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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 42 minutes ago, colossus86 said:

    I really hope she's not the nice but cartoonishly clumsy type, I can't stand those. But I guess IS figured they hit back to back with Sumia and Felicia so we'll just have one of these forever now.

    Who knows. That's not the vibe I'm getting here, though.

    4 minutes ago, AzuraxCorrin(M)4Life said:

    Wait so if Ingrid, Sylvain, and Marianne are being revealed what about Linhardt, Petra, Ignace, and Leonie.

    I'm... not sure I follow.


  2. Phew, she is cute. Was worried I read her completely wrong for a moment.

    6 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    She has been friends with Mercedes since their time at the Mage Academy, and she calls Mercedes "Meche" while Mercedes calls her "Ann".

    Unless they give each other various nicknames, I think this one has officially been localized as "Mercie", for the time being:




  3. 1 hour ago, Corrobin said:

    I wonder what personal skill Caspar will have.

    I'm wondering for Petra, as I'm still not convinced that 100% crit rate was rigged. Mostly because I don't think they've rigged anything else thus far...? Plus rigging it through gameplay rather than through basic programming seems roundabout to me.

  4. 13 minutes ago, User name said:

    So i think the Windmill might actually be the greenhouse then, or part of it i suppose.

    And i think we need to pay more atention to the beginning of each char video's, some of them have a small glimpse of the mini map.

    I think Lysythea had it aswell:

    Hubert also has it,but its just Black Eagles class room.

    Edit; And Raph has it too

    And Mercie has it too! Man everyone has it dammit! (but i reached upload limit on this post so....lol)

    Yeah, I was keeping a tab on those to eventually make a map out of them, but then they revealed the entire map at once, and, well, I stopped:p

    Totally had missed Raphael's, though

    4 minutes ago, Owain Dark said:

    Is it me, or do those Screenshots seems very dark in color? The colors always seem a bit colorless too, but that's on every switch game I guess, which there was an option to boost the saturation etc

    It's because these screenshots were taken during the fade in of the characters videos.

  5. 21 minutes ago, User name said:

    You can see a strair case in both screens, look closer. Plus there is no dots on the mini map in Bernadetta's video(behind her i mean) and the date is the same.And there is alos a windmill.Same place.

    Iam 100% sure its Beranadetta.

    The staircase could be in front of every room section, and the windmill is at the end, though it's indeed looking pretty big.

    Okay, let me see if I can fondle with the maps a bit...


    Green is Caspar, red is Bernadetta.

    Since there are bushes at the right of Bernadetta's minimap, that's the only place that fits. And that just seems too far for me. The Black eagle we're seeing on Caspar could very well be hidden on this map, too.

  6. 38 minutes ago, User name said:

    Its actually Bernadetta;

    Same date 4/27 just like in Caspar's video.

    That's a bit too close, it's a looong alleyway, Caspar is at the top and Bernadetta is almost at the bottom; but at least that confirms that it's just another Black Eagles student. Good catch too, it's not visible for long in that clip.

    ... this made me realize that there are like, 13 rooms for 21 students(assuming the house leaders sleep somewhere else). That's a bit of a weird in-between.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

    I live my life freely. Isn't that the true victory?

    Claude confirming the kill, Golden Deer it i...

    3 minutes ago, SushiCat said:

    Dimitri: “The Blue Lions are quite the boisterous house. I would wager you’re in for more than your fair share of grief, but we are glad to have you nonetheless.”



    ... Shoot, that's really good too. Hm.

  8. 4 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I meant "read". And it was on the previous page.

    So... what I posted then? If anything it seems close to Genealogy, with weapon weight potentially completely killing one's AS and thus avoid... but paired with FE6 accuracy instead, where values get so low that static bonuses can almost single-handedly make a character a dodgetank. It also depends on what RN system they use. A big part of Fates not being dodge tanking friendly was its rng.

    Earlygame dodgetanking very clearly won't be a thing, terrain aside, that much I think is clear. Formulas are too low, and weapons are too heavy(5 weight for an iron sword, 10 for steel, and no constitution to speak of). But past that, who knows.

  9. 50 minutes ago, User name said:

    There is actually no need for a Bow cavalier class now, you just re-class a unit into a cav and give him/her a bow. Boom bow cav.

    We'll see. There are signs that focused weapons will still get some kind of advantage, so using other weapons might be completely niche. A cavalier with a bow would also likely not get the range +1 of archer, while a bow cav on the other hand, maybe?

  10. 6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    The way I see experience boosting skills in this game is that 20% is a tiny increase. If you normally get 30 exp from a kill, this skill gives you 36 instead. If a Nobility unit and a non Nobility unit get ten kills worth of experience, it's still three level ups. Not groundbreaking. I'd rather have a skill that helps your combat immediately. And we don't know how large the growths will be in this game. Even if they end up being good growths, I'd rather use units that are good out of the gate with high base stats or other features. I'm not going to ignore the student characters, since they'll be all you have for the early game, but if one or two of them aren't shaping up to meet my standards, then they get the bench. Stopping to grind is one thing I don't concern myself with for rankings, but it sounds like you have less grinding opportunities on higher difficulties anyway. One extra level up here or there on an individual unit slowly soloing a skirmish chapter isn't going to make them a powerhouse unless that's how they started out.

    I actually thought it fought against lowered exp gains due to being higher level than the target. I think Awakening's Veteran did that, but from basic testing, I guess Fates' Nobility doesn't, or very minimally.

    Well, it's still a lead the unit will most always have on others, in terms of skills, class changing, etc. But you're right, I might have oversold it a bit.

    As an aside, if stats really can go up to 60 as VincentASM measured, growth rates will probably be relatively high.

  11. 2 hours ago, BastienSoul said:

    I'm not sure what else the arrows in the video could mean, though. The arrows appear before the task, so it can't be how well they performed during it.

    Yeah, I can agree, that's why I was fine with it originally, but now I'm wondering. Bernadetta being the sole case of a strength with an E rank was also weird.

  12. 53 minutes ago, BastienSoul said:

    Another new video on the website shows a group task that boosts Flying, and shows that Hubert and Dorothea each have a weakness in in it. I can't link it now, though.

    I don't know if we can really rely on those arrows, though, now that we've seen them used in the mess hall for food preferences, which have nothing to do with strengths/weaknesses:

  13. 1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Doesn't change the fact that you have to go completely out of your way to leverage it - which sounds like a low tier skill to me. Especially with healing being limited.

    That's not really out of the way when you always start chapters at full health, though, and it's harder to not max up by healing than the opposite. We also don't know how limited healing will be. Could be five uses a chapter(times 2 if Priest), or ten, or two(which I doubt). Renewal or comparable skills could also be around and decently accessible to Ferdinand, and one of the three assistant effects heals you after battle.

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