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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. I was assuming every character had a canon class and we'd recruit them at some point already promoted in it. Only your house's students get to be tutored, though.

    Skipping on 16 characters every playthrough just sounds like way too much.


    That being said... another issue is whether or not we'll face the other houses in combat(beyond mock battles), and that is really difficult to say at this point. As for the stories merging... I'm going to say yes. We're already seeing different Houses on the exact same map, and it doesn't seem like this will be three games in one in general.

  2. I actually don't know anymore. I was thinking Blue Lions, but Golden Deer being the house of the commoners makes it that much more attractive to me for some reason. And Edelgard is still my favorite of the three lords at the moment, so it's not like new information couldn't put the eagles in the lead.

    Let's say Golden Deer for now.

  3. 1 hour ago, redlight said:

    I'm talking about the huge info dump of the world and game mechanics

    That's just not how we advertise our games out there I guess. We're still getting Nintendo directs and tweets, but magazine coverage would make less sense than in Japan. Or at least that's how it is where I live.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    It could be that it is all the same classroom. Maybe IS took inspiration from Western high schools where the teacher stays in the same room and not Japanese classrooms. When the students are in there, it could just be different periods. This raises the question of how time/periods will affect classroom gameplay. Does this mean we only have a limited time with certain factions every day? Is this the game's way to spread EXP to all factions?

    I was wondering about that as well, and it definitely sounded interesting to learn how they'd manage to make it all work together without making things too cumbersome(as time-based mechanics tend to do that).

    However, and I guess that's my cue to update this actually, they seem to have added house flags in classes as seen in the Famitsu coverage:
    yIl8OJx.jpg   NUrQ6h0.jpg

    Guess that doesn't completely prove that there's more than one classroom, but it sure gets pretty close.

    Not sure how to tag Calico, so I'll just empty quote; but yes, just to acknowledge, I think you were right.

    On 04/03/2019 at 5:47 PM, Calico said:


  5. Apparently there are two types of skills at this point: Class skills, and Weapon skills. There might also be a third one in personal skills, but this is currently unclear.

    Class skills are self explanatory, we've had those before. Weapon skills are learned as you level up your ranks. Also, at this point we can safely say that weapon ranks will clearly have a much bigger impact in Three Houses than usual.

    As for personal skills, I'm saying this because we've seen Byleth with Wrath as a Commoner(a type of villager), and Edelgard having Vantage or Nobility(from Nohr Prince(ss)) as a Noble(the other type of villager). Also we could spot Dorothea having some kind of green skill in a short commercial, but it was very blurry so we can only assume what it was. Point is, there's little chance any of these are obtained through class, buuuut as Edelgard has been shown with two different ones, these may not be final either.

  6. 2 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    I agree. Fire Emblem likes to play it fast and loose with blue bloods associating with farmers-turned-soldiers but my impression is that regardless of common birth, everyone at this school is likely to be a well to do individual from a prominent family. Looking at feudal Japan and their caste system, you still had wealthy farmers and poor samurai, and wealth can transcend class when it comes to how how well you do in life.

    We've seen the lords with different squads of units, sometimes infantry or cavaliers. Perhaps you can choose who your squad is and the stars represent the classes of units that character has the best affinity with. It would make sense then, that even if those characters don't use magic themselves, they are experienced in leading magic users.

    I mean, that may be a thing, but would there really be much of a point in displaying it during tutoring? As far as we know raising faith magic will not make your faith troops stronger, though I guess that's not exactly impossible either.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    This logic would hold if not for another point I brought up. Edelgard may not notice Byleth in time. And in fact his running up to her would have served as a deadly distraction if he arrived too late. And if she didn't notice Byleth at all (something he leaves to fate by not announcing his presence), she may have lunged forward, plunging her dagger into Byleth's back as he arrives. If he just said something then I'm okay with him sliding in front of two people engaged in combat. Taking this scene as it is with the facts we have, it's just a sloppily written sequence that takes away Edelgard's agency in order to create the spectacle of Byleth knocking a dude ten feet. Movies and games can be full of these style-over-substance scenes and they're worth pointing out.

    I say let's wait for a bit more context on this one. However, the issue with trying to intercept the guy instead of body blocking is that it's much less effective when it comes to protection. If the primary goal was to protect Edelgard, which seemed to be the case, I think it makes some amount of sense. Furthermore, well Byleth doesn't get axed in the back in that scene, meaning it's after Sothis rewinds time and thus they already know what's going to happen.

    Finally, looking at Edelgard's reaction after the save, it seems pretty obvious that she was in way over her head there, to me anyway.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Onestep said:

    I mean, Farghus is literally called the Holy Kingdom. That seems to indicate they have strong links to the Church.

    The church's emblem features the symbol of the Adrestian empire, and so does Garreg Mach, even though it should be neutral, with flags and carvings. The apostle/oracle/who knows also has it on her dress. A bit tired but let me get some images:


    TvclnNU.jpg  AuGM6Xh.jpg

    ctNJUMc.jpg  7Ku4Lsu.jpg

  9. 8 hours ago, Guest LSM said:

    We see that it's supposed to give +6. But the next screenshot she's advanced the rank. And all the other screenshots seem to be showing actions one after the other, so... it'd be natural to infer that one leads to the next here as well, eh?

    And I guess that's my conclusion too: something's weird here. Especially Lindhardt looking like he has his base ranks despite being levels 4 and 6. Maybe none of this is accurate to actual gameplay (like Petra's 100% crit chance in the direct) and it's a fool's game to try to analyse it?

    Yeah but, from +6 to +65?

    That's unfortunately always a possibility. I remember an early shot of Fates showing Felicia along with female Corrin in an early BR chapter(Zola's), which killed the theory that your main retainer was always the opposite gender of yours, even though it was correct. Those things happen.
    It's fine though, it's not like we're breaking the internet by theorizing anyway, and we do end up finding the truth a lot of the time. In this precise case, I think it's reasonable to say we need more than what we currently have, though.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Onestep said:

    I thought that Adrestia was better at 'Physics' magic ie Anima and Dark magic.

    If any faction had dominance on Faith magic, surely it'd be the Holy Kingdom of Fargus?

    That would be news to me. All I heard was magic in general.

    I mean, perhaps, but from everything we've seen the Church of Seiros seems affiliated with Adrestia first and foremost, which is something else to consider.

  11. ^^We also see the effects of the tutoring on Edelgard though, and that gives 6 exp, potentially *1.5, which is consistent with what Dorothea got in the trailer. One possible explanation is that + ranks don't require you to fill the bar to reach, but something else. We did get a part in the very first trailer about Edelgard asking what she should focus training on, which could be related... though it could also be completely outdated by now.

    Also the bar indicates 3 tutorings being available, the empty part shows the cost pre-emptively. This is visible in the japanese trailer 2, as it flashes red, then gets consumed once Dorothea has received her bonus, then the 3 turns into a 2(which kind of makes me wonder if it really was the older build of the two).

    Weapon ranks are just super weird here, there seems to be something we're missing.

    Edit: Oh also I forgot to say, I'm not convinced any ranks we're seeing in those shots can reasonably be attributed to tutoring, almost everything is too clean at 0 exp of the current level, everyone has the exact same mood, Dimitri is only level 2 and Edelgard isn't much higher... Feels like the very first tutoring of the game to me, maybe a couple chapters in.

  12. 1 hour ago, SushiCat said:

    I absolutely love Link and the LoZ saga but I have to say I'm not entirely sure that making a silent protagonist is a good idea for FE. It will probably make it harder for them to flesh the character out, which has been pointed as a major flaw in previous avatars, and the support system would need to be revamped too. This is frankly the only thing that I'm not liking about the game (if it turns out to be true anyway).

    That could certainly pose a few problems with the FE formula, and I'm definitely curious about supports specifically as well. But at the same time, that should also limit how hated the character can be. We could do with people in this community being more accepting of avatars(since the chance of them going away seem extremely slim) than they currently are, and that's one way for that to be accomplished.

    31 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Actual translation courtesy of @NekoKnight: Fine. A lesser being like you wouldn't understand the true value of your life, right? Honestly...Well, I'll just have to lead you myself!

    Turns out archaic Japanese is pretty confusing. Oh well, practice makes perfect. 

    I'll assume she's saying that as a reaction to Byleth throwing his back directly into the blade of an axe... which would make it warranted. If you forget the "lesser being" part.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Thane said:

    She speaks in an archaic way. She uses washi for herself, which is often associated with older characters, and onushi when speaking to Byleth. She also conjugates her verbs a bit differently; for example, when conjugating a verb in the negative, she uses nu instead of the more common nai. She speaks kind of like Sanaki, I believe, although I've not checked the Japanese version of the Tellius games much.

    My translation is non-sensical and I'd rather wait until someone who speaks better Japanese than I do takes a look at it. What I get is more or less "Well, fine. Like you, I don't understand the mysteries of life's true worth. Good grief...I will guide you from now on" [the last part is officially translated to "well it's up to me to guide you from now on, right?].

    So it's a total non sequitur. 己 can mean "you" too, so it's possible she says "you really don't get the true mysteries of life", but then it doesn't match with the first thing she says. Or I've just misunderstood the whole phrase. 

    Exasperating, but I'll hopefully learn something from this when a proper translation is out.

    That's already quite helpful to be honest, thanks for posting this. How did you even run into it though? It doesn't seem to appear on their main site...

    3 minutes ago, SushiCat said:

    Once again Byleth doesn't talk, or maybe they always cut things off right before he does.

    He straight up reminds me of Link in this one. If he can speak, he's certainly overreacting here, but mute characters do have to emote a lot more.

  14. 7 hours ago, SageOfAnys said:

    It could be that training in any weapon period will decrease mood, but training in favorite weapons just reduces the bar less. They're still working after all, I doubt all that training wouldn't damper their mood/energy a little.

    Also Edelgard as an armor knight actually sounds amazing. We could probably even make her something similar to a Baron from FE4 if the weapon customization is that in-depth.

    I do think mood could eventually affect how much your bar decreases, or perhaps how big it is, but not that it's specifically a mood bar. Plus if this system had inevitable diminishing returns on top of having limited charges from Byleth themselves, I don't know, that'd sound too punishing. Maybe that's the point, though so that you can't focus on a single student all the time.

  15. 10 hours ago, Enduin said:

    Still think those are indicators of battalion troops being present and their current formation. If you look through screen shots of in combat how those Battalion troops are lined up seem to match the carrots.

    I'd assume they'd have come up with a different icon for different formations though. Not the same one but smaller and recolored. Not that this confirms that there's nothing else, since most of what we're seeing is looking like the earlygame, but I'm starting to wonder.

    5 hours ago, colossus86 said:

    Perhaps the "Gambit" Mechanic works on an ammo system and you can only use so many per map.

    That'd be a weird icon to signify that, but then again that'd be a weird icon for almost anything we as a community came up with. Sounds possible.

  16. 28 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    So this hypothesis just came to me in terms of balancing classes (I apologize if it's already mentioned) and would like some opinions, I guess. 

    There's a screenshot in the Famitsu page that shows the characters' mood (Edelgard 's 'mood bar' is half full/empty) and from the Japanese words that can also be read in Chinese, I'm assuming the window on the left says something along the lines of 'choose three characters to train/teach'.

    I think that even though your characters can be trained in any weapon/class, choosing a weapon that a character isn't interested in/not good at will decrease their happiness. Once their happiness decreases to a certain point, they either won't be able to be selected for training anymore or will take even more time to train up their skills' rank . I'm also thinking how the fact that the game also has a calendar system means that there might be a 'limited' amount of time to train up your units in the class/weapons you choose for them before the 'exam day' to promote or when the game becomes too challenging (since the story will progress and not wait for you) and forcing you to abandon characters that are underperforming. 

    So if you really want a character to be in a class that s/he doesn't like, you'll have to invest a lot more time and effort to train the specific unit up resulting in the other characters being neglected. This way, the game will avoid a whole team consisting of similar or same classes because time and resource management wise, it's just not feasible. 

    Makes sense, though I'm not convinced the gauge and the mood icon are linked in that way. Even picking their favorites decreased Dorothea/Edelgard's gauge; logically that should refill it instead, or at worst not affect it. But that doesn't mean you're wrong about how mood works, just that the bar itself may be something else. Considering in the japanese trailer two it had three segments filled and indicated that you could train three times, in the english one only one segment and being able to train once, and this time two segments and being able to train twice... yeah.

    Also this made me notice that Edelgard is talented at Swords, Axes, Authority, and... Armors, of all things, judging from the base rank. And I had never pictured Edelgard as an armor knight until now.

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