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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Alright so this poll is pretty much done, but I did notice that 8 prople voted that Odin's Sphere needed to be tweaked. What are your preferred changes?

    It's pretty much okay, but I'm just worried about how stuff like Lethality + Flamboyant + Hoshido and Line of Death + Extravagance might turn out. I don't know if it will really be that broken considering I don't have the greatest idea of how PvP is going to be like, but the skill sets are still terrifying if exploited. Not saying they should be banned, but maybe some limit placed on them?

  2. Brought this team to both routes of Apotheosis on my main file. Everything marked with a star in inventory was accuracy-forged with spare points going to might.

    FeMU (+HP/-LCK)

    Class: Grandmaster

    Skills: Ignis, Armsthrift, Renewal, Galeforce, Limit Breaker/Pavise

    Spouse: Chrom

    Inventory: Celica's Gale*, Eirika's Blade*, Miciah's Pyre*, Superior Jolt*, Book of Naga


    Class: Great Lord

    Skills: Dual Strike+, Dual Guard+, Aggressor, Hit Rate +20, Limit Breaker/Aether

    Spouse: FeMU

    Inventory: Exalted Falchion, Brave Sword* x 2, Brave Lance* x 2


    Class: Sage

    Skills: Miracle, Tomefaire, Renewal, Galeforce, Limit Breaker/Healtouch

    Spouse: Stahl

    Inventory: Rexcalibur, Goddess Staff, Psychic, Recover, Rescue


    Class: Bride

    Skills: Luna, Pavise, Galeforce, Renewal, Limit Breaker/Lancefaire

    Spouse: Frederick

    Inventory: Brave Bow* x 2, Brave Lance* x 2, Rescue


    Class: Great Lord

    Skills: Aether, Galeforce, Rightful King, Armsthrift, Limit Breaker/Pavise

    Spouse: Gerome

    Inventory: Parallel Falchion, Levin Sword*, Brave Sword*, Brave Lance*, Gradivus


    Class: Wyvern Lord

    Skills: Deliverer, Axefaire, Aggressor, Lancebreaker, Limit Breaker/All Stats +2

    Spouse: Lucina

    Inventory: Brave Axe* x 3, Brave Lance* x 2


    Class: Grandmaster

    Skills: Ignis, Galeforce, Rightful King, Armsthrift, Limit Breaker/Pavise

    Spouse: Severa

    Inventory: Celica's Gale*, Eirika's Blade*, Miciah's Pyre*, Superior Jolt*, Leif's Blade*


    Class: Hero

    Skills: Luna, Axebreaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Limit Breaker/Pavise

    Spouse: Morgan

    Inventory: Brave Axe*, Brave Sword*, Tomahawk*, Superior Edge*, Hector's Axe*


    Class: Falcon Knight

    Skills: Luna, Iote's Shield, Pavise, Galeforce, Limit Breaker/Aegis

    Spouse: Brady

    Inventory: Brave Lance* x 2, Spear* x 2, Physic


    Class: Hero

    Skills: Astra, Lancebreaker, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Limit Breaker/Swordfaire

    Spouse: Noire

    Inventory: Alm's Blade*, Brave Sword*, Brave Axe*, Tomahawk*, ??? (I forget :/)


    Class: Sniper

    Skills: Counter, Lifetaker, Galeforce, Luna, Limit Breaker/Astra

    Spouse: Inigo

    Inventory: Brave Bow* x 3, Longbow* x 2


    Class: Manakete

    Skills: Armsthrift, Galeforce, Sol, Sword Breaker, Limit Breaker/Wyrmsbane

    Spouse: Yarne

    Inventory: Dragonstone+


    Class: Assassin

    Skills: Bowfaire, Deliverer, Aggressor, Hit Rate +20, Limit Breaker/???

    Spouse: Nah

    Inventory: Brave Bow* x 3, Brave Sword* x 2

    Miciah & Celica (both DLC)

    Class: Falcon Knight

    Skills: Rally Spectrum, Rally Heart, Rally Resistance, Rally Speed, Rally Movement

    Inventory: Rescue x 3, Fortify, Physic

    Katarina (DLC)

    Class: Falcon Knight

    Skills: Rally Spectrum, Rally Strength, Rally Defense, Rally Skill, Rally Magic

    Inventory: Rescue x 3, Fortify, Physic

    Elincia (DLC)

    Class: Falcon Knight

    Skills: Rally Spectrum, Rally Heart, Rally Defense, Rally Speed, Rally Resistance

    Inventory: Rescue x 3, Fortify, Physic


    Class: Wyvern Lord

    Skills: Rally Spectrum, Rally Strength, Rally Defense, Rally Skill, Rally Magic

    Inventory: Stuff

    EDIT: Aaand I forgot these two:


    Class: Manakete

    Skills: Lifetaker, Swordbreaker, All Stats +2, Slow Burn, Limit Breaker/Wyrmsbane

    Inventory: Dragonstone+ x 5


    Class: Swordsmaster

    Skills: Deliverer, Swordfaire, Galeforce, Lancebreaker, Limit Breaker/Astra

    Inventory: Brave Sword* x 5

  3. Nohr & IK: Marrying Flora because she's best waifu, so no problem there

    Hoshido: Unfortunately dropping Midoriko, even though she's one of my favorites and I love Suzukaze, simply because Tsukuyomi is the only guy I feel comfortable marrying Sakura off to

    and because I plan on having Kaze die in that playthrough for teh feelz.

    Sorry Kaze and Midoriko.

  4. They would be interesting DLC and they could bring interesting supports if they get any... but I really don't like their designs at all and don't want them as DLC because that means they're hiding two original characters behind a paywall. Spotpass would be okay though, if they could find a way to do it.

    Shade bothers me for the same reasons other dark mages bother me, and Emma looks like one of those moe "Kawaii-desu!" characters with a squeaky toy voice, which my classmates made me begin to hate because 1/2 the people in my school are obsessed with those characters.

  5. First of all, Inigo can't provide Aether as he receives Rightful King from Chrom no matter what. Only Chrom's daughters get Aether, so you can only get Aether on a female Morgan.

    Between the two, Owain is probably better stat wise IMO because he already receives a magic buff from Lissa and her options you provided are magic oriented. Inigo has two physical units as his parents and I might not remember correctly, but I don't believe either Olivia or Chrom can provide a lot of magic in growth rates for Morgan. Inigo can probably only be a good magic user if Ricken or Henry is his Father. However, if you want an actual "God-tier" magic Morgan, it's probably better to marry a Ricken!Laurent for the largest magic cap possible and good growths on Morgan.

    For skills, Tomefaire and Limit Breaker (if you have the DLC that is) are probably good skills to give. Any other skills you want to have on Morgan depends on how exactly you want to use him.

    Probably not the best advice in the world. I really never got into unit optimization that much, but this is just based on my experiences/preferences and seeing what other's have said in the past.

  6. I honestly got confused for a second when I saw this poll because I thought both options said Final Fantasy

    Aaaand another poll I can't really vote for because I haven't played any Final Fantasies and only played one of the FE games listed... joy.

  7. Marriage shouldn't return as a mechanic and should be an end of game thing. Children should never appear again unless thy're actually important to the plot at hand and are almost required to actually have the story make sense, not like Awakening where all you needed was Lucina and could ignore every other child in the game.

    The thing is that the marriage mechanic along with the children, while fun to mess round with for optimization, made the writing for supports a lot more awful. Characters that really shouldn't have any romantic interest in each other still end up marrying and the S-ranks are absolutely rushed in most cases even if the two characters have chemistry between them, so changing it may allow more sensible S-ranks (have couples express some interest in each other but don't jump to the whole proposal) and maybe the return of platonic endings for characters, which is something that should really return.

  8. My opinions are below, but really, nothing should be banned/ restricted unless it's been a very common problem for a while and causes some monotony in teams.

    Lethality is all right, as long as the activation rates are jacked up to crazy levels to become near guarantees. Because if it Lethality is allowed, it will be exploited, then a lot teams might end up having at least one Lethality unit and every other unit is pretty much required to have Miracle to actually survive, which isn't really healthy. Nothing should be allowed that might cause teams to have a certain skill as a requirement to actually do well in most cases.

    Extravagance + Line of Death can be easily exploited, but I don't know if it should be banned. Maybe only one unit with this build is allowed per team or you can only have _ golden coins to use in a battle or something like that.

    Forges are okay, but they should have a limit that most players should be able to access. It shouldn't be a "have DLC to win" type of thing like Awakening with its Limit Breaker. Also personal weapons and the Final Yatogami should be allowed of forges are... unless problems come up to the future where literally every team is using people like Xander, Leo, Ryoma, or Takumi and no one else just because they have OP weapons.

  9. My favorite Hoshido ones are the Miko (so elegant yet intimidating), Samurai, and the Golden-kite Warroir. I don't know why, but that thing the GKW have behind their head makes me love them.

    As for Nohr, I love the Dark Knights (that mask and armor... to bad the girls still wear battle-panties), Maid (so creepy yet cute), and the Mercenaries and Heroes, simply because their armor is absolutely fabulous.

    For my least favorite Hoshido, I would have to say War Priestess and Great Merchant. The Great Merchant's hat is just silly looking, and the War Priestess is the only generic portrait I actually don't like. It's not that the outfit is bad.... it's just... dat face.

    For Nohr, I don't like the Sorcerer and the Rod Knight portraits as much, mostly because their poses and faces combined don't sit well with me (Also after I noticed that the Rod Knight has her cleavage exposed, I got a little uncomfortable).

    Overall I love pretty much all the generics (except War Priestess), and they're much better than Awakenings.

  10. Uh guys... can we not insult each other for our opinions whether we agree with them or not? Because if this continues this thread is going to be shut down or it's just going to turn into a flame war.

    more on-topic: anyone who actually agrees with sakurai - that extraneous features cannot be considered as demerits to game quality - forfeits all right to game criticism in general. most features within games, when it comes down to it, are optional. the logical conclusion of this mode of thought is that all features are either neutral or good, never bad.

    What? I don't see how saying an optional feature that doesn't affect story and only does something gameplay wise that can be achieved through other means. Because if you say that we can't complain about anything about a game is just wrong. Gameplay isn't optional. Story isn't optional. A game being functional upon release isn't optional. And optional features CAN be bad if they're inherently bad and greatly affect other aspects of the game, but amie doesn't have that much impact gameplay wise. The reason people are saying that amie can be ignored because it really holds no significance over other aspects of the game and doesn't provide something that couldn't be done in a different, non-less efficient way.

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