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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. So...I just obtained one of Touma's Perfoma. Try to guess it's name. That has to be a reference to a certain someone. Speaking of which, I obtained this Perfoma by defeating a certain optional boss
  2. We talked about this before, but I must ask again. What is it that make a Pokemon look like a Pokemon? What is it that these Pokemon lack that makes not look like Pokemon?
  3. Maybe she was meant to playable at some point? For example, I've heard that Nacht and Candance were originally going to be playable units, but ended up as bosses. They even have crit portraits! Maybe it's the same case with Layla? (I know they are playable with Capture/Kidnap, but I meant playable without the need to capture them)
  4. So, I've heard that the triggerfish, the animal Bruxish seems to be based on, is actually considered to be the official fish of the state of Hawaii and it's hawaiian name is humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa. Is this true? If it is, maybe it will be referenced ingame? For example, maybe Bruxish will be considered Alola's offical Water-type Pokemon?
  5. I would also give Spirt Tracks a go. It's better than most people say, and reaaly, only the pan flute part is bad.
  6. Hmm... Tapu Koko has an Electric Terrain ability... I wonder if the guardians from the other islands will have a Misty Terrain and a Grass Terrain abilty. But since there are 4 islands there ar probably 4 guardians, so what would be the fourth's ability? Gravity, maybe?
  7. You know, it's funny, but Napoleonfish was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw Bruxish.
  8. At first I though they were strange, but they are growing on me! What's really unsettling is it's ability. It may destroy many top tier Pokemon in the current metagame.
  9. The game is very generous with money and items, besides I abuse Sukunda.Besides, battles in this game a very fast, and in the good way. Even boss battles are fast. Not because the enemies are weak, but the pace is very fast. So there's usually no time for healing. But I just found out that you can make Kiria a healer if Tharja promotes into Sage and Mamori, the tank party member can learn Media. Also, Kiria's Pastel Power is amazing agaisnt large group of enemies. And Tsubasa has some great healing skills as well. And yeah, the game is amazing, and like I almost didn't buy it due to my preconceptions, and boy am I glad to be proven to be absolutely wrong. Like I said before, I'm enjoying the Idol stuff more than I though I would.
  10. I'm not using Tsubasa much. I mean, Tsubasa's is not a bad party member, but this game has little need of healer. Besides, Itsuki can work as healer too, since he can learn Dia. Say, mind if I ask a question? I just finished Chapter 3 and got Mamori. Is she a good party member?
  11. If remember correctly, most of Sacae's maps, are just big open spaces with lots of Nomadic Troopers, Myrmidons and Shamans.
  12. To be fair, I think he only meant the two World Wars, in which Europe was the center of both.
  13. I would go to Illia. Sacae's maps are..boring. Iliia's maps have more interesting things happening.
  14. What is the source? Because, quite frankly, the article screams conspiracy theory.
  15. Seeing this makes me think that reason that they are backpedaling was because they didn't expect to win.So they made all sorts of promises they knew they couldn't fufill. I've heard Britain has been talking about leaving for years, and yet, I think this whole Brexit thing went by too fast, without giving people the time to think or the other countries time to prepare.
  16. So, I've heard that some Pro-Leave Campaigners have actually began backpedaling. As is, they are starting to retreat from their promises, especially when it comes to immigration. Is this true?
  17. I just finished Chapter 2. Speaking of which, anyone else had trouble with the boss? I think it's the first time the game shows you how terrifying enemy sessions are...
  18. The Azura part is a little more complicated. Remember that Azura has nothing but bad memories from Nohr, and she there during the times were there a many of Garon's children were still alive and treated her badly. And unlike Corrin, she never missed Nohr during her time in Hoshido. She probably had only bad things to say about Nohr, if she said anything at all. Remember that the Hoshidans probably saved Azura's life unitentionally when they kidnapped her.
  19. Corrin never knew he was adopted, he always though they were blood-related. Also, let's be honest both families treat Corrin like an object, especially Xander, Camilla, Hinoka and Elise. Also, when I mentioned "first dibs", I meant in the way of being Corrin's real family. I might be wrong here, but I think Ryoma never refers himself as Corrin's blood brother, only as Corrin's real brother. So in a way Ryoma didn't lie. I might be completely wrong though.
  20. Mayeb that's why they made Garon like that?People tend to put more value on their emotions over their morals. To be fair to Ryoma, the Hoshidan Family sorta had "first dibs" on Corrin, and Corrin's love for their Nohrian family was also based on a lie.
  21. Actually, choosing Hoshido has more to do with morals rather than family. When Corrin chooses Hoshido, he never mentions his family when explains why he choose Hoshido. But when he chooses Nohr, he mentions that his family is the only reason he chose Nohr. The choice between Hoshido and Nohr is more about Morality vs Loved Ones rather than Bloodline vs Loyalty. It think the choice should have been something like "What do you value more? Your family or your morals? Is the right thing to do more important than the ones you love? Or the ones you love more important than doing the right thing?" Isn't the whole "Change Nohr from inside" also only in English?I think the Japanese version never mentions anything about reforming Nohr from the inside.
  22. The idea is actually a bit different. Grima's mask only appears after dealing a lot of damage to him, implying that it is his true face. While Anankos's mask appears first, but later it is revealed that the mask is not his true face.
  23. You don't need to worry about their levels. All you really need to do is promote Charlotte to Berserker and pair her with Xander. She really doesn't need levels. Charlotte as a Berserker and S-ranked gives her partner +8 Str and +5 Spd. It's something exclusive to her. No other unit can give this sort of bonus I think.
  24. To be honest, I'm not so sure if the petition would achieve anything, either real or fraud.
  25. This is nothing new. You don't think that there wasn't FE hentai before? EDIT: Ninja'd by The Geek.
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