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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I check this thread daily. It's just that I don't have much to say other than "Nice picture" or something similar.
  2. Yes, the common person might not know the situation well, but I would expect a presidential canditate to be at least well-informed. That's....extreme, even for Trump, as you said.Speaking of racial issues, I've heard that Trump said that a judge, Gonzalo P. Curiel I believe, was unable to give a fair ruling because of his Mexican heritage.
  3. Trump is a businessman first, politican second, I know that. But it still strikes me as irresponsible to do that, when the elections are just months away. Also, another thing I just heard, is that when questioned about about Brexit situation, Trump apparently knew almost nothing about it, and the interviewer had to explain it to him.
  4. I've heard that some people cleared the game in a hour and a half.
  5. There's something I've been to ask. Today, I just heard that Trump went overseas, to open a golf course. I know Trump is a businessman, but this feels...wrong. It gives the impression that the elections are just a pet project to him. I'm not an american, so I don't know everything about american politics and I may be completely wrong, but is it normal, during the year of elections, for candidates to travel overseas for reasons completely unrelated to politics? I mean, if it is, I'll won't say anything, but it feels so wrong to me.
  6. To be fair, they got the voice actors before things got bad. And it was recorded years ago. Changing the subject a bit, I didn't knew, but the Xbox version was delayed. It's actually kind of impressive, this game was finally released and somehow it still managed to get delayed.
  7. Well, it is based on Elincia's Gambit, which it's considered one the best defense maps on series. So glad to see people enjoying it!
  8. Here are the credits, and it's 4 hours long. I'm not kidding. It has the name of all the backers. Anyone from Serenes found their name there?
  9. I'm really liking the gameplay, and maybe because I'm currently playing Kirby: Planet Robobot, but the ability to copy enemies abilities reminds me of Kirby. The different stats makes me wonder if we are getting different playable characters. Amd while I usually worry that Mighty No.9 may have damaged the reputation of Kickstarter games, I'm starting to realize that Mighty No.9 is a special case. It's own failure I guess.
  10. This is something small, but I think it's worth posting: This is Magearna during the era of the ancient civilization that created it. It's going to appear in the Movie, and it's just Magearna in a different color, but could this imply that Magearna will get another form? I also can't take my eyes away from the guy with the Glalie hat.
  11. Speaking of Fatigue, choosing a a unit to be the convoy could be a good way to reintroduce Fatigue to the series. For example, a unit can the convoy for one battle with no penalties , but if they are convoy again in the next chapter, it would lower their stats. And if the unit is the convoy for large number of chapters in a row, such as five times in a row, the unit would be unable to deployed for a chapter or two.
  12. Yeah, her problem is that in a game full of powerful units, she one of the units that stands out the least. There's little incentive to use her. It also doesn't help than in both routes, she can be annoying to recruit.
  13. The 2022 World Cup is proof that there is bribring.Seriously, Qatar? It's worth noting that in Qatar, homosexuality is a crime. And considering the huge crowd the World Cup draws, there a bound to be many gays among them. I wonder how they will deal with that.
  14. Inafune is actually apologizing for the game's problems and takinging responsibilty for it's issues. http://www.gonintendo.com/stories/259945-inafune-says-he-takes-responsibility-for-mighty-no-9-s-issues At least he acknowledged the problems and is owning up to it.
  15. A lot of people are advising against buying Might No.9 for the Wii U. Not becuase the game was bad, but apparently, Mighty No.9 screws the Wii U in such a bad way, that only a hard reboot fix it. Not sure if it happens in every Wii U.
  16. Another thing that pissed people off is that it could have at least, looked great, Remeber the Yooka-Laylee/Mighty No. 9 comparison picture I posted? Here's an interesting info: Yooka-Laylee runs on Unity Engine Mighty No.9 runs on Unreal Engine 3 With this in mind, look at the comparison picture again. Don't try to tell that Mighty No.9 wasn't a sloppy work.
  17. It's worth noting that Alligators are just as dangerous on land as they are on water. They are incredibly fast, for someting of their size. So even if the kid wasn't in the water, it would be still very dangerous.
  18. I know the whole 4 million thing is old by now, but it's something that bears repeating, just to have an idea: This picture says it all.
  19. To be fair, Marisa wasn't never really called a bad character. She was called a bad unit.
  20. This one was actually quite heartwarming!I love how Shiro tries to cheer her up! He's such a nice guy! And it's one the few where the child doesn't inherit the mother's gimmick.
  21. Wasn't there a Disney commercial with children playing on that exact same beach?
  22. I wonder if the people in the other cities that hosted the Olympics were as pissed off at the goverment for wasting money for the Olympics, like the people at Rio currently are. It seems like every two years, the Olympics become more and more of a joke. Things like this makes me wonder why they don't have an specific place for the Olympics, rather than going for city to city. I mean, I know there are politics involved, but still...
  23. Was Selena!Sophie really that bad? I know that Selena is bad mother for almost all children, but Sophie is such hard kid to screw over, unless her mother is Orochi or Elise. Sophie usually always ends up well.
  24. And this why I'm glad Splatoon doesn't have voice chat, or even like written ones.
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