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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I can see Mimikyu being used competitvely, even if it has low stats, since it's ability pretty much gives it a free turn. Teach it Thunder Wave, if it can learn it and give at a Focus Sash, and it will be able to a least paralyze to Pokemon per battle. That's actually rather amazing! Assuming Disguise resest if Mimikyu is switched out.
  2. What about the Exeggcute line? And the Paras line? And speaking of Grass/Poison, there is also the Foogus line. But it was just guess.
  3. Here are the english bios: "Wimpod have a cowardly nature and are wary of noises and sudden movements. If you approach them in a group, they’ll immediately run off. When Wimpod feel threatened, they spit out a poisonous liquid. The stench of this toxic fluid signals others that danger is near. Despite their extreme cowardice, their curiosity leads Wimpod to approach people or Pokémon that are standing still. Wimpod eat and store anything that they find fallen on the ground. They also scavenge any garbage that’s been dropped in the sea, so they’re highly valued as cleaners. They sometimes carry pearls or other valuable items, so humans or Pokémon like Murkrow may target them. Wimpod has the new Wimp Out Ability, an Ability that no other Pokémon has had before. With the Wimp Out Ability, if this Pokémon’s HP drops below half in battle, it will run away or swap out for another Pokémon." "Mimikyu lives its life completely covered by its cloth and is always hidden. People believe that anybody who sees its true form beneath the cloth will be stricken with a mysterious illness. People in the Alola region are convinced that you must never try to peek beneath its covering. Mimikyu’s health fails when it’s bathed in the rays of the sun, so it prefers to stick to dark places. It’s rumored that the reason it covers itself with a cloth is to avoid sunlight. The rising popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise around 20 years ago is the reason that Mimikyu makes itself look like Pikachu. In fact, this Pokémon is dreadfully lonely, and it thought it would be able to make friends with humans if only it looked like Pikachu. Mimikyu has the Disguise Ability, a new Ability that no Pokémon has ever before possessed. The Disguise Ability allows it to escape damage from an enemy’s attack just one time, and then its appearance changes." "Mudsdale is known for its powerful body as well as its emotional fortitude, which keeps it from being agitated by anything. It never cries out, no matter what kind of trouble it’s in, and it defeats its opponents with a single powerful blow. Its legs are coated in protective mud, and the weight of this coating increases the force of its kicks. One kick, and a car is a pile of scrap! Mudsdale’s running speed is not too swift, but it has excellent power and stamina. It can carry on for three days and three nights despite dragging loads of over 10 tons! When Mudsdale gallops in earnest, the power of each hoof-clop can dig out huge holes, even in asphalt. Mudsdale is forbidden to run on some of Alola’s public roads. Mudsdale can have the new Stamina Ability, an Ability that no other Pokémon has had before. With the Stamina Ability, this Pokémon’s Defense goes up by 1 when it’s hit by an attack." "Comfey picks flowers and always carries them around. It makes a ring of blossoms and spreads oil from its body on it, which changes the flowers so they emit a soothing fragrance. It has a habit of giving these flower rings to those it’s fond of. The aroma can soothe both itself and its allies. Comfey also helps with the treatment of people and Pokémon at Pokémon Centers and hospitals, thanks to its aroma. When attacked by other Pokémon, it throws its flowers at them to create an opening, and then it either flees or strikes back. Comfey can have the new Triage Ability, an Ability that no other Pokémon has had before. With the Triage Ability, this Pokémon’s restorative moves gain the highest priority in battle." "When Bewear is acting in a friendly fashion, just swinging its arms around, you must never dare to approach it carelessly. It is acknowledged to be a dangerous Pokémon, even within the Alola region. You may see warning signs posted near places it resides. When Bewear grows fond of its Trainer, it may show that feeling in a fond embrace—but the force of that hug is tremendous! Trainers must teach these Pokémon how to restrain their strength when showing affection. Bewear may have the Fluffy Ability, a new Ability that no Pokémon has ever possessed before. The Fluffy Ability halves the damage taken from attacks that make direct contact, but in return it also doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves." "Because it exudes a delicious smell from its entire body, Bounsweet is popular with Pokémon and people of the Alola region. Bounsweet’s scent has a calming effect on humans, so many people let them live inside their homes as a sort of air freshener. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes swallowed whole by Pokémon drawn to its aroma. When running away from other Pokémon, Bounsweet flees danger by skipping along the ground. Since its bouncy movements don’t convey to others that it’s actually in desperate flight, no one ever comes to its aid. When attacked by enemies, it drives them off by rotating the calyx on its head. The downside is how dizzy it gets afterward!"
  4. I would say Benny. Effie is pretty bad in Revelations due to her level and bases. Benny can also marry Oboro, and he makes for a suprisingly good Spear Master.
  5. While I do think Hyuga was wrong, and he needs to take responsibility for his actions I agree with eclipse, this whole matter should have been dealt privatly. There was no need to reveal to this to public until everything was cleared up,
  6. Wow...That's kind of disgusting actually. There's a line one shouldn't cross. And does he honestly belive that "destroying" ISIS is going to the end the attacks? He's really naive.
  7. Posting those picture reminded me of some pictures I wanted to post here: I don't have it yet, but it's pretty cool seeing it spreading around like that. Oh, and there's this one: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/148/213/978.jpg_large Probably a Digimon fan. ... Those damn Digimon fans!
  8. Good point actually. We're older and smarter, so of course the games are easier. I remember playing a lot of older games, and they are always easier than I remember. And to be fair, in RS, Steven's Metagross had Hyper Beam.
  9. Ah, that's why it wasn't hard. Most people I know face Cynthia with a team of Pokemon with levels on their fifties. And about Saphire and AS, you probably noticed that it's not that the game was easier, it was that the Gen 3 Pokemon that got stronger. A lot stronger.
  10. I think I get what you mean.While Tharja is no saint, she does come across as better person than Camilla. For example, she goes out of her way to help people, as it was showed in her support with Virion, she cares about her family, shown in her support with Kellam. She listen to the past of other without judging them, like in her support with Libra, Gregor and Lon'qu. In particular, she honestly sorry and sympathetic when she hears Lon'qu's past. And she tries to cheer up Nowi after finding out Nowi's parents are dead. What I mean is, that again while Tharja is no saint, she has a lot of traits that humanize her. Camilla lacks that. She lacks those little moments that makes her more human.
  11. I've heard of it as well.It reminds me that a lot of people complained that ORAS was too easy, compared to the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Indeed it was, but the real reason was becuase the EXP formula changed, and older Pokemon could learn new, stronger moves, and notbecause they made the game easier on purpose. The Battle Frontier, however, was deemed to hard, which is why it didn't appear.
  12. Out of curiosity, what level were your Infernape? Did you use a Legendary? And some consider the fact the she leads with a Spiritomb, one of the things that make her so difficult. But I would imagine that Cynthia would be easier in a remake. Pokemon are stronger now, with better movepools, abilities, and the EXP formula was changed, so leveling up is faster.
  13. It's Jonathan McIntosh, the man behind Anita Sarkeesian, what did you expect?Here's some more posts of his: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/911/107/9df.png_large In other words, don't take him seriously. Speaking if which, here's a answer I found, to the people who criticize Pokemon Go, Kinda long, but worth reading:
  14. Petilil/Lilligant's Sp. Atk. is usually so high, even weaker moves hit hard, so not having Energy Ball is not a problem, besides, Petilil and Lilligant can have the ability Own Tempo, which means it can use Petal Dance without fear. And remeber that Lilligant can learn Quiver Dance, which can Lilligant into a terrifying fighter.
  15. Maribelle, Brady and Azura are far from useless.Maribelle is a mounted healer, which already makes her an useful unit regardless of stats and a better healer than Lissa due to mobility, and even then, only her defense is bad. Brady already comes at Level 10 which means you can promote him from the moment you get him. Azura sings, which makes her a very useful unit and she is not meant for fighting.
  16. Speaking of Camilla's past, I remember the Halloween Scramble conversation between Camilla and Azura, had a part where the two talk about seeing each looking miserable during a Nohrian ball in their childhood. Seems like neither Camilla or Azura enjoyed the Nohrian court.
  17. Super Saizo Bros! Source: http://inqua.tumblr.com/post/147454930076/man-that-last-mario-luigi-game-was-pretty-solid
  18. Did my votes, and I'm pretty sure Kaden is older than he looks. He's probably the army's oldest character. Even older than Gunter. I also think that Beruka is actually really young.My guess is that she's either 16 or 17.
  19. Isn't actually the opposite though? In the Birthright choice scene, Corrin even ask Xander to join him, where in the Conquest choice scene Ryoma brings up some very good reason to not side with Nohr and yet Corrin doesn't answer him. Back on topic, while I wouldn't say Camilla is insane, she is a very mentally scarred person. She is most likely one of the oldest of the bastard children, so she probably seen the worst of the "Concubine War". It's very likely thst she killed one of her sibilings. Maybe after loosing so many sibilings, she decided to focus her affection on a single one that would be "safe to love".
  20. No shame? But Corrin cleary feels bad in for betraying the Nohrian sibilings in Birthright. He says to Camilla that he could never replace her. Where does it shows that he betrays her without caring about how she feels?
  21. To be fair, it wasn't really a world, but ratther a continent. Maybe that's why it felt so small?
  22. Really?I though the Lord of Calamity was a title given to the most dangerous Hellion. Wasn't Heldalf simply the most poweful Lord of Calamity?
  23. Seeing the military taking control like that brings bad memories to many brazilians. Something similar to this happened in Brazil years ago, and a lot of people suffered because of it. Can't say if it is as a good or a bad thing to Turkey.
  24. Well, from the little I have seen from the trailers, it doesn't seems like their repationship is like sibilings.And there is quite a bit of age difference between the two. Speaking of Beseria's relation to Zestiria, it's implied that two of Beseria's party members, Velvet and Rokurou, are Hellions.And apparently, there's a theory in the fandom that Velvet is going to be the first Lord of Calamity. And of course, the fact that one of the party members is heavily implied to be Edna's brother.
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