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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Ah, Charlotte and Rinkah... What a beautiful friendship... Even if Charlotte have no say on the matter.
  2. I've been away for a while, but I'm finally back with making stages again, as my Wii U is finally fixed. Here it is, Mushroom Gorge:67A7-0000-00A8-BF58 It's a Mario Kart theme stage, but it's rather simple, as I haven't made a stage in a while, and didn't want to go overboard, but I still hope you guys enjoy it!
  3. The whole point of Fates is chosing a side, so playing on both sides would go against that.
  4. It's kind of funny that they are so easily defeated in Story Mode and yet those same wimps can deafeat Ganondorf on Adventure Mode. Makes you wonder what's the Master Sword is good for...
  5. Laguz units are a bit better in RD than in PoR, but Beorc units are still superior, also some units in Micaiah's side can be recruited to Ike's side in part 3, Jill and Zihark, however that's usually not a good idea.
  6. To be fair, it wasn't only Eirika, almost every enemy in Champions of Yore 3 had quotes that revolved around the other character from their game.
  7. K. Rool is pretty popular, so I think he has a chance, even with the mii costume. And I wonder, if Issac is going to be a fighter, would he have Felix and Matthew as alternate characters?
  8. Not just Azel was turned stone, but if I'm not mistaken, Levin and Fury were supposed to be brought to life by Holsety, and Levin was supposed to return to his normal personality, Raquesis was also turned to stone, Sylvia was supposed to be alive and taking care of a crippled Claude, and I think Tility was supposed to be encased in ice. There's more but I don't really remember it now. But I'm absolutely sure that Kaga wanted for FE4's first gen to reunite with the second gen in a third part.
  9. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't FE4 originally had a third path in which the children reunited with their parents and Julius was revived by Julia's love? Guess this idea of the children bringing back their parents back to life isn't too far from what Kaga wanted to do.
  10. I can totally imagine Oboro and Hinata cheering any time Takumi hits a target. With pompoms and everything.
  11. So it is Navare! I knew he looked familiar. I guess this means that the neutral ending is SMT:IV's canon ending. Then again, most canon endings in Shin Megami Tensei are the neutral ones.
  12. While I do like exploring, I also like when there's a set path for me to follow, so I guess I'm on the fence on this one. I think some Pokemon games have the kind of open world that I like. You have to follow a set path, but that path tend to have plenty of areas to explore.
  13. Actually her name is from the word style. Anyway, the game looks really fun, but I wish the statues from single player weren't so creepy...
  14. For some reason, I imagine that Ryoma's roar of laughter sounds diabolical and that he scared the crap outta Sakura.
  15. I'm still pretty hyped, nothing shall stop my hype! Also for those who are worried, Nintendo of America already comfirmed that gay marriage will be on the localized version.
  16. Honestly, while some Sonic games really aren't good, I think these days people have this mindset that any new Sonic game is going to be bad. And they already start looking at a game's bad points and barely pay any attention to the good points. This needs to stop. Even I have been guilty of this, because when I heard of Sonic Boom: Ice & Fire, I already assumed it was going to bad, but later I realized that I didn't even play the game, and barely even know anything about it, so what right do I have to call it bad? I also realized that people seem to have an obssesion with Sonic 06, because everytime I hear or read a review about a new Sonic game, they always compare it to Sonic 06. Okay, the game wasn't good, but people seriously need to let it go, the game is almost ten years old.
  17. Actually, I thought Breaking Sky would be useful for an Adventurer Zero or Bow knight Zero, by the way, how is Zero as a Basara? He has a passable magic stat, so would he make a good mixed attacker?
  18. How about Spellcaster as the secondary class for Kamui? It gives both Kamui and Zero acess to Tomefaire and Breaking Sky, boosting their magical damage.
  19. December+O=Wind Ah man, I wanted Ice, it's the closest to Water...
  20. You can download the original trilogy on the 3DS! Trust me dude, you won't regret it!EDIT: Ninja'd. The hard one to find is Apollo Justice, but you can watch the game on youtube.
  21. Well, in FE4, you constantly had to repair the Holy Weapons so it's natural that they don't look the same.
  22. I think it was to show that the future was changing, Emmeryn's assasination was the first major change that Lucina made to the timeline.
  23. Thanks for the explanation! It looks like that you're going have to be really crafty in other to use these kind of weapons effectively.
  24. I've heard about it, and here's another article: http://www.destructoid.com/sag-affiliated-video-game-voice-actors-may-go-on-strike-312068.phtml Here's some quotes from the article: "Another interesting bit comes towards the end of the counter-proposal. "Once an engagement is accepted, the performer shall appear at that session, on time, ready and willing to perform and attentive to the services for which they have been engaged." If the voice actor breaks this part of the agreement, they will have to pay $2,500 in "Liquidated Damages." SAG-AFTRA claims "this means [actors] could be fined for almost anything: checking an incoming text, posting to Twitter, even zoning out for a second." Producers are also seeking the right to fine SAG-AFTRA franchised agents $100,000 for refusing to "refer represented performers for engagements at rates provided." (Shorthand: if your agent doesn't send you on a certain audition, they'll be charged.) Or, if SAG-AFTRA revokes their franchise, they will only charge $50,000." And my personal favorite: "In response to negotiations falling through, voice actors have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #PerformanceMatters, named for a voice acting panel at Long Beach Comic Con. Blum, one of the architects of the movement, believes game voice actors deserve better. "We've been told that our performances do not matter. That anyone can do this work. And that the fans won't care if we're replaced by non-actors. We believe otherwise. So we have unified and are taking a stand to prove it." "We believe in creating a quality product and are only asking for a reasonable, safe and fair working environment so we are able to continue providing it." They are told that their perfomances don't matter, that fans don't care about voice acting in games... Make that what you will.
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