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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You know how there is the petition to have a 2nd referendum? Apparently it was set up by a Leave campaingner before the voting happened because he thought Remain would win. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-petition-second-eu-referendum-latest-news-vote-leave-a7104076.html You can just taste the irony. Wonder how he feels that it's being used the opposite way he intended. And if the petition will work at all.
  2. About Porygon, he's a little easier to get on Blue, where he costs only 6800 coins rather 9999. Do you have Blue?
  3. Oh, I see... To be fair, other than the Safari Zone's Pokemon, this isn't too much of an ordeal, due to the smaller number of Pokemon, and due to the fact than many, many Pokemon appear in multiple routes.
  4. Ah, I forgot about Silas's mods. And yeah, I also forgot that mods aren't important in Conquest.Also to the OP, you don't need to bench Arthur after he S-ranks Effie. He can still serve as a pair-up bot for Effie and Arthur it's a quite good pair-up bot. Effie paired up with S-rank!Berserker!Arthur actually might be better than their kid Percy.
  5. Actually, there's is a much easier way to catch Chansey. You can find it one the Cerulean Cave.
  6. But wait, doesn't Selena gives negative Str to her kids? Her speed will be great, that much I agree.
  7. One of the bosses is an axe-wielding General is a reference to Ludveck.
  8. Okay, let's start: First off, while Sophie is a hard kid to screw up, Selena is not a good mother for her, actually, Selena is a bad mother to any physical children. Everyone will recommend Charlotte as Xander's wife for good reason, she makes him very tough. NilesxNyx works well for a magical Nina. Also, unlike Awakening, children aren't broken, so you don't really need to use them. But it is a good idea to get all children, simply for experience points you get.
  9. To be fair, it's small price considering you are also removing those things from yout side of the field. For example, remember that Steath Rock can deal 50% damage to Pokemon with double weaknesses to Rock.
  10. Rapid Spin can remove things like Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock.And Ana, it's not suprising that you don't know about Defog's effect. While it is true that Defog can remove Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock, this was only introduced in Gen 6. And Ms. Bunch, Rock is considered one of the best types in the metagame. While they have a lot of weaknesses, they are super effective against many common types, making it a great offensive type. Also, Rock types get a 50% Special Defence boost during Sandstorm, making some of them great tanks.
  11. About the poll, it's something that I said before, but it's important that I repeat it: People knew from the beginning that the winner would be distributed in an event. That's why many legendary Pokemon ranked so high. Actually, it was mostly event-only legendary Pokemon, like Genesect, Arceus, Hoopa and etc. If I'm not mistaken, Game Freak did this poll two times already, and in both times the winner was Arceus. Very likely, people just wanted a hard to get Pokemon. Speaking of distribution events, today in Japn starts an event distributing Simsear, to celebrare the fact that it got last place. Gotta admit, that's a funny and interesting move from Game Freak.
  12. As I played the game, I realized how much people are being unfair to it. I knew that before, but I think it's something you only really realize when play the game. When actually experience it, you realize how well made this game was. It's a classic case of judging a book by it's cover.
  13. I'm not good at writing reviews, but is it okay to simply say that I'm really enjoying the game? The gameplay is amazing and I'm enjoying the Idol stuff more than I thought I would. I really like the little details such as referring to the party as Main Cast, starting a New Game is called debut, Equipment is called Wardrobe and so on. It's a really neat detail.
  14. I know that others already answered this, but I feel I must add something else. In Birthright, Silas states that Hoshido is not the only country that Nohr attacks for their resources. He says that the only way for Nohr to get resources is to steal them from other countries. Can you blame Hoshido for not wanting to help a country that is know for taking the resources of countries by force? If I were one Hoshido royal sibilings, I would hesitate in helping Nohr.
  15. That would require common sense, which sadly, is something the world is lacking right now.All it takes is a clever politician say some pretty words about how "We are powerful!", "We don't need the EU!" Or "They are trying to control us!", etc, and people will follow like sheep. Patriotism is a good thing, but a smart person can use it for a lot of bad things.
  16. Quite frankly, I'm not suprised at all. What did you expect? I have to agree.We are...not in the best situation at the moment.
  17. To be fair Buneary ranked 173 and Lopunny ranked 162. In a poll with 720 options, those two did pretty well. What really suprised me was Armaldo, didn't think it would make into the Top 100. Maybe it got popular because of Explores of the Sky he had a small but memorable role. But it was so long ago too.
  18. I see... While I can understand the reasons, they still feel "hollow". I could be wrong but I feel like separating from EU wasn't the only way to solve this.
  19. I've been researching this, and I still don't propley understad it. It seems to me that cons outnumber the pros. I'm curious. Could someone explain to me what were the reasons why people voted in favor of the separation?
  20. Remember that Pokemon popularity Japanese poll from earlier? Here are the full results! The list goes from most popular Pokemon to least popular Pokemon:
  21. Thanks for all the hard work! I really enjoyed it!
  22. Today's games are to easy! Those whippersnappers don't know what true challenge is! And they will never experience Super Mario 64's magnificence! Joking aside, this game aged very well, actually.
  23. Man, I really feel old...20 years, huh? That Eel terrified me so much... But amazing game! And all the rumors... One of the bad things of the internet is that those cool rumors doesn't exist anymore.
  24. I was about to post this.If someone often miswords things, they shouldn't be president at all. It's like saying that he doesn't know better, but that is an excuse for a child, and a president SHOULD know better.
  25. I was researching this, and I was about to post this, however, while he might have a point, he could have worded that much better.
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