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Everything posted by DefyingFates

  1. There go my Orb saving plans. I'd really like to get both sisters. After so much waiting I'm honestly surprised we actually got an Arcane Staff, but as everyone expected if we were to get one it would be with Hortensia. I'll prioritise her over her sister. Thankfully this banner lasts until March 7th, so I can wait for the Voting Gauntlet to end before deciding how much more I want to commit. In other words, if Peony loses I'll come back and try to get more copies of both sisters. Agreed on both counts! We even get Mauvier as a GHB (though I can't think of any female contestants left for the role from Engage outside maybe Marni, who isn't nearly as popular). Give it another 4/5 years... sigh My other major gripe is Kagetsu having Atk/Spd Ideal 3 instead of Atk/Spd Finish 3. Ideals have been around for years (Null Follow-Up too) why not give us something useful with our demotes?! P.S. Making an Elusia banner right after CYL tells me IS is doing what they did for 3H: wait until just after whoever they expected to win CYL did so before adding them to the normal pool to get them more votes. It didn't work this time, but unless Yunaka is in the very next Engage banner I bet she'll get the same treatment in Feb 2025.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised. Isn't Ephraim x Tana a popular ship?
  3. Can someone remind me when the free Hero is given out/ the banner goes live, please? I can't find any tweets about the topic. If IS didn't say anything I'll try to find how last years did this. Thanks in advance! EDIT: Last year, online voting ended on Feb 9th, the Voting Gauntlet was from March 1st to the 7th and Fomortiss was given out two weeks later (Mar 22nd) on the same day the banner started. This year's VG is also ~3 weeks after the results were revealed, so I assume the rest will follow the same pattern.
  4. What's wrong with Sanaki? If it helps, Attuned Peony has a ton of value even if you already have her~ I wouldn't be surprised if we got another new unit type this year, but the TT+ could just as easily "break new ground" by giving us brand new Emblems too watch most of them being Fodlanites or from Nohr. Even if we get something new though, E!Marth is such a useful unit to have and powercreep means we'll likely get even better ones as the year goes on so I wouldn't be surprised by such a deluge in the next AHR (unless IS insists on keeping Marth special and neuters some of the others instead, namely Leif and Eirika). Cynicism aside, I wouldn't mind an Emblem banner next year, though we'd wind up with a Red Dream instead given how many are swordies (so Edelgard will lose again).
  5. I completely forgot about those, thanks! I should look out for those too, huh? Something I learned from asking so many questions is that it's probably best to pick one Rearmed/ Attuned Hero of each "archetype" (e.g. "infantry", "sword/lance/axe user") and grab as many of them as you can. The reason I'm going all in on Peony for example is because she's both a flier AND a S/L/A user so can hold a ton of useful skills. I guess this doesn't mean much to someone who doesn't play often, but I hope you find this helpful!
  6. You could do what I do and just put all your Attuned/ Rearmed Heroes in a separate. As recent updates have taught me, just knowing you have spares to clone skills with makes building units so much easier and less stressful. IS doesn't care about the characters who win here, just the units themselves. As some on the subreddit (and here) have speculated, they seem to take whoever wins AHR as a sign of which unit type they need to build counters for in the year to come. As much as I want Gullveig over Dimitri, I have to admit this would be a really useful roster. Hey, you can never have too much A/S Finish 4s or Pledges!
  7. Full results coming on the 25th/ 26th: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_EN/status/1755788625915322438 The top 8 are: If seeding rules stay the same as previous years the match-ups should be: As I said in the questions thread, I want easier fodder so I'm voting for Peony. Despite how annoying Claude was on release I think Camilla is more valuable than him, ditto for Gullveig being stronger than Dimitri. I could go either way re. Alear and Sanaki. How about you guys?
  8. Thank you so much for all of this! Now that A!Peony's confirmed for the AHR VG I think I'll wait and see how she does before committing (yay, procrastination!) Hopefully she gets onto the banner if nothing else. We don't have a Phys Melee armored unit so Edelgard would be really inconvenient to fodder off anyway.
  9. Gotcha, thank you so much! Please let me know if there's anything we overlooked!
  10. Yeah, I know how to run homebrew on it, thank you! And that's it, the mods are automatically applied? And will deleting the folder remove the mods with no ill effects? Thank you again!
  11. I meant to ask if the Rearmed/ Attuned Heroes I was using were the right ones for the job, but I appreciate your take too! Great! Also very happy to hear this. Looking at my list of Heroes, in hindsight Triandra was one of two who could carry them, I was just feeling some decision paralysis since Peony has worse skills be default. Thanks again! Again I was worried I was giving Triandra too many skills all in one go, but I guess Flared Sparrow + No Quarter is a strong combo for offensive cavs, so... I hope Ganglot's banner gets a rerun. If only she was on a 3H one instead of an Archanea banner to guarantee she'd win any future polls... As for Alcryst, don't worry. I have an A!Fir and some NFU fodder so I can give him both it and Phys. NFU in one go. Too bad her A/S Oath 4 goes to waste, but I suspect we'll be waiting another 4 years for another SI increase so... yeah. Thanks! Here's hoping I get lucky with Eitrs too when the banner comes (and maybe Incite A/S will spook me later). At this point I should probably just S Support my B!Eirika and B!Tiki (who still has Def/Res Menace), huh?
  12. Hi all! I have a Day 1 Switch (so it can be jailbroken) but I can't find a good tutorial on how I install mods? I know Cobalt is a big mod aggregator but there are some mods I'd like to try that aren't part of it. For example, I have one mod in mind with files stored in a "romf" folder and I'm not sure where to put them. Also, is it possible to remove mods and go back to a vanilla experience? Thanks in advance, all!
  13. You can also think of them as Ascended Florets. No matter how many copies of an Ascended Hero you get, you only get one Floret. Same for Emblems (of course you need to keep at least one copy of an Emblem in your barracks to Engage with them, unlike the Florets). So these are the units best for cloning skills (i.e. their native ones aren't too valuable)? In that case I'll probably use Triandra as my Speedy skill holder. I was going to use Lif for that first and maybe give DB Echo to my Gambit L!Eirika, but hopefully we'll get a better X Skill for her later. I have a bit over 700 Orbs at the moment, so it may be good for me to get some Alfreds as well. I should have some left over for AHR. Hopefully. Thank you yet again! Can I double check this now that the "5 inherit" update is out please? For starters, Grima's getting Counter Roar 4 + Armored Floe from a spare B!Corrin. I think I want to give A!Triandra Flared Sparrow and A/S Oath 4 from B!Gullveig and A/S Prime 4 + No Quarter from B!Dimitri but is that the most efficient way to share them at the moment? It really sucks that I don't have more Ganglots to give Robin's Gambit + A/S Finish to, but I guess Lif is a good holder of Gambit for the time being? I'm going to get as many Alcrysts as I can to get a better source of A/S Finish + Phys Follow Up at least. Knowing my luck I'll only get one. Alarm Atk/Spd is the second best C Skill for speedy cavs at the moment (even if they have Canto) behind Incite Atk/Spd, right? I've mentioned before I wanted to give the latter to B!Eirika but since Kvasir doesn't seem to be getting into AHR... Thanks as always, everyone! Edit: I know the AHR VG is on March 1st but how far in advance were the winners announced last time? Thanks again!
  14. Getting Vigarde is weird and while I know these are all the "safe" FE8 characters... inhales MYRRH AND EPHRAIM LOOK ADORABLE AND WE GOT A LYON/ EIRIKA DUO WITH LYON IN FRONT, I DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE AHHHHHHHH So yeah, the trifecta of FE8 duos is complete! On the other hand, I wanted to get Triandra and spark the AHR banner so this is going to be a painful month. At least the Alcryst rerun and Engage HoF are in April so I have time to recover my Orbs...
  15. All of these would be a dream come true... Good point, thank you! But with Claude being the 4* demote in Summer and the TT+ unit for Xmas I think the door's still open for the left being Ephraim and one of those two too. After all, if Claude of all people was a F2P-friendly Hero twice because the alternatives were the other 3H Lords and we could get a bunch of FE8 heavy hitters (or at least long awaited characters) here...
  16. Nailed it! As an FE8 fan this makes me happy. On the other I don't want either twin to get overencumbered with alts. Also while I'm not particularly attached to the bridal theme I think it's weird how Eirika introduced the Bride class yet hasn't had that alt yet. Yeah, it's hard to tell which angle they're going for with both Myrrh and likely Ephraim being revealed at once. I guess if we're doing the dad thing again we could get Morva AND Fado (which would be great) but as you say Fado would probably be easier to build a banner around since you could include Seth and the other Renais knights. Speaking personally, I'd like a Lyon + Eirika (in that order) duo to round out the FE8 trio overlap or either of them to be the TT+ freebie, but that's likely a pipedream. Eirika in particular I can't see being delegated to the freebie role unless everyone else on the banner is super busted and this is a half-3H banner. Yeah, while I'm 99% sure that's Ephraim and it's just the angle that makes his hair look off, you can never be too sure! Innes would be another choice for a freebie but again: we already got a free Y!Innes way back when.
  17. I... was looking for numbers and completely missed the word "April". Sorry, that's so embarrassing! And thank you for pointing it out!!
  18. Has IS said when the Alcryst + Eitr banner is being rerun please? The only tweets I can find are about the poll. The banner's not listed in the January calendar but I wondered if they may have tweeted the info out at some point and I just missed it. Thanks in advance!
  19. I wouldn't say he's "ruthless" or "brutal", but he's gotten a lot more pragmatic as time goes on which I in particular have found quite entertaining, for what it's worth. In any case, thanks so much for all this, it's amazing!
  20. I agree, but on the other hand her defining trait was an inability to think for herself which makes her... the worst possible monarch for a country recovering from a war other than the one who put them in that mess to begin with, obviously.
  21. Thank you so much! That's even sooner than I thought, thanks! Unless I'm mistaken that's right before the 3H HoF so it and A/S Scowl will be available for that and the HoFs after, awesome! Also, I didn't expect you to talk about all the Rearmed and Attuned Heroes, wow. Thank you for that too! Worse, he only has Threaten Atk/Def! I didn't expect you to advise holding onto him, but I suppose he'd be good if we get another tanky unit like Jeralt or Arion and I like them enough to build. So these are the units best for cloning skills (i.e. their native ones aren't too valuable)? In that case I'll probably use Triandra as my Speedy skill holder. I was going to use Lif for that first and maybe give DB Echo to my Gambit L!Eirika, but hopefully we'll get a better X Skill for her later. I have a bit over 700 Orbs at the moment, so it may be good for me to get some Alfreds as well. I should have some left over for AHR. Hopefully. Thank you yet again!
  22. Fair enough, but surely those similar people you've met have more to them than just feeling sorry for themselves? Take Alcryst for example: he hates himself but he at least uses that to better understand the strengths of those around him.
  23. Gotcha, thank you so much! I assume Distant D/R Solo is her second best HoF pick? And to stay on HoFs, will Potent 4 be added when Nabata Hawkeye is added to the Grail shop or is it tied to our next Grail Hero? Also as promised, here are my current Rearmed and Attuned Heroes. Only the ones with 2+ copies are relevant for skill cloning but I'd like to know which ones have the least to offer from their own skills (granted I may be thinking too hard about this, but here we go nonetheless): And again, it's crazy Ganglot's still our only infantry melee so far. I unfortunately already used two copies on my N!Shamir and to pass her skills to A!Idunn... 😕 Thanks in advance, everyone!!
  24. @vikingsfan92 I think we'll get corrupted Emblems eventually. Not only do they have unique skills (even if they're just stronger/ weaker versions of vanilla ones), in FEH that could translate to the ability to have two of each Engage effect. Right now you can only Engage with Marth once regardless of how many copies you have, but if you had the original AND the corrupted version... Besides, we've already had Y!Soren as a character who just grunts for all his voice lines so having mute characters wouldn't be new for IS either.
  25. If it comes down to being able to coordinate stuff like that... yeah, I think Eljudnir is best for me xD I think B!Eirika would appreciate the raw stats of non-Distant A/S Solo skills, though I admit it is tempting. You're right about Flared Sparrow being easier to get though; if I can get someone with Incite Atk/Spd from AHR I can give her that AND Flared Sparrow and No Quarter at once! Yeah, I remembered her a few minutes ago myself and I agree it's crazy she's the only one after 1.5 years of Rearmeds being a thing! I've got a list of those Hero types I currently have and the most so far are Triandra, Grima and Lif. I only have the one Ganglot so I'm tempted to grab more but I don't think there's anyone I'd want to get more of otherwise. I'll post the full list once I get back to my computer. Naturally I'm going to make Grima my source of Counter Roar and any Armored specials I get, so I may try to get more copies of her too, now that I think about it. I didn't think I'd ever correct someone else here, but Corrin can't use Prime 4: those are only for Def-targeting units sadly. Is Finish 4 better than Scowl for her then? And thanks for verifying her B and C skills and for everything else!
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