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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Like Floral said, she really thirtsy for that chest, that wonderful bare chest...Besides, she didn't see hell, this picture shows that she's got a small glimpse of the true paradise: Welcome to paradise indeed...
  2. Is it surprising? Kukui has a bare chest! And damn good one at that! Can you blame her? I would do the same thing.
  3. Espeon is the Sun Pokeom and it's Psychic as well. Lucario, Heliolisk, Sunflora and Happini also has a connection to the Sun, but are not a Fire types. I think the whole Sun=Fire Type thing isn't really important. At the very least, I'm pretty sure they will be version exclusives.I wonder about Espeon and Umbreon... Pokemon like Clefairy, Sunkern and others may be version exclusives as well.
  4. I wonder if the island that it's seems to be based on the Hawaii island is going to be called Aloha? Maybe that's what that Pokedex image meant, the MeleMele Pokedex is about where we start, and the Aloha Pokedex is about Pokemon found on that large island.
  5. Say Rezzy, I meant to ask you something, since you are a mother.I have this friend who jewish, and his son has a lot of Captain America toys, and even a costume that the kid loves. He says that it's becoming quite uncomfortable to see his kid playing with his Captain America toys, because of this reveal, and if it sticks, it's gonna be even more awkward. Obviously, he won't take aways the kid's toys and he's not angry at him. He knows his son loves them. But he can't deny that it's really uncomfortable, even if just a fictional character. Rezzy, as mother yourself, would it also uncomfortable to see your kids playing with Captain America toys, if Hydra!Cap sticks? It's just something I've been wondering. The parents's reaction, that is, since Captain America is so popular with kids.
  6. I found this very interesting picture: So, what do you all think? What about you, eclipse? Is these accurate guesses?
  7. Is the story really that bad? I've been thinking of playing it, so I'm kinda curious.
  8. There is already fanart: http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57192633 http://melonenbrot.tumblr.com/post/145309104890/there-she-is http://jhonvasquez.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-sum-and-moom-Rotom-Dex-612779177 The internet scares me at times.
  9. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. Primal Groudon is the embodiment of the land, and yet is weak to Ground type moves.
  10. Remember that in Ruby and Sapphire there was a Devon scientist who was creating a machine to see the dreams of Pokemon? And in a later Gen, we actually got to see the dreams of Pokemon! In that same game, there was another Devon scientist who was trying to create a machine to talk to Pokemon! With the Rotom Pokedex...Perhaps we finally can talk to them!?
  11. To be fair those 4x weaknesses are Dark and Ghost, and people hardly use these types at the same time, since they are super-effective agains the same types. It's a great offensive type though! Hope it's a fast Pokemon!
  12. Actually, it's in the south-western corner.If you look at the map the proffesor is showing you when he says that the region is made up of many islands, you can see some strangely large clouds in the south corner. Hey, come on!We got the legendary typings, we saw the map of the whole region and even saw the two new rivals! That's some pretty good info this early on!
  13. Did not see those typings coming! But I like them! And looking at the region's map, I can already see at least one secret island hidden by the clouds. And Rotom Pokedex thing caught me by surprise! That blond girl...Is she a rival or just an assistant?
  14. I love how Mozu sounds so offended! She seems to feel sorry for the food! Also, I love how Arthur and Peri are so forgiving and supporting of the chef.
  15. Ah, thanks. I tend to make a lot of mistakes when calculating timezones. But that means that I might be able to see it! I think I will be at homemat 10 am, and Japan's timezone is the complete opposite of Brazil's timezone.
  16. Actually, I might be wrong on my calculations, but isn't 6 am PT something like 2 am in Japan's Timezone?Or is it 10 or 11 pm?
  17. Well, to be fair, they can't choose a time that will please everyone. If I'm not mistaken Hawaii's timezone is rather isolated. They had to choose a time that would get the most people to watch.
  18. What's the issue? It's only natural that a man like Ryoma can tore his armor with bare hands. What were you expecting?
  19. Don't stop him Takumi! We want to see Corrin resting in Ryoma's chest! Things like this are the reason people dislike you Takumi! On a more serious note, that picture abvoe, with Ryoma, M!Corrin and Takumi is really good. Love the Hoshidan Royal Boys!
  20. A little correction on my previous post: While did ask his mother if he could enter the Gorilla's cage, she actually said no, and he got quite angry. Also, this links explain the shooting of the Gorilla quite well: http://archive.is/uuIX7 http://archive.is/oOrzz There really was no option other than killing the Gorilla.
  21. Speaking of eyewitness, another one, named Kimberly Ann Perkins O'Connor, who was the one that recorded the phone video, said something interesting. According to her, moments before everything happened, the kid actually told his mother that he was going to enter cage, and her, probably in a playful manner, went along with it. If that's true, the whole thing is partially her fault, because while she probably thought that he wouldn't do it, she should have realized that kids take this sort dares seriously, and don't think of the consequences, because, if he was making claims that he was going to enter the cage, she really shouldn't have taken her eyes off him, even for an instant.
  22. I wonder how these people protesting about the Gorilla's death would react if the Gorilla actually killed the child. Besides, I can't say I blame the zoo for killing the Gorilla, it was, most likely, a split second decision. They didn't have time to think of the consequences. They had a child to save. It wasn't planned or anything. It was an act of deperation. In situations like this, people aren't thinking straight. Also, it seems that a lot of people are forgetting that an incident just like this one happened in Chile last week, and no one is talking about. And there's the Warlus who killed two men, in a zoo in China, two weeks ago, I believe.
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