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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 4 hours ago, Calico said:

    I've said it before, but just so everyone's clear: The website said that they would continue to release information about the game in Weekly Famitsu (which is the name of the magazine),  and some people misinterpreted it as, "We will continue to release information weekly, in Famitsu."

    Well there's also the fact that the coverage for Fates through Dengeki was constant, so you'd assume they'd do the same for this one. We did get a lot at once two weeks ago, though.

  2. 3 hours ago, Calico said:

    Not sure about this week's issue, but it looks like the issue that's coming out on May 16 will have new info on Three Houses.

    Oh, indeed, it's on the cover. Didn't even look. It's not on the 9th's, but then again I'm not seeing it on the 04/25th's either.

    Edit: ... but the scans are out already. Welp.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Dryness might also work. It's lack of water though and not necessarily related to temperature; even in our world we've got plants up north that want less water than others. 

    I can't help but think back to the volcano we saw in trailer one. For some reason I always imagined it being in Faerghus.


    9 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Not really no. For example, Antartica is classified as a desert and is very arid. Just because it’s cold and ice and snow are made out of water doesn’t mean a place can’t be arid.

    Hmmmall right then. Thanks for educating me.


    9 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Hubert and Dudu were both less prominent than other characters until their reveal, so maybe either that blue-haired girl or Lysithea?

    In a sense that's true, but at the same time Hubert was easily the most featured character in screenshots out of all of them, and the only Black Eagles character with a face in trailer one. Du-something over there was one of the least, on the other hand, for sure. Either way, Lysithea would work for me. We haven't gotten a proper portrait for her yet.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Thane said:

    By the way, in his dialogue next to his profile, he says:

    "This is a flower from Daska; it prefers aridity. If you water it too much, the roots will suffer." 

    (Suffer might not be the right word but he the word he uses can mean a lot of things, like rot and decay, and I'm not an arborist) 

    Aridity in the frigid north? Isn't that weird?

    29 minutes ago, Thane said:

    As for Claude's retainer, do we have a picture of his class in a menu?

    Not to my knowledge. Could be anyone really, I definitely wouldn't have gone with "guy who tried to deliver an axe strike to his liege's back during training" for Dimitri's.

  5. To be fair, I can recall a screenshot of the ground of FE Warriors being showcased as a pretty big deal back before the game's release. And for good reason, as it was literally a photograph of actual rocks as the whole texture. It looked incredibly bad and amateurish.

    Fast forward to today and I can't remember seeing that many complaints about details like that after people played the game.

  6. 1 minute ago, Enduin said:

    That's cause Musou games are the definition of budget HD titles. Not a whole lot in the pot for detailed and polished graphics when you're averaging 200-700k sales for an HD game with dozens of playable characters and hundreds of enemies on screen.

    I know, I know. One wishes they'd have gone with some other partnership, and the only reason I can see why they didn't is money. Yet we have reason to think that they have money.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Enduin said:

    Graphics in general are pretty poor if not outright bad. The only thing in that screenshot, and most of the ones from the Famitsu article for that matter, that don't look poor or bad is the UI and character art. 

    Why they didn't go for a more abstract and artistic graphics style and instead went for more detailed/realistic is kind of baffling to me for a variety of reasons. This was never going to be a big budget graphical showcase. Neither IS or KT have the pedigree or experience with high quality HD graphics so why not do what other series have done in similar situations to cover up those graphical shortcomings and shoot for style over fidelity? Like Valkyria Chronicles or Ni No Kuni, even Persona. 

    I'd say some at Koei Tecmo are more than competent in that regard. Not the musou team though, apparently.

  8. Most of the graphics in this game look pretty bad. We could have had another Radiant Dawn on our hands really, if not for the fact that FE is well-known nowadays. But, you know, that's just how it is, and it's not like we've never dealt with it.

    The reviews will probably take a hit as a result, though, no avoiding that.

  9. 5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    so what you're saying is that you think the artstyle is a little generic. I can get behind that. Personally I don't see much of a problem with it but hey different strokes I guess

    I guess that's what I'm getting from your post too? Because beyond that, it doesn't strike me as more anime, know what I'm saying?

    I do have to say though, I'm not saying your dislike isn't genuine, but this kind of things tend to become secondary really quickly once you start playing the game. What it really determines is whether you'll be attracted enough to buy the product, which, let's be real, for most of us isn't really a question.

    Of course things could also be wildly inconsistent and constantly take you out of the experience, but that doesn't seem to be a major problem here.

  10. 8 hours ago, Enduin said:

    Hopefully they have articles with some Western publications coming soon too. Would kind of suck if they're just waiting until E3 to start their marketing outside of Japan.  The M/W/F Tweets are nice, but we're not even getting localized versions of the video portions to see how the VO is.

    You're right, that could be a real problem. Basically we're doing the promoting for them at this point, and that rarely works.

    Hopefully there's a Nintendo Direct planned relatively soon, to push Super Mario Maker 2. But with E3 right around the corner, who knows.

    Edit: Neverming, SMM2 is after E3. Then there's just no way, E3 is in ~40 days only.


    Yup, looks secretly evil to me. Interesting that her and Jeralt likely know one another fairly well... and most importantly, that he'd be willing to work under her again. Either he's corrupt, he somehow doesn't know her that well, or both of them are actually legit good people.

  11. 7 hours ago, Dmys said:

    Something I find vaguely interesting in the E3 trailer is that around the minute mark, you can see Hilda, Lorenz, Ashe, and the mustached professor all on the enemy team. I'm guessing the other professors being in charge of the other two houses you don't choose is a very safe bet, but I wonder if Ashe was there due to the battle just being put together for trailer purposes or if he was part of the Golden Deer back then.

    Hard to say. Theoretically there's nothing stopping both of the other houses to oppose you at once, but we've seen nothing like it since. So yes, might be an early build thing.

    3 hours ago, HappyLittleEevee said:

    The head of church seems to be called Rea. I honestly thought her name would be more 'fancy' 

    Edit: her name might possibly be pronounced lea,but I'm pretty sure that it's rea though

    Went with Rea for the time being. We should indeed have confirmation a bit later.

  12. 2 hours ago, Lynsanity said:

    Definitely 3. The unnamed grey-haired guy is only seen in a training cutscene with Dimitri, that doesn't necessarily mean he's a student in Blue Lions. He could be another teacher, for example. Not only does he look older but in the cutscene he looks quite a bit larger than Dimitri, like a veteran knight.

    If the red-haired mystery girl isn't just a generic, Blue Lions is the house she would fit in. Unlike the other 2 houses, we haven't seen mission footage yet of Blue Lions' starting 8, that's the only reason it's unclear.

    You can see him discussing with Ashe in a Blue Lions class shot, and his outfit definitely looks like other students':


    As always, no guarantees, especially since we've barely seen any Blue Lions gameplay, but I do think he's part of the gang.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Guest Adler said:

    I thought so too, initially. However, upon closer inspection, his model does indeed have some manner of object/shield on his back in all of Famitsu's screenshots featuring him.


    You're right! Though the angle isn't quite right.

    Still, that's an extremely simplistic depiction, if it is what we're meant to see; shading aside, it's just a two dimensional square.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Jakalak said:

    Are we sure that purple square isn’t just part of an extremely square shield on his back? Still looks weird I guess but other than that I think his design is one of my favorites! 

    Now just to hope against all odds that he doesn’t die and is a playable unit at some point...

    I did wonder that, but there's no shading on it whatsoever(it's all one color) and it's completely missing from his model.
    It's not a huge deal, I'm just a bit surprised nobody's addressed it when it was already there in the Famitsu coverage.

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