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Everything posted by RevenantKnight

  1. While there doesn’t seem to be too many paralogues (somewhat less than 3H), there is at least one per emblem ring! With what we know so far, by the time Rosado and Goldmary join, there will be 7 emblem paralogues left to unlock and 1 that is unlocked a few chapters earlier but has a higher difficulty! So give or take at least 8 paralogues with them!!
  2. Character/Emblem Recruitment So Far: Feel free to add this to the op! I’ll keep editing this post as well, but I figured this could be helpful for those who want recruitment details without story/gameplay spoilers!!
  3. Maybe the 4th route comes from some controversial action that Edelgard does and the ‘decision’ is whether to support her or leave and start the resistance army?
  4. Flayn has an A support with Linhardt, the minor bearer of her crest. Seteth doesn’t have a support at all with Ferdinand (the minor bearer of Cichol) though he does have an A with Bernadetta and the description of Indech could also fit him too. His stat screen will definitely confirm it though and if he has a strength in bows, Indech makes sense.
  5. According to a 4chan leaker.. Edelgard/Byleth C Support -> MASSIVE background info spoilers Disregard this was fake lol. My apologies!
  6. Yeah I agree. The only Advanced classes that seem obsolete are Wyvern Rider, Warlock, and Grappler due to Wyvern Lord, Gremory, and War Master, respectively. Every other Advanced class fits a niche that Master classes do not. I mean it’s definitely possible to play through with everyone in Master tier but everyone in a combo of the two allows for more class diversity.
  7. That’s true! I was basing the whole thing on not knowing Hilda’s strengths beyond axes lol. Now that I think about it, Hubert’s hidden talent in lances matches perfectly with Dark Knight for him.
  8. I have a weird feeling that Hubert/Dedue/Hilda might be getting their own unique classes as the lords’ retainers. I started to wonder what I would promote Hilda to in the master tier, and realizing War Master was male only, only Wyvern Lord and Great Knight make sense with her seemingly “canon” axe specialty. Then I realized that there’s not a Master tier option for dark magic or a non-mounted armor unit either. I think Berserker/Sorcerer/General could be possibilities for unique promotions for the 3 of them.
  9. Plus a unique class for Byleth, manakete for Sothis, possibly Rhea, and any other Sanaki/Walhart/Pelleas type characters that join with a unique class. I think there will either be around 12 master classes as there are 12 intermediate and advanced, or it will expand to 14-16 tbh. Especially considering that most everything we have seen about advanced classes has been pre-timeskip I can’t see them only giving us access to such few classes post-timeskip.
  10. I’m trying to be optimistic and think the 30+ is more a “there’s 30 currently known but there is definitely more coming” rather than a “we’re saying 30+ because there is less than 40.” I just can’t see them boiling master tier down to so few classes especially with the number of classes per tier either getting higher or staying the same so far.
  11. Taken from the translation above: “Narrator: There are over 30 types of classes. As long as they have passed the exam, units can change classes at will before starting combat, so that you can field the ideal formation according to the situation.” Noble/Commoner + 4 Basic + 12 Intermediate + 12 Advanced is exactly 30. Master tier was pretty solid to begin with but I think this confirms it.
  12. Agreed about the Mercedes part. Hair color, eye color, and the black bow are too many similarities for it to be a coincidence. I feel like that either he’s there to protect Mercedes or he was the cause of their family being forced to relocate to Faerghus and the mask is more-so a disguise from the empire perhaps?
  13. That’s true. 15 is being generous though I do expect 10-12.
  14. I completely agree! I think Manuela will probably have the refresher spell too. I just mean that with only a pool of ~15 master classes, having 4 healers is a good sign for the total cast.
  15. If anyone had any doubts about the size of the cast, the fact that we have 3 healers per route already, assuming Flayn and Manuela are universal characters plus Linhardt/Mercedes/Marianne, it should indicate that there are a lot more characters coming. On top of that, if Rhea is indeed recruitable she probably has access to faith as well adding up to 4 “healers” already.
  16. Thani was very specific about the details regarding Lysithea’s death. If there was a mix up it would have to have been on her source’s end and not hers. I still think that this is what she made up to get people talking about Lysithea, as she said how much she loves her character.
  17. Especially with the potential of Edelgard/Marianne supports about the crest of ???
  18. I’m expecting Hilda to be Claude’s “retainer” as it evens out the gender ratio of who can be recruitable at 3 males and 3 females per house. Characters like Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix make a little less sense as recruitable but I could see a “we don’t like what Dimitri has become can we help you stop him?” angle for their recruitment in the war phase.
  19. Last Famitsu that had FE info released the full article on Tuesday around 11 pm EST. I would expect it to come sometime around then but it should definitely be released by noon EST tomorrow I would say.
  20. It’s definitely possible that intermediate classes only take up one row so to say as not everything looks to be available. If it listed every option, monk and soldier would be alongside the other 2 in beginner. I think it might be personalized to correlate with their strengths, or at least what the player has been training them in.
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