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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Page 62 is up, and I think it provides an example of me needlessly overthinking/working things to reduce any need for explanation as evident in the left panel. There are notes on the blog for those interested to see the original joke and how it was adapted.

    I enjoyed the right panel a lot though, I always did wonder what happens when someone wants to high five their ninja friend. xD Where do they go when a battle ends...

    You're welcome!

    Thanks for the effort to do the left panel, it was hilarious! Makes me wonder why people continue to put Corrin in charge of the army though.

  2. Xander x Hinoka - A really good Siegbert. I'd dare say the best. The two of them work pretty well together too. Hinoka gives him a Lance using class, Hinoka gets a class that also uses Lances. I got her Luna. imo probably Seig's best aside from maybe Charlotte x Xander.

    Saizo x Beruka - Asugi gets proc activates 4 days due to his good skill. It's kind of average though - Saizo gets Malig Knight which I put him in due to his decent magic growths. I don't say I recommend it though because these were also somewhat pairing the spades.

    Azama x Effie - STRONGEST Mitama. If you don't get Berserker on Azama via friend seal (get it though) it at least gets him Great Knight. Imo they have some good synergy together.

    Benny x Rinkah - Also a pair the spades but Ignatius cannot be damaged by physical attacks. Ever.

    Thanks for the opinion! Nice knowing one of my OTPs is actually good :P

    Also what would the general opinion be for a Felicia!Selkie? I know her strength suffers a bit and her magic is boosted a little, getting +3 mod, but I just want to know what to expect when using her.

  3. Xander x Hinoka

    Saizo x Beruka

    Azama x Effie

    Benny x Rinkah

    ... so i can give opinions on these pairings.

    How did these pairings end up for you in terms of both children and combat-synergy? I don't really plan on using the children in the story, but I'll probably mess with them a lot in some of the DLC maps.

  4. Overall though, my poor House Targaryen building project has tanked like the gakking Maple Loafs the past couple days! >.<

    I just wish I could for once, generate a decent personal skill... What I wouldn't give for the likes of Fiery Blood or Riena's personal, etc...

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest... guess I just have to keep grinding out those Bond babies, eh?!

    I'm not sure if you know this or not but just in case, certain personals are gotten from doing certain castle pairs (i.e. certain personal skills will only come with Valla x Valla MUs or Nohr x Hoshido castles). So try going to those types of castles more or switching files to match? If you're already doing this, I guess just continue to pray to Anna.

    Also why is everyone needing things I have surpluses of >.>

  5. Time for the ultimate Fire Emblem then.

    Ask Kaga to design the hardest mode (warp tiles in all their bullshit)

    Telius story/world building/characters

    Fates gameplay tweaked a bit.

    Avatar done DA:O style, limited support pool based on personality chosen.

    Everyone's back to way fewer supports.

    If this happens I will die of happiness. Except for maybe the warp panels. I haven't even played Thracia yet but I feel like they'll quickly become my worst enemy after I encounter them.

    I actually hope the next FE game feels a bit more different, while Fates was successful, you can still feel the Awakening aspects, something I liked about the older FE's (for the most part anyways, the GBA had a similar feel to each other too) is just how different most of the games felt from each other, which is why I can still recommend the majority of the franchise. Considering the significant amount of differences.

    I know that this forumla is successful and that they took risks with some of the gameplay of Fates, but I'd like to see more of a push with that come next game.

    While it would be nice to see some diversion from the Awakening/Fates style, it's all too possible that the next few games in the series will diverge a little less than before. Awakening/Fates were some of the the most successful games in the series so far and attracted thousands of new fans, most of who are only used to those styles. They might be too afraid of alienating them to actually try anything like before. Hopefully I'm wrong and being far too negative though.

  6. While I don't think just because an game is outdated and play style is update doesn't mean you stop playing that game. I like Fate but I still play Awakening too.But glad to hear you still love Awakening. :)

    Oh I'm not going to stop playing and I'm not going to stop having fun by breaking a game in two. I still actually have 2 playthroughs left I still need to finish (1 normal throw-away one and another Lunatic one), but I know that I won't enjoy it as much as I did before. I already felt the feeling at a smaller scale when I went from Conquest to Birthright, so I can only imagine the transition to Awakening.

  7. Also as a quick note to everyone saying that Elise is not a teenager because of her behavior, I believe it. I know a highschooler that in all honesty, acts a lot like Elise with her bright, chipper attitude (and that extremely surprising amount of innocence).

    Anyway, here's what I think:

    Xander: 26

    Ryoma: 24

    Camilla: 23

    Hinoka: 22

    Azura: 19

    Corrin: 19 (~ half a year younger than Azura)

    Leo: 18

    Takumi: 17

    Sakura: 15

    Elise: 14

    Shiro: 21

    Siegbert: 20

    Almost every other kid: 16-19

    Kana, Midori, and Percy: 11-13

  8. I always headcanoned three personal skills for my three MUs, given that Corrin is nothing like any of them and while Mysterious Appeal is useful, it's generic as hell.

    Last Stand: When HP below 1/2, +15 Hit/Avoid and +2 to damage dealt and -2 to damage received. Effects double when HP below 1/4. I really like glass-cannon builds, do I?

    White Knight: +10 crit and +2 to damage dealt and -2 to damage received when fighting an enemy that has previously fought with an ally.

    Brute Force: When selected from the menu, sacrifice half of the unit's defence and resistance to add to strength and magic respectively for one turn after combat. Unit also suffers a -20 Hit/Avoid in exchange for +10 crit.

  9. With these numbers new numbers, Fates has dethroned FE3 as the best selling game in Japan.

    Dang, it took that long? Not sure what that implies about the rest of the series, but I guess this is a good thing, huh? I just really hope that IS gets the right message from the sales numbers and focuses on greater gameplay + story rather than further emphasizing the waifu/husbando/romantic anime visual novel stuff though...

  10. I do like Awakening - heck, it introduced me to the series - but after Fates, I don't know if I can go back at this point. I'm invested far more with much more characters in Fates than I was Awakening, and after playing Fates and the other older FEs, I find Awakening's gameplay extremely bland and unexciting at this point. Conquest has just the right amount of challenge and the great design I never really knew I wanted so bad. Also bonus points to Fates once again for the amazing OST and actually having a challenging Final Level in Conquest unlike Awakening's and Blazing Sword's. What about Sacred Stones you say? HAHAHA we don't talk about that final level.

  11. Hello wonderful Fire Emblem fans! I've been getting lots of requests to make a video of myself singing Lost in Thoughts All Alone. I checked with Nintendo if I was allowed to do that and they said YES!!

    I thought I'd get your advice on the best way to release that video...as to not get hate mail from the 'other' kids of FE fans :)

    I'll use a track and sing through some of the ballad version of the song. I'm just going to keep it simple..no recording studio...nothing fancy. Just me singing it. I thought I'd see what you guys thought.



    Uh, yes. All my yes. The song has quickly become one of my most listened to songs ever. Thank you so much for doing this Miss Strober! Really, I don't think there is too much to avoid hate on the internet (unfortunately), but I definitely feel any hate that will be there will be far less now than it was before considering it's been ~2 months since the game has been released and most opinions are really positive at this point. And because all the haters moved on to games like Bravely Second instead. But I guess if you want to be really safe about avoiding hate, like others before me said, just turn off the like bar and comment section!

    Wait, that's Azura?

    Nah man, it's Benny in a wig.

  12. Candace is easily the best of the bosses. She really should've been a normal recruitable character though, she seems like an interesting character and she might've given a different perspective of life in Nohr considering she isn't nobility and she isn't exactly from the slums either.

    But out of the generics... I've never captured one as it never really seemed worth the effort, especially on Normal. Appearance-wise, I love the Hero and Shrine Maiden though, so I guess they win. Lancer would've gotten my vote if they could actually promote though, because I'm 99.99% sure they can't.

  13. Awakening has loads that would seem ridiculous in Fates:

    -hack-forges (the forging system is different in Awakening, and enemy units on higher difficulties and Apotheosis can have weapons that are forged to extents impossible to reach for players)

    -enemy only Hawkeye skill (guaranteed 100% listed Hit rate -- this unit will never miss so the only way to avoid an attack is to use Vantage to get the first hit or to Dual Guard it; stupid when combined with Luna+ or the Mire tome, which is a dark magic tome with 3-10 range)

    -enemy only Luna+, Pavise+, Aegis+ (100% activation rates of the skills, though Luna+ has lowest proc priority among attack skills)

    -enemy only Dragonskin (debut of this skill; Fates pretty much buffed it to prevent post-battle damage and reduce attack skill and critical hit damage)

    -Rightful God (+30% skill activation rate -- Merchant Anna boss in Apotheosis secret route has a 65% activation rate for Aether)

    -Vantage+ (unless your own unit activates Vantage, the unit with Vantage+ will always get the first strike)

    After playing Awakening Lunatic and attempting Lunatic+, I'm perfectly fine with whatever enemy-exclusive stuff the game throws at me at this point. I mean, even Lunge Ninjas are better than Luna+ Mages on the first map of the game.

    But really, it's only fair to the enemy. We are smarter than AI and essentially have access to every skill in the game thanks to skill buying from online castles and ability scrolls. So if the AI has to deal with Point Blank/Bowfaire/Death Blow/Galeforce/Rend Heaven Sniper Takumis, It's only right that the enemy have access to unusual skills too. Also it's definitely more fun to play with, as now you actually have to pay more attention rather than storming the entire map if a bunch of enemies seem a little too easy to combat.

  14. Yeah, I've tried that method about 6+ times now and nothing.

    Oh well, it seems like my game has decided that I'm not allowed to have my own Bond Units... Hopefully any accessories I've been giving out have been received, and I can at least help others create some Bond Units for their game.

    Stupid technology always hating on me!

    Oh really? Do you have another file you can try messing with? Or create another one and see? Are all the settings correct? This is weird, so I'm just listing random stuff here, but I hope it gets better soon. It would be a shame if you're robbed of Bond Units because the servers are acting up >.>

  15. Urgh, still no Fiery Blood bond unit.

    This is pretty ironic for me considering I have like 3 and just got another one yesterday. SO MANY REPEATS.

    thanks for all the hard work everyone

    I have one favor to ask,

    This is the MyCastle adress of my friend from school 08401-85793-17695-49586

    I really want him to get into making bond units and maybe to get him to join our community

    So if you would all bring him a fox tail that would be great

    Okay, will do. What's your deal with fox tails?

    @Aarux: Thanks! I've added your card & left you a gift as well.

    Also, I'll be shamelessly seizing a few extra skills from you as well - been looking for Counter on Kaden for a loooooong while now!

    @Captain Karnage: I've left a gift for both you & your school buddy!

    One question though. How long does it typically take for gifted accessories to show up in your own inbox? Nothing is showing up yet for me, despite updating at the crystal ball a half dozen plus times.

    Figures with my luck I'd get a glitched game that refuses to work... *grumble*

    There should be a pinned thread about the crystal ball not updating on this subforum. But I guess to quickly summarize what to do:

    1.) Update

    2.) Go to any battle

    3.) Enter the battle

    4.) Close the DS for ~5 minutes (I've seen it work a few times w/out doing this, but it always works if you do this)

    5.) Finish the battle

    The ball should've been updated once this is all over, but if not... IDK what to do.

  16. Protip: It would be nice if people left a good skill or a skill that they can't normally obtain with Noble/Their secondary class in their last skill slot. Makes for stronger bond units.

    Okay, I'll keep this in mind. Also as a heads up to others, I'm switching mine to a brand new Birthright castle now if it matters. Too lazy to go back to my Conquest one and to update every time, but I'll try to get better skills as fast as possible for my MU if skills are needed by anyone.

  17. So, I created a bunch of bond units today:

    Daydream/Oni Savage Ginger with Elena

    Locktouch/Wyvern Rider Lavenia with Alessa (originally called Lavender but renamed for the convenience as I already had a Lavender)

    Good Fortune/Wyvern Rider Dill with Colin (originally called Dillan but renamed for the convenience as I already had a Dillan)

    Malefic Aura/Wyvern Rider Cassia with Morgan (NAME STEALER)

    Odd Shaped/Spear Fighter Sage with Yukari

    Vow of Friendship/ Wyvern Rider Shizuku with Xueqin

    Daydream/Wyvern Rider Gina with Juan (More renaming. My god the duplicates...)

    Daydream/Wyvern Rider Ginger v.2 with Bone

    Born Steward/Samurai Rosemary with Solaria

  18. Least favorite is Soleil. That's pretty much a given considering her personality/gag and I think everyone else here has put out why I hate her eloquently enough. But my god, why does she have to have such a pretty design?!

    But other than that, I actually like a lot of the children? Siegbert, Sophie, Shiro, Forrest, and Shigure are definitely my favorites though. Siegbert and Sophie have this odd thing for me as the former is someone I can really identify with as I struggle with feelings of inadequacy and awkwardness too in comparison to my relatives, and the latter is just a shining ball of optimism despite all her mistakes and is someone I feel that I can't help but admire. Shiro is a character that is wonderfully laid back and entertaining that doesn't rely on any gags, and Forrest is a perfect example of a character that covers a serious issue and isn't played for laughs. He likes what he likes, and he's not ashamed of it. He gives Leo wonderful development too. And Shigure is just absolutely fabulous and I swear he's a Disney princess in disguise at times. He's extremely talented in the arts and is a very caring person overall.

    But I'm going to have to give the vote to Shigure, mostly cause he seems to have a little less love than the others. And because he's making me ditch my no-marrying children policy but let's ignore that...

  19. As someone who is a relatively recent fan of the series, I have this to say: don't think to hard, just go. Experiment. Make mistakes. That's the best way to learn and develop your playstyle. You might make a lot of errors at first and reset a lot, but that's okay, as when you make them, you should be learning what to avoid and what to look for.

    Yeah this sounds pretty stereotypical, but it works. Really, just play more and get used to how YOU want to play it (and not the optimal way), as there's plenty of time to worry about optimization down the line when you're more comfortable with the game.

    Also to echo what someone earlier said, you'll probably not find yourself screwing up your team with Sir Lobster Lord around.

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