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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    And I consider the support it gets just as, if not even more baffling. Also, to say it's lore is pretty generous.

    For sure, if I ran into people saying it's essential to the FE formula and should absolutely come back by any means necessary, I'd find them equally as unreasonable.
    I can distinctly remember Light&Dark>"Anima" being lore in Jugdral, and things like fire > wind are relatively grounded in logic. I'm not sure we ever got an explanation as to why anima would beat light later on, though.

    6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I generally don't have problems with the Wo Dao, at least outside of Radiant Dawn, where they were a poor man's Killing Edge

    Isn't that always what they are? Though this was just meant as an example mind you, of something that could come and go without any of us really caring, and for good reason.

  2. 4 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I think the implication in his statement is that more complexity is a bad thing, especially if doesn't look necessary.

    I oversimplified for sure, but the hostility towards the magic triangle in our community has always been a bit puzzling to me. At worst, it's basically just lore with little bearing on gameplay.

    I can completely agree that improvements would be welcome, but I just never saw any shortcomings to its existence. It'd be like... let's see... if we were vocally against the return of wo daos, because they're pretty underwhelming and slightly redundant.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    No. Just no. It did nothing back when it was a thing, there's nothing to be gained whatsoever by reinstating it - there's no point to it when pretty much 10 times out of 10, you're either too strong for it to mean much or the units' stats would discourage mage vs mage combat.

    To be fair, taking it away didn't make the games any better either. The worst part about it is that it's less significant than one would want, but it didn't actively make things worse by existing.

  4. 1 hour ago, Guest Southes said:

    Yeah good point, I was on the fence about that scene because though it was detailed it seemed slightly different in quality in comparison to the very well animated sequence at the beginning that looked to be taken straight out of an anime (what clued me in on this was the difference in the quality of shadows, and now that you mentioned it the trees don't seem as detailed as the one's in the beginning), but I admit I'm not 100% on this. I just wanted to point out how the main argument against there being any customization in three houses isn't fully concrete and that there's still room for doubt/hope, though I don't wanna get my hopes to high,  again I'm probably biased on this, just thought I'd share my take on the issue.

    I guess the difference is mostly visible in terms of lighting. In engine cutscenes have the 3D models dynamically reacting to light sources, while the animated ones typically have consistent coloring and segmented shading across surfaces. That's how you can tell that this is in engine:



    and this is animated:



    The quality of that last scene might admittedly be slightly lower, but such inconsistencies aren't too uncommon from what I can tell.

    Beyond that, yeah, I do think your point makes perfect sense.

  5. 11 hours ago, X-Naut said:

    It's called an equip item slot. Can't stack growth boosters so much when you can only equip one at a time!

    It's a start, but I don't think that's really enough. The best ones would still end up on key units even with an equipment slot, and it'd become yet another tool to snowball through the game. I kinda want measures to stop that from happening, the series would only be better for it imo.

  6. 19 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I haven't played ZX but i did play the Zero collection in-between Gunvolt 1 and 2 and i could definietly see where the inspirstion came from. So while it's not exactly like Mega Man Zero, i did get a similar feel. Though i suppose it helps that Inti Creates worked on Zero and ZX before Gunvolt.

    The feel of the character is pretty much the exact same, which is a big deal for sure. I just don't go through a Zero level the same way I go through one in Gunvolt, if that makes sense. Plus, the X series has a really similar feel too.

    Zx is a bit out there because its levels are all part of an open-world so to speak, and its gameplay focuses on transformations. See the four guardians you fight in Zero 1, 2 and 3? One of the main feature in Zx is that you get them as transformations(altered, but still with the same core ideas) to use at your leisure.

    I guess one of the biggest differences is that there's a lot of close range combat in Zero and ZX, but neither Coppen nor Gunvolt really provide that.

  7. 18 hours ago, Guest Southes said:

    Honestly, a lot of people are pointing out how unlikely it is that we'll be able to customize Byleth but looking at the trailer more closely it seems the only pre-rendered cutscene Byleth is present in is the opening sequence where he's walking with the trio behind his father. I might just be be looking to deeply into this but that sequence might simply serve as an opening cinematic, like for Fates and Awakening, displaying the default character for promotional purposes, with the other pre-rendered cutscenes we see later in the trailer serving as an intro to the school, the students and the teachers. The reason I believe this is that it would make sense to have these set in stone cutscenes early in the story as it is far simpler to account for the various re-classing we would have done on the students through in-engine cutscenes and thus ensure that our choices are still reflected.

    For older fire Emblems like Radiant Dawn, we see a cutscene of a promoted Ike and Micaiah but by that point the story had already dictated that they be promoted. Which isn't possible here because just like for potential avatar differences, animators would have to re-animate the whole cutscene from scratch to account for all our personal choices/promotions as we saw that Edelgard had a great deal of classes she could choose from. 

    Again, this might be just me looking in too deeply at this but personally I hope that even a small degree of customization is present (please god let me change male Byleth's hair cause I'm not a fan of his hair at all or failing that change F!Byleth's outfit a bit). It's just a feature that I feel like should be an all or nothing deal either let us customize all the basics (skin/eye/hair colors and hairstyle at the minimum) or just stick with a premade character with fully fleshed out backstory and personality that we can twiddle on a little depending on gameplay choices, because compromising between the two is just taking the weaknesses of both without the full experience of either.

    Technically, there's also the very last part of trailer 2, where Byleth is assaulted by darkness while wielding the bonesword... but looking at it again, you can see trees behind him, so even that might happen very early. Your reasoning seems perfectly sound to me; I don't think all of those are an opening cinematic per se, but they may take place at a point where your customization options are limited, and they did give you new hairstyles as you went through New Mystery of the Emblem, so there's precedent.

  8. 6 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Mega Man Zero and ZX has Azure Striker Gunvolt

    Dunno if I'd agree, Gunvolt is primarily score based(and not in a Zero way) and the tagging mechanic is pretty central and different compared to anything even ZX did(even model A was nothing like it). Gunvolt also has a much more in depth equipment system than Zero ever did, and stats. I like Gunvolt but it doesn't scratch that itch afaic.

    Someone brought up Shining Force so I'm gonna say Skies of Arcadia. Excellent rpg that is begging for a sequel, but it seems like the devs are focused on Valkyria Chronicles now, since Skies wasn't even part of the poll Sega released recently. I'd really like an honest followup to the Sonic Adventure games, too, with Chao garden and all. OG Phantasy Star would be great as well. Not that I'm trusting Sega to put the adequate effort into any of that, or people to show up and buy these games, but hey, one can dream...

    Also, Golden Sun.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Frankly, I think RD knives were an afterthought, and would rather not see them back, because they were that damn pathetic.

    I do think there's room for a particularly 1-2 range friendly but weaker physical weapon in FE, though the fact that RD was filled to the brim with 1-2 range for every weapon type admittedly didn't make them stand out outside of forges. Also being stuck to thieves, that didn't help either. But I have more of an affinity for that than them being busted in Fates, to each their own I suppose.

  10. I really like the way RD knives were balanced with having access to 1-2 range forging. I'd take hidden weapons too really, though the debuffs are probably best left in Fates.

    Legendary magic that has background, a cool animation, and isn't worthless when it comes to gameplay. FE6 probably did that best.

    Shards in MotE and scrolls in Thracia, while not really balanced(especially the latter), are still a gameplay feature I'd really like to see again in some form. They'd have to take measures so that it doesn't allow you to empower already strong units even further, though.

    That's all I can think of right now, but there are probably many more I could bring up.

  11. 2 hours ago, RexBolt said:

    My theory is that these bland headbanded units are actually the Battalion version of the Noble/Trainee class. 

    It works mechanically, but I don't know, they look very different.

    2 hours ago, Calico said:

    @Cysx You're right, they are using bows while in the thief's battalion. Maybe they're generic troops or something. They also appear in Petra's battalion and wield swords, so they appear to be capable of using multiple types of weapons.

    The mystery class we saw for a few seconds and were theorizing about actually appears to be a palette swap of the troops in Bernadetta's battalion and the enemy that Petra faced off against.

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    They wield bows when they're with Bernadetta, and the enemy wields a sword. They're probably not an advanced class like I thought if Bernadetta can use them. (Though why are Bernadetta's red and Byleth's red + white? )

    You're right! This kind of throws it all out of the window. Makes me wonder if troops really are supposed to represent classes in the first place, but, they share their models with enemies, and enemies not having a class is unheard of in FE afaik. Also it's a detail, but I think we got a low quality portrait for that guy.


    Still, two classes that can wield both bows and swords, and potentially more? That's pretty bizarre.

    As for the troop colors, I'd assume enemy(or at least bandits, western church are white and red) is grey, Adrestia is red, and Byleth is white + the color of the house the player picked? Maybe?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Calico said:

    I don't think they're mercenaries. I think the guy to the right of Dimitri is a mercenary. (Though I'm judging pretty much solely on the fact that they have a metal headband like the generic mercenaries did in the 3ds games. They also wield swords like the class in Byleth's battalion.).

    The headband seems to be for low level troops first and foremost, since that's what the thief's soldiers with bows also wear in trailer 2(the one Bernadetta fights). I'm not certain they're supposed to have a class. Unless mercenaries can use bows too.


  13. 1 hour ago, Calico said:

    It definitely looks like the same map. I'm guessing that the troops that Byleth uses are, in fact, low level troops, since I went back and managed to spot them in the previous trailer where Linhardt heals Byleth:

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    They're a presumably low-level class, not a mercenary, and use swords... Are these the myrmidons of the game? Though they could also be a promoted class like a Hero and Byleth just gets access to them early, or they're being used as a placeholder.

    You're right, we did see them before... it's interesting. I wonder if it's because out of all the characters we've seen, Byleth is the only one that's probably not a Noble/Trainee, resulting in his troops looking a bit more advanced. The females could pass as myrmidons for sure, though the males are a bit too bulky, so... maybe mercenaries instead?

    In any case, the japanese trailer 2 did have those female troops visible in that same scene:


    As for Linhardt, tough to say for sure... could be something tied to faith magic somehow(since he's been presented as your primary healer thus far), or perhaps your objective here is to defend him, considering his positioning? Doesn't sound very likely.

    50 minutes ago, Ayra said:

    I'm a bit curious about the huge red dot on the male generic's breastplate. It's very conspicuous; I'm pretty sure it's supposed to represent something?

    It does stand out, but apart from protection, I have no idea of what it could be.


  14. Dang, they have curtains in buses in Japan?

    I... want that. Can we get that too?

    Well... time to analyze! Though Calico probably unearthed it all already.

    Edit: Oh, hey, we're back in that trailer one chapter during that first shot, apparently.






    This is interesting, because we know for a fact that this is an earlygame map. So, two possibilities:

    - These are in fact low level troops, hopefully the different appearance is a general thing and the models we saw before were just temporary.

    - We come back here later in the game for some reason, or the game will allow the player to grind on older maps like we've seen in the past, and that's what's going on here.

  15. 1 hour ago, Sushi_Cat said:

    There's an emphasis on the words "you" and "needs" that makes it sound like the player is going to be the saviour of the world.

    Further along, when she says "You alone begin to see a mysterious girl named Sothis", once again there's that odd wording that makes it sound like the Avatar is special.

    It's not just that though, she sounds... exaggeratingly radiant, like she's reading some tale about a princess to an infant. It feels like she's telling us about the best news ever, but alas...

    1 hour ago, Chitsuuki said:

    I may say something stupid but in the japenese trailer (with the traduction) the narrator doesn't say that.

    I saw that in an analyse video but I don't remember which

    That's correct, the japanese narrator only says that you(the player) are the main character.

  16. 1 hour ago, Thane said:

    "In Fire Emblem Three Houses, you are the hero the world needs". 

    Gotta admit, every time I rewatch that trailer for one reason or another, this part sticks out as some kind of bad omen. Her tone really doesn't help either.

  17. 12 hours ago, carefreejules said:

    My edit really took off on reddit (2.7k upvotes!) and I got a lot of great critique in the process so here's a second version of my first edit:

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    Kind of omitted to comment on this, I have to agree, your version is better than what we're getting. I thought Claude was a bit too much in the focus on v1, but you've done a pretty good job at fixing that too.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Guest LSM said:

    But I think people having to thrice start at level 1 with their characters would not go over as well with others as it would with me. So I'm sadly skeptical of it happening.

    That's pretty much the issue, yes. I think the game would also face heavy criticism for being lazy, rehashed and repetitive. As you said there's probably a way to make it work when it comes to gameplay, but there's no avoiding some repetition in terms of themes. It would also guarantee that we'd never really get to leave the academy pretty much, which  many are still hoping won't be the case.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Thane said:


    No worries, just because I say it shouldn't make it happen for real. If I had this kind of powers, I'd probably use it to help the poor and miserable throughout the world in some way or another as well as get me a ton of cookiiiiiiiiies

    6 minutes ago, Thane said:

    That's a good question. I genuinely don't know; the closest thing I can think of where a lot of mythological names is in Heroes, and they seem to reflect certain things better than others, although my Norse mythology knowledge is not the best. There's also Genealogy, where I think Deirdre's name was very fitting for the character; destined to bring sorrow to her people, especially the men, I believe it was.

    Unfortunately this isn't exactly my field of expertise either. The only ones I'm aware of, Sieglinde and Siegmund, can only be roughly linked to Ephraim and Eirika because they are twins. They were not separated at birth, and any romance between the two is implied at best., which largely leaves it up to interpretation.

    Heroes did jump head first into referential naming(accurate or not, I definitely couldn't say myself), but I wonder if it's that relevant when it comes to Three Houses, since from my understanding the teams aren't the same.

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