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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 16 minutes ago, Fenreir said:

    if these were meant to be actual main lords instead of secondary characters, i wonder what would have been the reaction of the fanbase. i know everyone has different tastes, but dear lord these designs are awful and easily forgettable.

    Well, we did survive Alfonse and Rowan, despite them being almost universally disliked when they got unveiled.

    I agree that Lorentz(the left one) has a very flat design, hopefully he's entertaining as a character to compensate. Ignace(the other one) I'm pretty okay with all things considered.

  2. 7 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Unless I missed something, Famitsu is often referred to as Weekly Famitsu, so it should be a weekly magazine, right?

    But in any case, they said there would be more info in future issues, but they didn't say which ones. So there's no guarantee the next issue will have news, I think.

    You'd think so with that name. Their release schedule is looking a bit weird, the pricing especially. I guess I'm reading it wrong?

  3. 36 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    If I'm understanding correctly, any class can use any weapon of choice but each individual has their own preference towards specific types of weapon? I don't think they mentioned anything regarding weapon ranks or caps. What if you turn Dorothea into a fighter only to find out her weapon rank for axe, bow and gauntlet all caps at D? 

    Perhaps weapon rank cap is still determined by class, plus making it character based and hiding it from the player would be pretty unfair.

    That sounds like the basics of it otherwise, and you can only train two categories at once. Also the exp gains for categories the student is talented in consistently received a 50% bonus in the very few examples we've got(Petra getting 2+1 in swords, Dorothea getting 4+2 in reason magic and 4+2 in swords in the japanese version, Edelgard getting 4+2 in axes). Could be a coincidence with numbers that small, though.

  4. By the way, about the three stars thingie. You know, these:

    ErhG6XV.jpg  O9ywbMX.jpg

    I can't help but notice that these are two characters from the Black Eagles, aka what we now know as the more magic-inclined house, with both of them being bad at Faith magic and only one of the two being talented in either. Doesn't make too much sense. However, the stars in both cases are in magic categories, so... maybe that's what they represent?

    Can't quite figure out why a single one wouldn't have been enough to show that, though... plus they look like empty emplacements for stars rather than actual stars. I can only guess what that means.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    SF and Reddit are by no means the majority. I seem to recall Xenoblade 2 making records for it's series despite all the screeching about it's character design and how it wasn't Xeno 1. 

    I don't think you need to worry about what you see on the internet, because it's usually vocal people being crybabies. 

    I mean, you're not wrong. I don't recall Fates' pre-release being nearly that bad, though. Idk.

    Edit: Though yes, having been through Warrior's pre-release as one of its few vocal supporters, I suppose you would know what you're talking about here.

  6. 4 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Yeah I hope so, at least if they're good at Flying and have a neutral growth in either type of Magic it can't be that difficult IMO. I really want to make Mercedes a flying healer and maybe Dorothea a Flying Black mage on my Black Eagles playthrough.

    The thing that's weird is them choosing to specify what class can and cannot use magic, while still saying that every class can use every weapon type. That's confusing to me.

  7. 4 hours ago, IEatLasers said:

    That article was filled with info! Some I love some I hate either way I can’t wait to play! 


     do you guys think we will get info every month now? 

    If the covering magazine of choice is Famitsu, and assuming we get something every issue, well it's a bi-weekly magazine, so twice a month.

  8. 6 hours ago, Guest I should stop lurking said:

    Hi! I'm not super sure but behind Bylass' in her running picture, isn't this the girl whose back we've seen like three-four times already?


    I think so. I can't help but wonder if they're doing it on purpose.

    That being said, we did see in the other image(the one with male Byleth running around) that there will actually be many most likely generic students going about, and quite a few have that distinct dark-orange hair color like she does. So there seems to be a good chance she is just a filler npc.

  9. I'm actually starting to worry a bit. The only thing people seem to want to talk about is the presentation, and they are generally displeased with it. While I can't say if that will stop them from buying the game as fans, this way of thought could make it an easy skip for those with only a passing interest. This game generates almost no hype whatsoever, and that's not good. At all.

    I mean on a personal level I'm pretty frustrated that people are reacting that way(I didn't foresee it, but I suppose spending two years complaining about Heroes maybe didn't put us in the best mindset), but that's beside the point, because I'm certainly not buying a million copies on my own.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Brigand required a C Rank in Axes.  Fighter required a D Rank in Axes and something else.

    Right, Band-I mean Brigand, my bad. Also you can see that Caspar has two D ranks out of three written in red, which I assume means he didn't have those, yet his rate of success was still 100%, so to me it looks like you only need one of the three.

    Also I think I recognize the character for bow on the ranks, so the third one is likely fists.

  11. 6 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    The sprite for Myrmidon DOES appear to be different than the sprite for Mercenary so perhaps it is more specialised and a more advanced class. This makes me wonder about the classes available to Edelgard in the direct footage though...none of these 4 classes appeared in that reel, yet all 4 seem to be more advanced on further thought but are called base classes. What is actually going on here.

    I kind of assumed the opposite quite frankly. Since you begin with no weapon specialty as a commoner/noble, it'd make sense that advancing through the classes would allow you to progressively specialize more., hence why some of the base classes are good with a wider array of weaponry. It's a tree with its branches spreading outwards, like... well, most trees. I suppose.

    My guess with what we currently know was that the Edelgard roll we saw was actually her tier 3 options.

    Edit: Pluuuus Edelgard needed C axes to become a Bandit, while Caspar only needed D rank in one of the three(apparently).

  12. 3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    I mean... she's usually a merchant, so I'm not sure what you were expecting.


    3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    assuming she's playable

    Pretty much just that. Magic is also possible for sure, but the fact that she doesn't look like she's outfitted for fighting makes it seem less likely that she'll be playable, that's all. Then again that's not exactly uncommon in this game, considering most characters are students.

  13. 3 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Yeah, looking good.

    We also got confirmation for Mercedes since she's speaking in one of the screenshots.

    Anyway, it's cool we managed to figure out most of the house members before we got any official information XD

    I am curious about that recurring female though. I'm guessing you could recruit more students later. Or maybe it's just a generic student? That could explain why we keep seeing "her".

    Yup, just edited the Mercedes tidbit out. Also Hilda had a change of face.

    That's the best part of this game's pre-release for me at this point, for sure. Plus since we'll have to make a choice between all of them, it's useful, too.

    To be frank at this point I'm pretty much convinced she is indeed a generic. Her multiple appearances still retain their oddity status even now though, so I figured I'd leave her in there for a bit longer. Plus, who knows really.

  14. 4 hours ago, MetalAmethyst said:

    The two other girls in Golden Deer are Lysithea and Marianne.

    Oooh, from the turnwheel roll. Clever! Though we also get a third new name, which I read as ウツィニル, or Utsinil...

    Considering we see Hilda and the girl with white long hair greyed out and the roll only shows Hilda and Risitia(yeah, let's go with Lysithea indeed) having taken action after the beginning of the turn, we at least can tell the former is Lysithea... and I guess looking at their map model, the blond glasses person is looking a lot like a male. Marianne is definitely not a male name afaik.

    A'ight, it can be corrected later if I'm wrong.

    I also can't quite make out the fifth kana in マリアン?, but let's go with Marianne anyway.

  15. Ouchie, that's a lot of stuff. I'll be looking at these for a while... Guess the time of thoroughly inspecting every pixel might be behind us. Maybe.

    Don't even know where to start... er... boy, forests give 30 avoid, that's certainly a lot; Edelgard's skill has the same icon as Nohr Prince(ss)'s Nobility... some people are commoners instead of nobles, that's cool...

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