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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Oh yeah, forgot about Stealth Rock. I guess it really depends on it's stats. That being said, the setup alone is very good and Turntonator has almost perfect type coverage too. Fire/Dragon is an incredible combination that is resisted only by Water/Fairy I think, which interesting because Water/Fairy is another amazing typying and is a combination that has almost perfect type coverage. I could be wrong. And it's also worth noting that Turtonator can probably learning Explosion, due to it's bio.
  2. It's also worth noting that as a Fire type, it can probably learn Will-o-Wisp, protecting Turtonator from physical attacks. And it's ability protects it from critical hits.It also resist both U-turn and Volt Switch. Turtonator has incredible tanking potential, and will be a bitch to take down, if it has the right stats. Could it outclass Heatran as a Fire type tank?
  3. Actually Torkoal is tortoise not a turtle, while Turtonator is a turtle. So to be fair, it's not another fire turtle.
  4. To be fair, kids in this game aren't as broken as in Awakening, and yet at the same time they are much easier to use and recruit. Back on topic, It's pretty much impossible for Camilla to screw a kid. Sakura and Oboro are also mothers that can't possibly screw a kid.
  5. Oh, I remember this from the P4 anime!
  6. Kaden: Adorable and great supports! His only bad support is with Peri, and it's more of Peri's fault. Keaton: Not as adorable as Kaden, but I like him. Arete: Not much of a opinion really. Oboro: Great character, and great design. Now the character I really want to talk about: Hana: I actually don't like her much. She comes off as judgemental and her frindship with Sakura seems unhealthy. Unhealthy for Sakura that is. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it seems that Hana is partially to blame for Sakura's shy nature. She is way overprotective. When I compared Sakura's friendships with Elise and Hana, I noticed that Elise wants to Sakura to get out of her shell and be more brave and sociable, Hana on the other hand would much rather keep Sakura in her shell and keep her sheltered from everything and everyone and keep the number of people that Sakura interact as low as possible. Which is why I said that her friendship with Sakura is unhealthy. Am I reading to much into this?
  7. Just realized that Alola Bowser is fighting other turtles. Does it seek to be the strongest turltle of them all? Also, it's neck must hurt a lot.
  8. Fire/Dragon is a pretty good type for a defensive Pokemon actually. This guy has potential.
  9. Thank you, I was trying to find proof of the meme, but I couldn't understand much of the japanese text. Pander to kids? Have you seen the fanservice parts of the game? Do you honestly think that's for kids? And sorry, Fire Emblem can be serious at times, but it never was a mature and grown up series. Just where did you get that idea?
  10. You are aware that the Japanse version of many games are filled with memes as well? It's not a Treehouse thing.
  11. My issue is not really that Female Corrin is popular. My problem is that Female Corrin fans look down on Male Corrin fans. They mock people who like Male Corrin. Especially in the Smash community.
  12. Listen, it's inevitable that some people will like what you dislike. It's fact of life.That's how the world is, and it's better this way. Better than anyone sharing the same opinion at least. Try see these different opinions as a good thing. And it's 4chan, don't take them seriously.
  13. I remeber that. She made plenty of other outrageous accusations about Fates, didn't she?Back on topic, OP, if you don't like Awakening's and Fates's story, okay, no one is forcing you to like it. You also seems to like RD very much. That is also fine. But people also have the right to dislike RD's story and like Fates's story. And how FE13 and FE14 ruined your life? No one will understand you if you don't explain.
  14. NekoKnight, I believe it's better if you put it this way: "I can understand why Leo didn't approve of Forrest, but that doesn't mean that Leo's treatment of Forrest was right." Or something like that? Personally, my opinion on this is the same as Topaz Light's.
  15. So, it's like Generals in FE10? ... Wait, promoted Wyverns at CHAPTER 2?!
  16. To be fair, a lot of lategame maps in many FEs have a lot if wyverns.
  17. What about Krile? Due to her connection to animals, she could use the abilities from classes like Beastmaster, Ranger and Summoner. It would be very fitting for her.
  18. Honestly, I don't see Princess Sara as a goofy choice, she is sorta of a legacy character in the Final Fantasy series. As for FF3, a Warrior of Darkness would be good choice for a character.
  19. Yeah, I typed wrong by accident. To be fair, they are suports units, and shouldn't actually be seeing heavy combat. Their job is to heal and lower enemies's stats, a job those 4 do very well.
  20. Genuine question, are you a troll? Considering your topics and posts from before, I'm starting to suspect that you are. On-topic, just because some say FE14's story is worse, it doesn't earse the flaws from FE10's story. And this is coming from someone who issues with both games's stories are rather small. There are things I dislike, but it won't stop me from playing or prasing the good things.
  21. Well, in my opinion the best canditates for butler/maid are Saizo, Camilla and Hayato. Their balaced growths fits the class. And do remember than Jakob, Felicia and Flora are pre-promotes, which is why their growths are very impressive.
  22. Dammit, why did you say that?! Now, I won't be able to unsee it!
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