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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Hey, glad you're enjoying the series! Awakening was my first game as well, and although now I have some problems with it regarding some of the finer details, it's still a great place to start off IMO. Don't worry to much about your first playthrough, you're going to hate it no matter what Awakening is easy enough to let you do what you want without the possibility of being screwed over, especially if you're on Normal.

    Also the 3DS is a great console, there's plenty of beautiful games on there that will surprise you. If you're into old-fashioned JRPGs like the earlier FFs, I'd recommend the Bravely Default series! It's really fun and has great characters and writing, but the first game does receive a lot of flak for being repetitive towards the end.

  2. My opinions are the same from before since I regrettably spoiled myself on most of the game before hand, except I think I voted for Leo last time and Takumi ended up overtaking him for me....

    Favorite Male: Takumi. He alongside Leo continue to be some of my favorite male characters simply for being some of the best written of the supposedly most important characters in Fates. Takumi won out for me simply because not only did I begin to realize how I personally identified with his struggle of feeling incompetent compared to others, but his less honorable desires for recognition for his strengths/actions and even his own fear of seeing others "less skilled" than him over take him struck a chord with me. And the best thing is that the game treated his problems like actual problems, not simply reasons for people to mollycoddle him like certain fangirls do unfortunately.

    Also he's really fun to use. Marrying him to Rinkah to get him Death Blow on my first playthrough was worth it.

    Honorable Mentions:

    • Leo - Wonderful character for similar reasons to Takumi as well as the mini-development he went through in Forrest's paralogue; mainly suffers from holding the idiot ball in Conquest and being the worst of the royals in combat (Brynhildr is absolutely useless)
    • Niles - Surprisingly deep character with really hilarious moments. Had his backstory been examined further rather than the few tibits we got from his support with Leo
    • Siegbert - I know a lot of people don't like him, but I can't help but adore him. Ignoring his derpy mullet, his personality is a frighteningly accurate portrayal of what happens to someone when they grow up thinking they'll never amount to anything compared to their family. I know this from personal experience, and it makes me happy to see a character like this shown off without turning this flaw into, once again, a reason for fangirls to fawn over them.

    Favorite Female: Beruka. Even now, I still love her. She's surprisingly complex for a person of few words. Despite being an "emotionless killing machine", we see plenty of times where she's capable of showing emotion and selflessness. She doesn't kill Xander immediately even though she was told to simply because she knows what it would do to Camilla should she go through with the job, she shows remorse over the fact that she's continuing a cycle of brutal killings between Hoshido and Nohr that may never end in her support with Saizo, she shows forgiveness to the deceased mother she never knew and never hated her, knowing that she did what she had to do in her support with Niles, and for Oboro, she even offers her own life because she doesn't want Oboro to go on never able to fulfill the revenge that she dreamed of for so long. Nothing can stop me from loving her character. Also she's really fun to use, so bonus points.

    Honorable Mentions:

    • Oboro - Pretty much everyone loves her, so I don't think an explanation is necessary.
    • Flora - For being one of the few characters with logical motivations/reactions. Suffers in the story though because grills.
    • Elise and Sakura - For being made to be loli-bait, the two are actually very unique characters whose ideals lead them to different paths. Elise places all her faith in her family and lets her blind idealism guide her path, which eventually leads to her untimely downfall in Birthright, while Sakura's pride for Hoshido and willingness to stand with what she believes is right leads her into combat against Corrin and eventual capture in Conquest. It's a shame they didn't do too much with them otherwise, as with the proper character growths, these two would've ended up wonderful.

    Preferred Avatar: Female; I will have all the children.

    Favorite Route: Conquest simply because the gameplay alone is absolutely godly. No seriously, Conquest gameplay is the only reason Fates is my favorite FE.

  3. I'm currently playing two games right now:

    Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (Hard mode)

    WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY. I already beat this game one time and already know how horrible the story is. Hard mode just hammers in the point to me of how terrible the gameplay is. Who thought this was a good idea.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X:

    Still playing this game almost a year later (haven't started Ch. 6), mostly because I play console games with the frequency of a blue moon and at the rate of a snail. However, I personally love the game. This is the first game I've played so far that gave me actual exploration experience and still awes me with the beautiful graphics of the environments and the sheer size/design of the many monsters you see in the game. Especially those Lv. 60+ Tyrants.

    The combat is fun too, but I still don't like how almost nothing about advanced combat is ever explained. I'm still confused by what it means when it "deals more damage in a melee/range combo". Not to mention because you can't remove your character from the party and Elma and Lin are required for all story missions and a lot of the affinity ones, Elma + Lin will constantly be 3-8 levels a head of everyone else while your character is ~9 levels ahead of them.

  4. OH MY GOD. Your art makes me so jelly, teach me your ways master.

    No but really, your art style is beautiful, and you can definitely create great pieces of art a lot faster than I can at this time. There's just something about it that makes it feel so fluid and pop!

    Also.... I know you're a little overloaded on requests right now, but if you have time, could you draw my MU? Her name is Cassia and she's

    Build 2

    Face 1

    Hair Color 5

    Hair Clip 1

    Facial Feature 7

    I totally understand if it can't be done, so don't worry about my request. Keep it on negative priority or something like that.

  5. So, uh, thanks to stuff in life right now I probably won't be able to visit any castles for probably a week or two at a time for a while. If I have free time I'll try to visit everyone back, but at this moment, that free time is no guarantee.

    Basically, if you guys want bond units ASAP and don't care about BP or VP don't visit my castle because I won't be able to visit back. (MU name: Valla)

  6. Hey guys, just letting you know I changed files to my nearly complete bond unit run:

    Avatar: Valla

    Castle Name: Fort Anys

    Boon/Bane: +SKL/-HP

    Secondary Class: Oni Savage

    Last Skill: Axebreaker (but I also have all the other Hero skills, the Nohr Noble skills, Oni Cheiftan skills sans Counter, Locktouch, and Replicate if anyone wants them)

    If anyone would like a certain skill, could you guys let me know? I should also be able get Counter on my MU sometime soon...

    Also I guess this is a bit late considering how much time has passed, but thanks everyone for all the Bond Units! I've created 200+ units at this point, and although I'm done creating them for my own purposes, I'll continue to help anyone who would like to create some more!

  7. I haven't played the game myself and don't plan to (it didn't really appeal to me enough to make me buy it), but I have watched a LP, so I think I can see where some harsh feelings come from.

    Aside from the horribly misleading teaser they first released, there is all the Akaneia bias. For a majority of us, we really don't have a nostalgia boner for that continent compared to Japan considering we only got two games from that continent (and only one was generally considered good) so the characters probably didn't matter for a majority of fans besides the few from Awakening. Even then, the FE elements felt almost... inconsequential. You could easily replace every single FE element with something else and nothing about the game would feel off in any way. And those two references to Tellius don't make up for any of it.

    In addition, from what I could tell, the gameplay and story are a far cry from what fans of the two original series wanted. The gameplay didn't really have the depth or features that fans wanted and while FE stories are never that great, I can see the story of TMS#FE being horrendously stupid to fans of SMT.

    But that doesn't mean I feel the game deserves the hate though. While the battle system does look simple and repetitive, I did see how I could enjoy just the pure, er, "Japanese" eccentricity that was just oozing out of everything. And ignoring the Opera of Light, most of the songs in-game are absolutely amazing and a joy to listen to, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care for J-Pop. I guess that might not appeal to everyone though, so add that on to the gigantic list of reasons why people don't like this game...

  8. Haha, this is what I get for not coming on for forever and never checking this thread when I was lurking. I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up...

    Just in case, my castle code is in my signature and my current version is Conquest. MU is Kamui and is +SPD/-LCK w/ a Swordmaster talent. Astra is the last skill.

    Oh, and if you get a visit from an MU named Valla or Cassia, that's probably me too.

  9. A lot of my unpopular opinions are really... inexplicable.

    For example, while he's not my absolute favorite, I like Silas and plan on S-ranking him on my main file even though I actually dislike about half of his supports just like everyone else on this forum. I blame pre-release bias that just won't leave. On the other hand, I just really, really, can't stand Hana despite trying to like her so many times and I don't know why. I love Yukimura, Hinata, Dwyer, Xander, and Hayato and I really don't care about people like Hinoka, Setsuna, Selkie, Velouria and Asugi, yet the pattern always is that I can't ever give a solid good reason why.

    I think the only characters I can legitimately explain why I love/hate them are Subaki and Caeldori. I like Subaki because while his gimmick can be really annoying sometimes, in his good supports, he shows the dangers of extreme perfectionism and how it can tear someone apart mentally; something I experience a lot in my daily life, so it's nice to see it perfectionism portrayed how toxic it really is at times. While I wish they delved into this part of him more, the fact that they at least did a little makes me happy and enjoy his character. Caeldori is the exact opposite to me. She's takes the annoying portrayal of perfectionism and inflates it to the extreme, showing none of the flaws or severe consequences of that mindset. And any time that could be developed, it's tossed aside. If it weren't for the fact that her support with Shiro is wonderful and she doesn't go on a tangent about her secret crush every five seconds, she might be one of my least favorite characters in the series.

  10. My backlog? Ha... haha...

    - Xenoblade Chronicles X

    - Kid Icarus: Uprising

    - Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door

    - Persona Q

    - LoZ: The Wind Waker HD

    - The original LoZ

    - LoZ: Oracle of Seasons

    - LoZ: Oracle of Ages

    - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

    - Kirby's Adventure

    - Kirby's Dreamland 2

    - Kirby's Dreamland 3

    - Kirby Super Star

    - Kirby and the Crystal Shards

    - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

    - Wonderful 101

    - A bunch of Scribblenauts games

    - A lot more.

    And I've literally started a majority and stopped for some random reason. I blame Fates.

  11. As much as I've grown up with customary and I do prefer using measurements like inches and miles a lot more over their metric counterparts a lot more, metric still wins it out for me by a long shot. Maybe because of my extreme interest in science, but everything makes more sense in metric with the prefixes. It's not hard to remember that 100 centimeters are in a meter and there are 10 liters in a decaliter. Meanwhile, I still don't know how many cups are in a gallon.

  12. How did this thread turn into a discussion of who needs therapy anyway? Maybe I should make another thread devoted to that topic...

    Anyway, here are the results to the Nohrian bachelors poll.

    XANDER/HINOKA IS IN SECOND. I AM SATISFIED. No one gets the axe todaaaay~

    Also as a side note, does anyone else find the huge margin that Elise got for Odin to be interesting? I know that's a popular pairing, but is it really that popular?

  13. Wow, I actually like these results. Especially since Kaze/Azura is so high. I'm utter trash for that pairing. Pleasantly surprised that Silas/F!Corrin is doing so well though. Even though I actually like him, I thought a majority of people on the forum hated his guts.

    I still haven't found a serious support I love for Felicia outside of Laslow so far.

    Felicia/Hinata like mentioned above is wonderful. I also like Felicia/Kaden too (Heck I voted for it) especially since nothing involving Felicia being a bad maid is ever mentioned unlike every other support. They take care of a cat instead!

  14. Ooh, can't wait to see these results! Voted mostly my planned final Revelation pairings, unless the pairing was more of a pair-the-spares ordeal or I just did it to satisfy my needs for parallelism. The Bonus Poll though... that last question was awkward.

    If Xander/Hinoka does not place decently well, blood will be spilled.

  15. These results trigger me and I logged on just to say that.

    Okay but really, these results seem to be really skewed by the fact you can only choose one hate/love person instead of arranging them in a spectrum of love to hate. Because some units like Rinkah might not have placed that low if those who didn't love her or hate her could place her somewhere else in the list.

    Voted Takumi+/Jakob-, Oboro+/Peri-, and Shiro+/Soleil-

    You know what I've noticed? In addition to having a lot of pairing fanart (which was expected since children were tied to men in this game), F!Corrin also has a lot of individual fanart. Why didn't FeMU get this much attention in Awakening?

    Because FeMU doesn't have a thigh hole in her armor.

  16. Simple solution to right comic: Pair him up with Beruka and make him become the ultimate tank.

    The difference between Ryoma and Xander is that Ryoma is still the game's best Swordmaster even without the Rajinto.
    He's still an incredible unit without his Rajinto.

    ...Every comment I read makes me feel like I'm using Ryoma wrong or he keeps getting severely RNG-screwed in my Birthright file. While his damage output is great, I always have problems with enemy hit rates. Or maybe he just sucks in comparison to everyone else because apparently everyone else in my file is RNG-blessed considering my Rinkah capped Str without me trying too hard and somehow almost everyone has 35+ HP.

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