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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. そのターン中のみ、味方の移動力を+5する。味方が集まっていれば、複数人に効果を与えられる。

    "During the turn, increase the movement of your ally by +5. If allies gather, it can be effective for multiple people.
    Even with low mobility infantry, you can use this scheme to move farther.

    I don't know if google is messing up or what, because this sounds absurd.

    Either way, the knights system is looking very involved, and that's definitely a plus for me. It's also confirmed that unit identity will not be as big a problem as initially believed, what's with crests, personal skills and maybe gender-specific classes(even though those are not exactly fan favorites). Also infantry is getting a potentially really strong weapon type to compensate for low movement.

    Really good stuff across the board.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Ayra said:

    I'm kind of worried that the teachers don't have a personal skill on that preview. It's not a confirmation of anything of course, but it does make me slightly less optimistic about their chance of being playable characters. 

    I wouldn't worry too much about that. Personal skills could be comparable to Jugdral/Tellius rather than Fates, so some character may not have them. Or, they don't want to reveal them at this point.

    Edit: Well, looking at it again(been slacking on this one), it does seem weird. They're under their own section, too... so at least we may know fairly quickly.

  3. On 10/05/2019 at 2:20 PM, VincentASM said:

    That reminds me, I don't think it was conclusive who the church were fighting in the first trailer. Their apparent leader had the same emblem as Byleth, right?

    Okay, so me being oblivious as ever, I hadn't spotted the symbol on Byleth's profile page and misunderstood your post. So just to address that; yup, which lends credence to the theory that him and that old enemy leader are related.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Nanima said:


    Where are you getting the double Ls from? Transliterating her name gives us just Manuera, which lines up perfectly with the Spanish/Portuguese name Manuela. Until we get the official English name, we should still assume the default spelling of the name.

    Anyway, i like her so far. Hope her character gets more complex than the christmas cake archetype though.

    I think I got it confused with the name "Manuelle", but yours is probably the right version. I edited it.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Oho. That's a neat find. I wonder what it means. I remember booting up Fates and wondering what the game icon symbols meant but it wasn't in the game if memoery serves, but here it's actually on a character. A seal? The Fire Emblem?

    Can't say. I've found the post that regrouped all of its known appearances though, by Lord_Grima:

    Feels like there's no way it's not important.

  6. 1 hour ago, egobarrier said:

    Aww, beat me to it because I can't figure out how to post tweets.

    I paste the copied link into the search bar, then manually copy it from there.
    Probably going to leave it to others from now on, no point in us all doing it at once

    Anyway, imo she definitely looks like she's our femme fatale for this iteration.

    1 hour ago, zuibangde said:

    Is she our dancer/singer? Because I see the term ‘歌姫’ being used in her mini bio. I believe that term was also used for Azura.

    Well we saw her cast fire magic in trailer 1, for what it's worth.

  7. 15 hours ago, FuranSuwa said:

    I'm French

    So I noticed, and same here:) But it does exist apparently, it's just extremely rare:


    For people who don't read french, it says 298 people have been recorded being named that at birth since 1891, and it is the 33295th most given name in France. It's probably not extremely accurate, but it gives an idea.

    Edit: Wait wait wait, I looked at the wrong link, these are stats for Doudou as a last name... this would be the relevant link here:


    ... basically the information is the same though. It exists, but barely.


  8. 3 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    I think looking at his surname might be a good clue too. From what I can tell, Molinaro seems to be a French/Italian surname.

    Apparently in French, Doudou is an actual name, derived from Édouard. I'm not 100% sure though.

    Can't say I've ever run into it as a name. Could be uncommon I suppose.
    I guess that doesn't match with the surname but, to me it feels like it's a purposefully simplistic, phonetic name rather than a reference to a real-world one. Either way I'm not sure we can really come up with something as reasonably likely as with most of the others in his case.

    ... I'll put a note under his name.

  9. 43 minutes ago, AstroknighticalFeats said:

    So on Gamagoori's expy (Duduu/ドゥドゥー) - his name is either Dudu (a Portuguese diminutive of Eduardo) or Didier. (Hi, Japanified French...) While I like the latter, Eduardo's meaning (guardian of wealth) fits him a bit better for his role. Also he kinda does look like an Eduardo. More likely than not, Patrick Seitz would be cast for him too, based on the Japanese voicing.

    Everyone's kind of going with their own version right now. Don't take mine at face value anymore than you would anyone else's, it's just pending official localization at this point, and who can say for sure what they'll go with?

  10. 41 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    True, although I figured your opponents would be one or more of the three nations and/or the church.

    That reminds me, I don't think it was conclusive who the church were fighting in the first trailer. Their apparent leader had the same emblem as Byleth, right?

    I wonder. The pink-haired figure looks like the kind to have their own organization, and even it it's linked to the church, revealing it on the main site would probably be deemed spoilery.

    I think I can recall someone saying something of the sort yes, but I can't spot the emblem on Byleth's clothes at the moment.

  11. 1 minute ago, VincentASM said:

    Oh, nice.

    I did some digging around through the code, but I don't think there's anything hidden. The only thing that I noticed is there's a currently unused 7th "Unknown" affiliation in the characters page. I guess anyone who doesn't fit the current affiliations will go there. That does make me wonder if there are no other important powers in the game, besides the ones we know.

    Well we still don't have the "bad guys", so to speak.

  12. 4 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Close, but no coconut.

    Famitsu and I think other Japanese gaming magazines are a bit weird, in that the name of the issue is actually from the future. In this case, the 16th May 2019 issue was released on 25th April (you can scroll down to see the release date) and is where this topic came from ^^

    The issue you want is the 30th May 2019 issue. The current issue, 23rd May 2019, doesn't have anything Three Houses related (AFAIK).

    Dang. No wonder I didn't get any of this. It did seem weird that they'd mention golden week on the cover, I guess...?

    ... unfortunately, that's all I've got.

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