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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You took the short way I see. I think I'm guitly of doing the same thing Shadow Dragon version of the chapter. And I know it's Caeda, but I can't help but think of Jill when I see the Wyvern Lord sprite.
  2. It's less about opinions, and more because everyone on this site is tired of this subject.everything that has to be said about it has already been said. Edit: I knew that name was familiar! He's from the comment section of your videos, isn't he?
  3. I've heard a pair of brothers are suing the Director becuase the movie was offensively bad.
  4. If the others roomates liked her, then it's a little bit thougher. But since it's only you and her now, you might have a better chance with the Director sonce there is no one to defend her yet. I could tell you to just ignore her, but it's not that simple is it?
  5. I think I'm missing something here. What makes the Bolt Axe better? When I said that Sakura didn't rely on the Bolt Axe, I meant that she could reliably deal both physical and magical damage, where Elise could only deal magical damage.
  6. I actually did once and Sakura as well and because of Sakura's balanced growths, she could use both Axe and Tome effectively. She didn't rely on the Bolt Axe like Elise. And Sakura's higher Def growth made her an effective tank,
  7. Did she bother the other roomates when they lived there? If so, you could get their help. And if you have the recording, you should show the Director. Another thing you could do is talk to her, and if she doesn't agree to stop, you should ask her to warn when she starts doing that.
  8. Shiro and Siegbert. It's such a healthy friendship, it feels genuine. Sakura and Elise is another friendship that's healthy, as opposed to Hana and Sakura, which is a rather unhealthy friendship.
  9. See, that's my issue with the movie as well. The movie itself was meh, but it was sexist. Sexist towards men that is. There's isn't a single male character who isn't an idiot or a jerk. There's also some shady stuff going behind the scenes, but that's a different subject.
  10. I won't deny that I'm venting, and I do apologize.It's just I've been made fun of for liking M!Corrin and M!Robin over F!Corrin and F!Robin, and I've had bad experienced with F!CorrinxLeo/Takumi and F!RobinxChrom fans before. You know that they can be pretty bad. M!RobinxLucina fans can be pretty bad too. So it's a subject that makes rather cranky.
  11. It's also worth noting that if someone actually shoots Hillary, Trump is going to be blamed for it, just because he said that. It's petty and silly, sure, but it's doesn't change the fact the he will be blamed by many. He better pray nothing happens to Hillary now, or else this speech is coming back to haunt him.
  12. Someone in another site mentioned that it could actually be based on a Sea Bunny, considering the mouth and tail. And Sea Bunnies are kinda similiar to Sea Urchins and Sea Cucumbers.
  13. I wasn't talkng about the theme. I was talking about the videos, which I posted as joke.
  14. With all due respect to your friend, but did he find M!Corrin bland as a character, or did he find M!Corrin bland becuase he lacked boobs?
  15. Which is ironic, since it's actually F!Corrin that comes off as generic hero.Just compare the times M!Corrin and F!Corrin have different quotes. M!Corrin comes off as shy and awkward, where F!Corrin comes off as pushy and headstrong.
  16. Sorry, but I have to disagree. Sakura is still the better unit. Sakura has better stats, can actually take a hit, can be either a physical unit or magic unit, better personal skill. Elise is the one who dies to a stiff breeze, and actually Sakura makes a better Malig Knight than Elise due to Sakura's balanced growths. Elise's personal skill is very hard to use due to her being more fragile. And let's be honest, Elise is, gameplay wise, the worst Royal in Revelations. I like Elise, but she's very hard to use effectively. Sakura on the othter hand can be a great unit without much effort.
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