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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. So sorry for taking so long to respond! Anyway, I prefer 4 to 3. One of the reason I like Persona 4 is because it actually sticks to it's theme. Persona 3's theme of death is interesting, but it only really appear towards the end. Persona 4's themes of truth and facing oneself are apparent in the whole game. I also prefer Persona 4's party to Persona 3's party. Mostly because their friendship felt genuine. A lot of stories had the whole "power of friendship" cliché, but Persona 4 does this rather well. I mean sure, it's still cliché, but when Persona 4's talked about friendship, it felt real, it felt like they were really close friends. They knew what they were talking about. In a lot of stories and games with "power of friendship" speeches, it feels fake, mostly because those characters don't feel like friends at all. Persona 3 is a good example, the only friendships that felt real were Yukari and Fuuka, and Akihiko and Mitsuru. And Naoto? I like her, not my favorite character, but I still like her. It would help her character development if she joined earlier, but in turn, that could have affected the story badly.
  2. You're not seeing the bigger picture here, Takumi struggled to get where he his, and yet there otthers like Ryoma and Kiragi who are naturally talented. It's only natual to feel jealous and envious. Humans get jealous over petty things. It's their nature. Envy isn't the only thing, but as I said before everyone feels envy.Didn't you ever felt jealous? Didn't you ever felt envy over something petty? A lot of people do, and that's why people like Takumi. They can relate to him. And yet, there's much more to Takumi than envy.
  3. Maybe you should Takumi's faults as something else. Try seeing him differently. He is after all, just a teenager. His jelousy of his son, for example, makes him quite human and relatable. One of the reason people like Takumi is because he is very human character and a lot of people find Takumi relatable. He's very well-written.
  4. Maybe it's because the Angel keeps flying non-stop and you have all those happening. Perhaps it only feels stressful when watch it. Watching a someone play game and playing a game yourself are two entirely different things after all.
  5. Because you will see an interesting side of Takumi. Takumi and Azura's B support is particulary interesting.
  6. I'm having Harvest Moon flashbacks and I don't know why.Joking aside, the platforming part of the game is interesting, but the other part of the game, the citybuilding one, feels so stressful.
  7. Try reading his support with Azura and Oboro then.
  8. Interesting opinions!My opinion of Lyon is very similar to yours, but another thing I also liked about him was that no matter how sympathetic he was, we can't deny that he was partially to blame for all the tragedies. He was told not to mess with the Dark Stone, but he did it anyway and he and many innocents paid the price for his foolishness with their lives. Sure, he wanted it to use for good things, but it doesn't change the fact using the Dark Stone's powers was really dangerous. He has no one to blame but himself for what happened to him. Really, Lyon is the best take of "The way to hell is paved with good intentions" type of character. He embodies this trope perfectly.
  9. 1. How do you feel about Eirika and Ephraim as protagonist and Lyon as a villain? 2. I think we talked about this before, but what do you like about Persona 4's story? 3. What's your favorite Ace Attorney case? 4. What's your opinion on Pokemon Black&White story? 5. Did you ever play Tales of the Abyss? If you did, what's your opinion on the story?
  10. I just realized something... Anyone who knows Layton Brothers's story, knows that Alfendi has...issues. I wonder if that "part" of Alfendi had something to do with Layton's disapperance. And I don't why, but I'm really curious about that butler guy who serves Catriel. I wonder what's his story. Speaking of being curious, I'm really starting to wonder how was Catriel and Alfendi's childhood. I would like to see some Layton Family moments.
  11. I think Ike is like Corrin in this case. Both of their flaws are seen as positives.
  12. In PoR? Not really, he grows as character and can be interesting? In RD? Definitively a Mary Sue. Everyone praises him, everyone loves him, and people who doesn't love him are seen as bad and or Micaiah's case, her dislike of Ike is seen as a character flaw of hers, even though she has a very logical reason to dislike him. He's always in the right side and never makes any mistakes in RD. Seriously, he doesn't make a single mistake in RD! It's kind of frustraring actually. Hell, by the end of the game, even a goddess starts worshipping him! Don't get me wrong, I really like Ike as character, but RD praises him too much. He hurts the story of RD quite a bit.
  13. Wait, if Matthis is Raditz, does that mean Lena is Goku? Forget about a Matthis/Raditz edit, I wanna see Goku/Lena!
  14. Looking at Actraiser's gameplay, it makes me want to play it reckless as well.
  15. Speaking of Layton's kids, didn't have a son too? Alfendi, I believe. Now that I think about it, Alfendi did mention he had a sister...
  16. Don't worry, I still read them! Speaking of which, wasn't there a F!Corrin card that had Jakob and Felicia dressing her up? Why couldn't M!Corrin have a card like that? It would be nice to see him in a more casual situation.
  17. To be honest that's what I like about other characters. Makes things more interesting and adds a replay value.But can I understand why people don't like characters that play different from Sonic. Amy's hammer have interesting possibities, and Blaze's fire powers as well. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if they add the Chaotix characters as DLC as reference to Knuckles Chaotix. Hell, maybe Sonic Mania will have a stage based on Knuckles Chaotix.
  18. As I said earlier, there's always the chance of DLC. If there's DLC characters in Sonic Mania, Amy is very likely to be one of them. Besides, they peobably choose Sonic, Tails and Knuckles due to them being the only playable characters in the early games.
  19. If it helps, Ilyana, Aimee from FE9 and 10, Cath from FE6 and Anna make cameos in this game.These four appear as shopkeepers. Also, other than some characters, there's very little of Awakening in this game. Most of the content is from FE1/FE11 and FE3/FE12. There are some weapons from Judgral, Elibe, Magvel and Tellius as well.
  20. I actually read them! Been reading them since the beginning of Insivible Princess!
  21. So, some more new information were revealed: The criminal, a 26 year old man called Satoshi Uematsu, actually sent a letter to the goverment, in Febrary, requesting that all disabled people to be put to death. He said that he would kill 470 disabled people, calling it a revolution. He outlined an attack on two facilities, after which he said he will turn himself in. In the letter he asked he be judged innocent on grounds of insanity, be given $5 million in aid and plastic surgery so he could lead a normal life afterward. The letter also said "My reasoning is that I may be able to revitalize the world economy and I thought it may be possible to prevent World War III". It's also worth noting that he delivered this letter on his last day of work. And it seems that he considered the killing an act of mercy.
  22. What I meant to say, he's probably gonna end up locked in the same kind of facility as the one he attacked. And will be considered by many a "disabled person".
  23. Man, this week was though, there was those two incidents in Germany, another shooting at Florida, this mass stabbing in Japan, and I believe there was a suicide attack in Israel? I didn't get the details of that last one. Back on the mass stabbing subject, Apparently, the criminal was trying to make disabled people disappear from the world. Ironically, he's probably gonna end up locked up with the disabled people he tried to get rid off.
  24. As others have said before, Paper Mario's commands and timming are much, much simpler that Mario&Luigi. It also a lot more things that make the game easier, such as much more places to heal, and a easier to traverse world.
  25. About Subaki, I believe it may be that he is popular with the developers.If I'm not mistaken Subaki and Jakob were the first characters created for Fates after the Royals, so the developers might have soft spot for him. It doesn't hurt that he is the first male Pegasus Knight as well.
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