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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Ah, I forgot. Another point that Mozu has over Donnel is the fact that she can reclassed the moment she joins, and said class is Archer which is very useful in Fates, and Bows and Yumis have very high Might, so she can a bit of damage. Yet another thing that Mozu has over Donnel is if you decide to keep her a Villager, she gets to keep her weapon rank, as both of Villager's promotions uses Lances, unlike Donnel, who neither class he can change into uses Lances.
  2. Everyone here in Brazil also think of it as a joke. Speaking of which, is it just me or the cities that has been hosting recent olympics had lost more than benefited from hosting the olympics? At least from what I've heard, most stadiums were abandoned.
  3. I love the little details in this game: It would be even funnier if Link lost a heart to that. Death by treasure chest!
  4. To be fair, I meant to talk about growths too, Donnel's aren't the best for Owain.
  5. Kjelle is the only kid Donnel doesn't screw up, as it was said earlier on this thread, and it's kinda hard to screw her actually.Owain is better of as a mage, than a physical fighter. Remember that Lissa gives a negative Str modifier but a positive Mag one. So Donnel as a parent is not really a good idea.
  6. 1. Actually, he actually screws up most of the kids, the Galeforce he gives are not worth it. 2. Yes, but there are units that can be as strong as him, with much less effort. 3. What mode were you playing? Donnel can't even keep up with the first gen units in harder difficulties.
  7. Caps are important, but are not the only thing. It's more like, why waste your time training Donnel, when you can other units that can do the same thing as him, with much less effort? Also, why bother training Donnel, when he's gonna be replaced by child units? The growth of the child units completely outclass Donnel's, even with Aptitude.
  8. Because the land in a swamp area was cheap, or so I've heard.That being said, it's tragc what happened, but I wonder if Disney ever knew there were Alligators there, it was an artificial lake.
  9. You know, I don't think Oboro and Hinata will care about lowering their pay. On the other hand, removing their Takumi Fan Club membership would be worse than death sentence for them.
  10. To be fair, Fire Dungeons tend to be early game, so they are usually pretty easy. I think one the reason people have bad experiences with Water Dungeons in Zelda it's when the dungeons start getting harder. Usually in Zelda Games, you through a Forest and Fire Dungeon first, and the Water Dungeon is usually the third, and it's when the dungeons get more complex. Maybe the difficulty spike tends to have a negative effect on people.
  11. It may be my bias towards water related things, but I never found Water Dungeons bad, other than the Water Temple in OoT, and even then, it was only the key fetch part. I think OoT's Water Temple gave a bad reputation to Water Dungeons in the Zelda series, and since then, when people see a Water Dungeon, they already assume it's bad. There is also the fact that Water Dungeons tend to be more complex than usual, and some people just don't like working hard.
  12. Looks this game won't the classic dungeons items, but rather the Sheikah Slate gets new powers. For example, you can use the Sheikah Slate to create bombs and to create ice, so maybe classic items such as the hookshot and boomerang will be used through the Sheikah Slate. I actually kind of like it! And I'm a big fan of Ice powers too! I love the Ice Arrows, and the Ice Rod was my favorite item in A Link to the Past!
  13. Speaking of Ice powers, one video showed that you can use the Sheikah Slate to create blocks of ice in bodies of water. So Ice powers are already confirmed in the game!
  14. You know, this post and the fire rod gave me an idea, what if you can craft your own magic rod? Like, you can create an Ice Rod, Sand Rod, Water Rod, Wind Rod and since this game seems to have a technology theme, and an Electric Rod would be interesting! You could use to affect machines in different ways, and paralyze enemies.
  15. Looks I wasn't the only who had problems with the Stray Fairies of Great Bay temple. That aside, glad to see more people enjoyed Majora's Mask dungeons! Some people dislike them because they're too complex, but I think that's what makes them so interesting! The puzzles are also really well thought! Great Bay Temple's puzzles on particular really requires some careful thinking. And of course, there's Stone Tower, which alongside Great Bay, are probably my favorite dungeon in the series. Of course, Woodfall and Snowhead were great too! Like Jedi said, for earlygame dungeons, they were quite challeging!
  16. Well, if it helps, let me tell you my impression, without spoilers: It may sound weird, but one thing that stood out for me, is that a lot things "happen". As in, it may be a little hard to keep to keep with the everything in the plot. However, some of the twists are actually good. I think Spirit of Justice's story is similar to Fire Emblem Fates's story, as in, it tries to do and be many things at once, but excess hurts a little. Does it help, or was I to vague?
  17. I'm kinda mad at you right now Thane. Because you posted that spoiler, It got me curious, so I looked around in other sites, and before I knew it...I spoiled myself for the entire game!! Seriously, everything! Because of you Thane, I won't be able to enjoy it, since I already know mostly everything! What do you have to say for yourself young man?
  18. To be fair, Majora's Mask only had four dungeons and they were some of the most complex dungeons in the series. If that's good thing or not, depends on the player.
  19. As you can see in this picture, Link can wear armor, which means that Link wearing a Darknut armor quite possible! Maybe you could get them from the Darknut themselves, by defeating them!
  20. Here are some of Leo's MyRoom lines:Japanese version: "Treating only me like a toy, would you please stop it?" "I love you. If you were to go someplace far away... It makes me terrified, and I would't know how to do anything without you. A world without you has no meaning to me. Just remember that." English, when woken up by hitting: "Ow! Do you have something against naps, Avatar? There's no need for violence!" And you saw on Takumi's line earlier, but here's his english line when he is roughly awoken: "Gah! Next time just dump a bucket of cold water on my head, why don't you?" It's quite clear that Corrin hit him.
  21. The Fates's festival DLC has more than twice dialogue content than of Awakening's festival DLC.
  22. I actually prefer the Lord Convoy, honestly. But you know what could be interesting? If we could choose what unit would be the convoy each battle. But giving a limit would be good, for example, if a unit was the convoy in one battle, they can't be the convoy for the next one.
  23. You are aware of the immense amount of dialogue they have to translate? Do you honestly think they could released them a week after Heirs of Fates?
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