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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. So um... screenshots I guess since someone asked for some about three days ago? I'll put my thoughts at the end if I have any... Suzukaze Oboro Kagerou Cyrus Joker Gunther Nyx and Superguy ... and last but not least Rinka. Or Linca. Actually now that I'm here, the only thing that comes to mind is that both Joker and Felicia's name are based on the theme of luck and I feel stupid for not realizing that sooner. Disclaimer: not for phones. Edit: Oh, didn't notice VincentASM had released his report. Ah well.
  2. Ninjas are free souls and all that jazz. Well some of them anyway. As for Cyrus(though nobody asked), you apparently fight him, so maybe he asks for your forgiveness or something. That would be a bit sad though, and he sure doesn't look like a beggar. You may simply have the possibility of sparing him and convincing him to join. Or capture is back
  3. Thanks to you both for the translations. I wonder why they're emphasizing Kagerou's starting class... Yes, it's been revealed a while ago that Hoshido and Nohr used different weaponry. At this point all of the six weapon types have brand new Hoshido parrallels, except for tomes. Edit: As for staves it's unclear at the moment.
  4. Just verified, and yes. By the way, the ninjas' class translates as shinobi, is it relevant at all or are they interchangeable words in japanese?
  5. Still hard to say. The low movement definitely wasn't expected. Then again bow thieves have 5 as well.
  6. They're both "hidden weapons", so that seems likely. Those two blue things on the map are dragon pulse spots I guess? Possibly the others were yellow because they conjured the power of earth, while these are blue for water?
  7. We'll see how borrowed they are when they're done massacring your entire royal family Nohr footsoldier confirmed. Now is there a playable one...
  8. Cute, but those are on my side as well. It just so happens that we also have a generously-breasted one-eyed lady. ...plus she's a ninja. Edit: Forgot the most important part: Ours is a hundred percent S-rank-able.
  9. Guys, this is supposed to be an informative thread, this is not the time for that. ... we at Hoshido have more ninjas though so we obviously win.
  10. Ninjas(or Shinobi perhaps) have only 5. That's peculiar. Edit: But that's my point, we don't know the gender of this character, and assumptions will lead to another Tsubaki.
  11. Interestingly, that myrmidon fighting Tsubaki has a different artwork than the ones we've seen fighting Kamui earlier. He's also a bandit soldier or something, just like the fighter from last time. Edit: Right, clan soldier.
  12. Is it though? He/she was already saying ore in the dialogue we saw before, wasn't he/she? Sorry, but Nyx can be seen with the same portrait as a dark mage on the scans... I'd have loved that as well honestly.
  13. We've known that since the April trailer though...
  14. One of the most important things I can see: Black and anima magic are united once more. Sakura's normal portrait is so absurdly cute. And we have a kunoichi. This is the best day ever. I will miss unique weapon icons though...
  15. Except in the case of weight, it would specifically be a problem for some units only. Wether this is bad, or not, however... Edit:Unless you're referring to the games that didn't have any stats to counterbalance it of course.
  16. That's a lot of servants. Also there you have it, he carries a staff.
  17. Bronze bows may have 6 might, and iron bows 8. To me that seems quite high honestly. ... assuming C rank in bows still gives +1 attack. But even if it gives more, it's still a buff for bows in the end, albeit a bit of a different one.
  18. Oh, that explains it. My brain got confused. Still, that's gonna be a lot of information at the same time.
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