the level up roll, could have consumed tonics or eaten at the cafeteria, etc, etc. Judging from what we know(Steel sword = 10 weight), she's getting a reduction of 4 on weapon weight, it would seem. ... god that movement gambit is absurd. Why would you not use that every time on the first turn? Sure it will make movement differences a bit less of a problem(then again it's amazing for canto), but...
  19. We can dismount Edelgard in the class change screen. Might be a visual thing only, who knows! Also Pegasus knights only seem to have 6 Mov, Mercenaries have 5, and Armor knights are confirmed to only have 4. Cavs have 7. Also also, Skl(skill) was renamed to Dex(likely dexterity).
  20. Should be up to date again, not that it will last long(^_^')
  21. Oh, so the breakers are combat arts. That's interesting, though also pretty weird. I get the feeling my theory about what skills one gets from professor levels is coming together as a result, but it's too early to tell.
  22. ^Woops, I don't understand japanese, but he sounds like a pervert... might not be what people were hoping for
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