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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Aw, dammit, I couldn't resist looking at spoilers! Weird ending though... Also, back the DGS subject, I was hearing about the game from a person that lives in Japan at Siliconera , and I think I found out why this game hasn't been localized, here, I'll post what the person wrote: "The game requires an absolutely massive amount of cultural understanding. The west is not in a good place for that right now. To be frank, most of the British characters (read: all of the British characters) talk down to Ryunosuke, and talk poorly about Japan's "reverted, backwards, ancient" ways. Jurors call Ryunosuke a Black Demon, a man with a small yellow face, accuse him of using "magic of the orient" among other things. These come off as harmless jokes in Japan just fine because when you're 99.5% homegenous, race isn't a popular topic of conversation (and they love making fun of themselves - just like at Atsugiri Jason, arguably the worst thing to happen to foreigners here in years) - but in a place like America, especially with pathetic uproars over small changes in localization with games like Fates, these issues are taken very seriously and the public response is often grave. In addition, the game often comes off as incredibly anti-west, but in reality its just reflecting the very true conditions of the Meiji period. There's a problem - who cares about the Meiji period? No one, and no one can argue that it's common knowledge. It's a really fascinating period of history, but right now, people's glasses will probably bias them to seeing a part of the game that isn't necessarily there." What do you all think?
  2. To be fair, Leo does apologize, and tries to mend his relationship with Forrest. There are many real life parents who never do that. Also, it might be somewhat personal for him. Leo is a very self-conscious person, always worried about what others think of him, and there's Forrest, someone who is often mocked for his appearence and is judged by a lot of people, and yet, despite all his hardwhips, it's clear that Forrest is someone with high self-esteem and who is very comfortable with himself. Forrest takes pride in who he is. That might be a sore spot for Leo. Actually it's rather interesting, both Leo and Takumi has issues with themselves, are very self-conscious and both aren't very good with people, but their kids are the opposite. Both Forrest and Kiragi are very comfortable with themselves, they don't let what others think of them affect their way of life, and both are very friendly and social. It's all quite interesting.
  3. You know, I think that voice made a mistake in waking Link up. She was hoped that he would save Hyrule. But rather she woke up a psycho who loves to burn everything while wandering around half-naked. Are we saving Hyrule or destroying it?
  4. The whole point of Forrest's character is that he is a guy who likes to wear feminine clothing. All he wants is to wear clothes he likes, and he doesn't believe his gender shouldn't affect what clothes he wants to wear. As it shouldn't. Is there really a problem for a man to wear the clothes he likes?
  5. But do you think any of Takumi and Leo's fangirls would actually have the patience to deal with somwone like that? Does Male Corrin ever comes across as mean to someone? I think the worst he does is teasing, but other than that, I don't he's ever a jerk to anyone in his supports.
  6. And going out of Fire Emblem for a bit, it's similar with Avatars of other franchises. Take Pokemon for example, the male player character usually comes across as calm and quiet and the female player character comes across as peppy. Perosna 3 is like this too.
  7. Actually, it seems to that most games with Avatars are like this.Male Avatars are usually quiet and gentle, and Female Avatars are usually peppy and energetic.
  8. Maybe it's just me, but F!Corrin comes off as more controlling, mean and self-centered that M!Corrin.And she can pretty mean too, like with Odin and Hinata. M!Corrin, on the other hand comes off as more awkward, gentle and naive compared to his female counterpart. Which makes sense, considering how sheltered Corrin was Because it comes across as a unhealthy relationship. Not because of the incest, but because Leo become very dependent on Corrin, just look at his My Room, which is really unhealthy for someone with his emotional issues.
  9. So glad to see more people reading Joining of Worlds! Such a good fic! Anyway, back on topic, I'm actually think that F!CorrinxLeo and F!CorrinxTakumi is more creepy than M!CorrinxElise and M!CorrinxSakura. Why? Just read their My Room lines, They become incredibly dependent on her, not even Jakob and Camilla are like that after marriage. It feels insulting to their character and it feels predatory, like F!Corrin is taking advantage of their weaknesses. Now that I think about it, there are more male characters that become dependent on F!Corrin after marriage than female characters becoming dependent on M!Corrin.
  10. It's possible, but it's such a hassle, and as much as I want to play it, I'm not sure if it is worth the effort of having to go through making another account, and even then I'm not sure if the other account thing would work either...
  11. Leo/Takumi is starting to remind me of AkuRoku... *shiver* Is it still going strong these days? It is the definite and most famous yaoi pairing after all. They even have day dedictated to AkuRoku! Guess what day it is?
  12. Another video! You can defeat Stalchildren with the skull of other Stalchildren! This so brutal...And I love it! This is one the first things I will do in the game.
  13. What kind unit is want Corrin to be? A physical or magical? What will be Corrin's secondary class? This all affect what Corrin's best boon and bane are, and which husband is best for Corrin. If you're planning to marry Odin, then you should marry Elise to Niles, since she a bad mother to the rest of the children.
  14. I would advise against XanderxCorrin because you really want those two as front line units, and Xander really wants pair-up bonus. Xander is better of paired with someone you're not going to use as frontline unit and that gives him speed, like Charlotte, Selena or Azura. As for Charlotte, frankly, she is such a great pair-up bot, than any physical unit does well paired up with her.
  15. Maybe the green tunic will be like the Hylian Shield in Skyward Sword. A special item with special effects. Since Link's clothes have special effects in the game, maybe the green tunic will have the best effects of all clothes.
  16. Silas is a good tank, if you're lucky with RNG, and VoF is good ability to make him tankier.If he is getting RNG screwed, Sophie is pretty good too. But if Silas is doing well, it's a good idea to keep him. Xander's only real advantage over Silas is Siegfried. Leo in Conquest!Hard does well, but he needs speed. Felicia pair-up does give him a good speed bonus.
  17. XanderxCharlotte-Gives Xander Speed and really needs some. OdinxElise-The best pairing for both. They also lack other good marriage options. LeoxFelicia-Like XanderxCharlotte, it gives Speed to Leo, which he really wants. CorrinxJakob-Jakob's personal is very for Corrin. SilasxMozu-Their stats compliment each other well. ArthurxEffie-Easy to make, and Arthur is a great pair-up bot to Effie CamillaxKeaton-Camilla and Keaton help each other become great tanks and Camilla is a great mother for Velouria. NilesxNyx-Nina makes a suprisingly good mage LaslowxAzura-Laslow and Soleil both appreciate Azura's Speed boost, and Laslow is not a bad father for Shigure
  18. Lies. It's pretty much impossible to solo-unit Conquest, considering there is a defense map. How did they manage prevent the all of the enemy units from crossing line with only one unit?
  19. Good point, I forgot that those guys had Seal defence.Speaking of doing paralagues early, it's a good idea to do Ophelia's and Dwyer's paralogues early, since they have Horse Spirit and Festals.
  20. Yeah, using children paralogues in Conquest might be a good way to get some level-ups. And if you're needing money, Percy's paralogue can get you a lot of money, it might be worth it doing his chapter later.
  21. Now that I think about it, I think the Offspring Seal's purpose is just so you don't have to grind the children if you get them late game. They don't the kids stronger than if they were recruited earlier or anything like that.
  22. To be honest, I tend to do the children paralogues before chapter Chapter 16. The Offspring seal is not really worth it. It's nice, but it's not worth wating until late game to get the children. They can do just fine without.
  23. He's a reference to Gaius, but not the same person. There are two others like that.
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