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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Don't worry, so does the game.

    Nope, those two fade into the background completely; Hinoka in particular feels like an afterthought in all three routes.

    Dammit, really? Ah well, at least I feel like I'm going to end up using Camilla a lot because of her class. As for Hinoka... well I guess she'll end up cemented as my least favorite of the siblings.

  2. How dare you guys not love the best husbando.

    Nah, but I can see why several of you guys don't really care for Silas. Even though I like him, even I think the reason he joins in the Hoshido route is just full of lolwut and he really does fit that childhood friend cliche to a T, but hey different people like different things.

    The funny thing is, there really is no character I actually hate so far, there's only characters I'm meh or iffy about, such as Azura (I forget she exists half the time actually), Camilla, and Hinoka (Please someone tell me the older sisters are interesting in the plot. I don't want both of them to be the only sibings I don't love). And as for the characters I thought I would hate (Charlotte, Oboro, Matoi, etc.) I actually like a lot. The only character that I'm actually close to hating is Jakob purely due to his support with Deere. Even then, Jakob is weird and tends to jump around like crazy in my "like", "meh", and "WTF is wrong with you" categories depending on what supports I've recently read with him... They're either amazing or just make you raise an eyebrow at him and question his mental state.

  3. Now the topic is game series? Huh. In no particular order:

    - Zelda

    - Kirby

    - Professor Layton

    - Smash

    - Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi

    Aaaaand that's all I can think of now.

  4. Oh look, a new poll! And I have lurked on but haven't commented on this thread for a while so.... I should probably post something

    I actually don't mind it if a game is linear or not, heck, some of my favorite games ARE linear, but I can't help but enjoy some non-linearity these days because it allows me to go around at my own pace and do what I want. Even though it's really not, allowing me to do whatever in whatever order I want makes me feel like I'm going on my own adventure and not simply following the trail that I know dozens of people took before me and the path that the developers wanted us to take. Also, sometimes non-linearity can add some extra replability to a game by adding other ways to approach and different orders to take, making you face different challenges because you faced different things ahead of time. It just makes multiple playthroughs feel a little more different and unique to me, which is what I like.

    I'm not going to say that linearity is dumb and stupid, because it isn't. But of everything I can think of right now, I don't recall a non-linear game I've played that I haven't absolutely loved, so a vote to non-linearity it is!

    Also because this thread was about unpopular opinions to begin with, I might as well post one I forgot to post before:

    - I'm meh about FE7's story that much purely because I think Nergal is possibly one of the dumbest villains I've ever seen. I put him alongside Grima and Validar in terms of incompetence.

  5. Oh god both of them are the cutest things I've seen, I just want to hug both of them so tight!

    Elise is just so bright, bubbly, and energetic, wields tomes (the best weapon), plays the violin, and is so darn innocent too. Sakura is so shy and gentle, uses bows (the second best weapon), and from what I've heard about the story, she's quite brave as well. How could I not absolutely love both?!

    Favorite siblings are still the younger brothers though

  6. Voted for M!Morgan and F!Kanna.

    I love pretty much all the avatar's children except for F!Morgan... just because I feel like she's a huge jerk in some of her supports.

    I do think that M!Kanna > F!Kanna (just because of dat hair. IT'S SO CUTE), but I have to say M!Morgan because I know pretty much next to nothing about M!Kanna, and I don't want to spoil ALL the supports to find out more info.

    But hey, who knows, I may absolutely adore M!Kanna when the game comes out.

  7. Handhelds > Consoles. For some reason, though there are many games on consoles I want to play, I always keep going back to handhelds. I assume it has something to do with the fact that handheld games can be played anywhere at anytime and I'm not limited to a single room of the house when no one wants to watch TV.

  8. Motion controls are generally okay with me and I can handle them relatively well... but I will admit there are times that I wish the concept of motion controls was a person so I could punch them in the face.

    I was actually okay with TP's motion control mostly because it felt natural for me and I didn't feel like it was not responding except for the shield bash. That NEVER worked for me except for absolutely random occasions, so I could never perform the helm-splitter.

    SS, however, was the complete opposite. The motion controls bothered me a lot and I really started hating it during the final boss. Link would refuse to pull of the skyward strike during the second phase, which is annoying because that's how you beat the boss.

  9. First run I married Frederick, mostly because he was the only guy left and I accidentily killed Gaius.... whoops.

    Second run I married Chrom 'cause story

    Third run I married Lucina 'cause story once again (and I wanted a Morgan with Aether really, really bad)

    Fourth run was Chrom... again (I messed up Chrom x Olivia but didn't want to waste the amazing level-ups I got earlier... also Lucina with Armsthrift)

    Fifth run was Henry, the best husbando

    And I'm doing one last random lunatic run before I drop the game for a good while where I married Sumia.

    And I always kill Grima with a Robin and Chrom duo because that's fitting... except for that one exception in my fourth run through where Chrom didn't dual attack a second time (WHY) and I had to finish him with Lucy.

  10. And I'm shocked that people out there thought "Blame Takumi" was even remotely serious.

    Blame Takumi for that.

    Takumi is my favorite Hoshidan sibling by far, and I always found his doubt about Kamui to be interesting considering the other siblings seem to jump all over Kamui as soon as he returns. It's a nice change of pace, and if they ever do an MU again (which I hope not... seriously, can we go a game without one?), they better include more characters that doubt the MU at times. I actually didn't read most of his supports (bar Takumi x Oboro, Takumi x Jakob, and Takumi x Leo) because I'm saving them, but from everything I've heard, I feel like Takumi will probably become my most used Hoshidan unit.

    Also he's an archer. I don't care what anyone says, archers are awesome.

  11. Haha, everyone here makes me feel like a baby in age comparison and a poor example of a fan.

    My first Nintendo game was Melee when I was 5 I believe at a family friend's house, and obviously, I sucked. A lot. I guess because of my constant failure with that game, added with the fact that I was a sore loser when I was a child, kinda made me stay away from Nintendo games. I got my first Nintendo game device in the Nintendo DS Lite when I was 7-8, and my first game on it was Nintendogs, and I continued to play most of the "casual" style games for quite a while until middle school. But before then, I always watched my brother play Nintendo games such as the Sims, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I played Brawl with him sometimes (I still sucked tho) and I messed/fumbled around in Super Mario Galaxy a bit before giving up, but I still look back on those days with fondness, because those were some of the few moments where I was able to get along with my brother really well and not have any of use break out into a fight in 5 seconds.

    I did play other Nintendo titles and the non-simulator/"casual" games during that period, such as Kirby's Epic Yarn and the Professor Layton series, but I guess I really didn't start getting into Nintendo until Middle School when I made myself play Twilight Princess out of curiosity, and I fell in love with that game and the world in general, which made me want to play more Zelda. And as I got further invested into the Zelda series, I went back to the old games that I didn't really care for and got better at them or finished them. I improved my Smash game and I finally beat Galaxy more than 5 years after it's initial release (and I also learned that I was awful at platformers). And after that, the rest is history. I found more series, games, and communities I loved being a part of, and that's that.

  12. Sounds like no-second-tier runs will be tricky. And isn't Dread Fighter InvisiKingdom-exclusive? Still leaves the other two route Kamuis in the cold. I can envision myself switching to drake mode a lot when I need a clutch thank. Wonder if I should get Kamui a Holy Lancer alt too ...

    Dread Fighter and other bonus classes are not route-locked. You can get two Dread Scrolls, and therefore two Dread Fighters per file from simply owning two routes, so if you have the special edition, you're good.

  13. Leon is my 3rd favorite of the Nohr siblings and all the siblings together, being beat out by Elise and Xander, but I still love his character a lot.

    I consider him a kindred spirit because he likes tomatoes so much.

    Can someone please tell me why tomatoes are associated with Leo now? I've seen this kinda thing around and I still have no idea where that connection came from.

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