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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. So can someone PLEASE link or explain what the F is up with Fate's seals..

    You can reclass and get lost abilities with each level bcuz level stays the same. What if you reclass at level 20? Can you still get the skills without eterna seal?

    Then, if you DO use eterna seal, is that limited to 1 time? Because what happens when you want a 3rd class' skills and reset again?

    Halp, I hate pre planning ;-; - and doing lunatic classic as my first play-through, Just beat ch.10 so I REALLY need to figure out classes, asap.

    I can't say for reclassing at level 20, but you can use eternal seals an infinite number of times. It raises your level cap by 5 every time, and while the actual level number stops at 99, you can still use them beyond that.

  2. Two hardened killers pass each other in a room. They stare, and stare, not mentioning a word. They don't need to - they see it in their eyes. Those dimness, the eyes that have seen blood, the eyes that flashed in the darkness before they made their strike. The eyes that were the last thing that enemies saw before they crossed. Those eyes only said one line...

    "I've seen some shit."

    Support level increase.

    That last bit is glorious out of context. I'm sigging that.

  3. I guess I really am the only one who's okay with this.

    Being a Non-Conformist can be rather lonely at times

    No, I think this is hilarious now. Especially the fact that the support ends with both of them smiling at each other.

    That sounds contrived and pretentious as hell. You are in denial

    Nah, the more I think about it the more I realize I'm okay with this. The B and A ranks are still the same and this isn't even the worst thing I've read before. Nothing can be as bad as the Japanese Elise x Camilla C-rank. NOTHING.

  4. The way skills obtained in Fates is different from Awakening. If you reclass and missed the levels that gave some skills along the way, you will obtain those skills first for every single level you earn until you "catch up". It's hard to explain so I'll give an example instead:

    Because you reclassed to a ninja at Level 4, you would recieve skills like this:

    Level 5 - Locktouch

    Level 6 - Movement +1

    Level 7 - Lethality

    *and if you stay a Master Ninja*

    Level 15 - Shurikenfaire

  5. You know what... after reading the support, I take my old statement back. I actually somewhat like this change. It's almost as if before the two even "know" each other they still have are somehow able to understand each other due to their similar experinces and pasts as assassins for their respective kingdoms. Heck, it's even talked about in the rest of their supports which still remain pretty faithful (and IMO better in some ways).

    Or I'm reading too much into this because I'm in extreme denial. That's a possibility too.

  6. Hey, just a question about marriage and children - so I started playing Birthright (I'm just about to do chapter 15), and I wasn't sure at first who I wanted to marry my female avatar to. I ended up going with Silas, but before I got them to S support, I got Kaze and Setsuna to S support with each other to get a Setsuna!Midori. Now that Silas and F!avatar are married, Kanna and Sophie's paralogues have appeared, but I don't see Midori's. The only thing I can think of is that maybe because I married them before the avatar, I just can't get Midori in this playthrough. Am I screwed? If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks!

    Midori's paralogue is only unlocked after Chapter 15 in Birthright.

  7. Thanks for the tips!

    I was also wondering what this year's Galeforce skill is. I looked through the list, and nothing stood out to me as OP as Galeforce. Maybe I missed it.

    Warp. It's a skill exclusive to the Witch class (which is female only, but apparently an enemy on the map you get it has a Warp scroll?) which is in a DLC yet to be released in NA yet. You can warp next to any other unit on the map and can immediately perform another action afterwards. In conjunction with Replicate from the Mechanist class at Level 15, things can get pretty ridiculous.

  8. Nohr: Kaze, Beruka, and Jakob

    Hoshido: Subaki, Azura (because it's caaannnoonn), and Saizo

    Relevations: Silas, Flora, and Shura

    Oh and then there's that one planned, rushed playthrough of Relevations where I marry Laslow so that he can get Lancebreaker so I can purchase it later and satisfy my desire for Awakening continuity.

  9. Ahh, I can't wait! I actually have class that day, but hopefully I can get it immediately afterwards.

    I really hope the nearby Gamestop will have some SE available to buy considering I missed the preorder and if not, I guess I'll just get Conquest. Either way, I need to go to Gamestop sometime for that Mew that has Pound as its only move for some godforsaken reason.

  10. Ebony, can't you use that support and portrait simulator (or whatever it's called) to make a Flora!Foleo?

    Wouldn't Flora!Foleo look like Azura/Belka!Foleo or am I colorblind?

    There's a slight different tint to the blues (I think Belka's is slightly darker). Far away/at a glace they look almost identical but on closer examination they're different. I think Flora's hair is a middle ground between the two (?)

  11. Correction he's Shura now but yes

    I wonder what the shura class will become

    I know right? I wonder what Flora sees in him. Maybe she's just into his face and voice or something. He is pretty--but man, he's so mean to her :c

    Because girls like bad boyzzzzz. i'm sorry I'll go back to lurking.

    If extra supports are added for the Kamuisexuals I'll die of happiness, but to be honest, I doubt such a thing will ever happen.

  12. Not sure if questions already asked but too lazy to search and to bad at memorizing to know if they already have been asked, but I have two questions:

    1.) Do shuriken/dagger debuffs still occur even if the enemy maid/ninja/etc. miss? I think I remember someone saying this but I'm not sure if that was correct.

    2.) Doesn't this game have an option to start a new game from Ch. 6 with a previous avatar? If so, then does the avatar used come from the last save file created or the last save file played?

  13. I'm actually pleasantly surprised by this. While Xander's voice bugged me (he needs a deeper voice dammit), and Hinoka's voice was... ehhh, the other voices I actually heard/paid attention to were done well. Ryoma's, Leo's, Garon's, and Yukimura's were excellent in particular. Not to mention the fact that Yukimura was kept intact renews my faith in the translation team in not destroying the Hoshidan names. They better not let me down.

  14. Don't have the Palla DLC :(

    Any substitutes?

    I'm assuming you have all the children already recruited, so the one other option of having a Falcon Knight with Rally Strength is out, but really, rally bots can be anyone. Heck, I used a Wyvern Lord Eldigan as one of my rally bots in both routes of Apotheosis and I never had trouble. As long as you feel comfortable with what you should have, you should be alright.

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