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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. 3 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    Redditor already confirmed it. Not Sirius is really not Sirius.

    Yep, ended up seeing that one upon looking at the thread more. Even if he isn't Zeke, he might still be interesting...


     Fernand apparently deserted the deliverance because he got mad clive made alm the leader. Desaix's men picked him up and introduced him to berkut with the comment that fernand might like him better as a leader.

    This alone sounds great.

  2. Just now, Robert of Normandy said:

    There should still be rewards for getting a lot of points, I just think there shouldn't be anything special for being on the winning team.

    Yeah I guess I can see what you mean. In that case cosmetic is probably best, because orbs are still considered valuable (especially if you finished the campaign) and Great Emblems are too minor of a gift.

  3. Lol, I actually completely forgot this was still going on. Ephraim vs. Chrom was simply too climactic that this just fell to the back of my mind.

    18 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    I personally wouldn't mind if the reward for a team winning was cosmetic, so that people wouldn't bandwagon onto whatever team was most popular just to get the rewards.

    As long as moar feathers is a reward, people will continue to bandwagon, but if they get rid of feathers as a reward, no one would care/there would be more complaining about the scarcity of feathers. This is a tough situation.

  4. Welp, I managed to squeeze in time and went all in. 102,000 points for Lord Ephraim and possibly more if I can sneak in a few more sessions. As long as Chrom doesn't pull a last second miracle, I think Ephraim's got it in the bag. GG everyone, it was fun while it lasted!



    Watch Chrom somehow still win lol.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Is there any reason you like Sharena and Alfonse more than Chrom, lol

    I have enough faith in Sharena and Alfonse to believe that they wouldn't willing sacrifice the fate of the world so their BFF would live.

    Also I'm still salty that Chrom missed a crucial 97% dual strike that one time.

  6. Used 200 more flags in the name of Team Ephraim, but I'm scared about my remaining 300. I won't be available to participate at the end of today's tourney but I also want to save them in case we somehow make it to the finals. Should I splurge or no?

    Also if we're talking preferences here:

    Lucina = Leo > Ephraim >= Elise > Eirika > Shareena = Alphonse >> Chrom

    Only voted for Ephraim at first because I thought he'd be the underdog. Oh well, don't regret my choice, especially because of how intense the competition is getting!

  7. 2 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    This is starting to feel like the US election....

    I don't know man, at least both of our choices are generally likeable.


    Crumb's group also had a lot of flags left over because of how little a fight Alfonse put up. Even though Ephraim had a solid lead over Leo the entire time, there were still plenty of Ephraim supporters I saw splurging flags, either out of paranoia or hubris. It makes sense how Crumb took the lead, but the question is if we Ephraim supporters will make it stay like this.

  8. I succumbed and spent 250 flags on Ephraim's total. Still have ~750 left though for that final push against Lucina should he get into the finals! Even though I'll be salty if Crumb wins, I gotta commend those guys for putting up a hell of a fight, 30 million to 3 million gap in one day, jeez

  9. 6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    To be fair, I am surprised by how well Sharena is doing in terms of individual point totals. Yeah, I expected her to lose to Lucina and badly, but I didn't think she'd end up having the second most points out of all characters. I also thought that it'd be possible for Ephraim to lose to Leo, considering how much people seem to love Leo even if they don't like Fates.

    I thought that might be the case as well, but then I remembered that a lot of Leo fans are also Lucina fans, and they probably decided to bet on the winning horse. Which sucks because Leo is actually better written as a character IMO.

  10. 4 minutes ago, The Malign Knight said:

    Who knows, Fate may surprise us all and make that battle happen.

    Anyway, I'm hoping the fights will be more..."on par". I hope I do not come as disrespectful towards those who are on the losing teams(Alfonse/Sharena/Elise/Leo), but these first rounds has been kind of boring due to the absurd vantage of the winning team, to be honest.

    Hey, at least Ephraim and Leo are sort of close.... 300 million is a close margin, right? Right?

    Yeah, first round has been kind of boring, but I'm really scared for round two, at least for Ephraim vs. Chrom. Chrom beat Ephraim in the popularity poll, but Ephraim might be able to pull the support from some of the Sharena and Alphonse teams. As for Eirika vs Lucina... Lucina's more likely than not going to win, but it'll be interesting to see the kind of fight Eirika's team manages to muster up.

  11. Joshua is best prince and will always be best prince. And best myrmidon. And best swordmaster. And best SS character. And best everything. I just really, really, really like Joshua.

    As for best princess, that's actually pretty hard. I love the SS Princess (kinda meh on Eirika though), the younger sisters in Fates, and although I've never played their games, RD!Elincia, Ayra, and Caeda all interest me.

    However, if anything, I'll just pick Lucina, because out of all the games I've played, I've always liked how she seemed more "grounded" than the other characters in Awakening, and I admire her resolve. She's a great unit too, but I hate how she was dropped from Awakening's story entirely not even half-way through the game.

    L'Arachel and Tana get honorable mentions for just being L'Arachel and Tana. They're simply too great to ignore.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Luxian said:

    Well, I suppose many of Lucina fans might have thrown quite the number of battle flags, so as long as we keep ours, there's still a glimpse of hope for us Ephraim supporters :3

    Heck, if they didn't even use any battle flags, we are doomed...

    Do not lose hope so fast. As long as us losers unite under a single banner against Lucina, we shall reign victorious.

  13. Might as well actually post in this forum again after lurking for so long.

    I joined team Ephraim because I guessed team Leo would be more popular because he was from Fates/generally a deeper character. I guessed wrong.

    Either way though, I've resigned myself to the fact that no matter what happens, we're going to lose to Lucina. Goddamit, I like Lucina as much as the next guy, but she's become way too overrated.

    46 minutes ago, Friendly_Ram said:

    I left the arena to get away from this. 


    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  14. Jeez, Chugga said this? That's a crying shame, he's a great guy and would've introduced a lot of new enthusiastic fans into the series. After all, he helped me and a bunch of others get into the Xenoblade franchise.

    To be honest though, I can sort of see where he's coming from. The fandom split in FE is like the Zelda fandom on steroids. I'm honestly thankful Serenes was the first FE fandom place I decided to enter, as my introduction to the Zelda franchise essentially made me "stop" being a fan for a couple of years due to the toxicity of the attacks I saw. (Granted, that was the first time I ever entered a fandom and I was sweet and ignorant child) But at the same time, this is an internet fandom. Crazy BS happens all the time, and it's always the crazy BS you see first.

    Really, there's no way to "fix" a fandom split this big. Splits this big between the majority and hyper-vocal minorities have existed in franchises like Pokémon and Zelda for years and they still are around. The most you can do is just have the majorities show their general disapproval of these groups, but like I said, it's not going to improve anything.

    I think the bigger problem to focus these days with the fanbase is not that a divide exists, it's natural and going to stay, it's when those hyper-vocal minorities seem to actively try to stop some players from entering with the newer games that they might be more comfortable playing or attacking newer fans that want to enter the fandom of a newly-found game series. Or the hyper-minorities on the opposite side of the spectrum where they'll attack the older games without any or minimal experience playing the more classic titles.

  15. Finished mine. Was actually debating today whether to vote Beruka or Flora, but then decided instead of choosing between the two, I'd vote for Lute instead. Logic.

    1.) Lewyn

    2.) Lyon

    3.) RD Elincia

    4.) FE4 Gen2 Finn

    5.) Natasha

    6.) Joshua

    7.) Caeda

    8.) Sumia

    9.) Oboro

    10.) Xane

    11.) Takumi

    12.) Henry

    13.) Lute

    Still wish I could've voted for Beruka and Flora though ;_;

  16. Fanservice probably does contribute to some interest in the series and might be a "staying" factor, but I highly doubt that.

    As people earlier on the thread have said, a lot of us that did buy Awakening first didn't buy it for fanservice, we bought it because of marketing. I was interested in FE since Brawl and intended on buying the first FE that would be released after, yet I didn't even know Shadow Dragon existed until well after its release simply because a.) I wasn't actively searching for any ads and b.) There were hardly any ads to begin with.

    Awakening on the other hand, was impossible to ignore. Trailers for it popped up on YouTube all the time, so of course I bought it when I could because at least I knew it existed this time around. And I didn't even know about the whole avatar/shipping mechanic until I got the game, the Smash Bros. advertising and second-hand accounts was enough to draw interest.

    And even then, the gameplay in FE13 and 14 is considered by newer fans to generally be high-quality and engaging enough to continue playing the series. Fanservice is no where near as powerful as some say IMO.

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