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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Even if it is obvious, you can't accuse anyone, especially a king, of murder based on an assumption.I'm pretty sure everyone knew Garon was behind his death, but without proof you really can't do anything. Also, like I said before, they lost their king and a member of the royal family was kidnapped, that really wasn't the time to go war, especially not because of an assumption.
  2. You can use the costumes without the amiibos, you just have to unlock them.
  3. You can't just accuse a king of murder without any solid hard proof. You just can't. And considering that Garon's a king, he could very easily cover it up. And if there were witnesses, they were peasants, whose testimony means nothing next to the testimony of a king.
  4. Where was Zero's name confirmed to stay the same? And I highly doubt that Mozume's name will be Bailey as Mozume is a Hoshidan so she will most likely have a japanese sounding name.
  5. They lost a king under mysterious circumstances( there's no way to prove Garon killed him), and on top of that a member of the royal family was kidnapped.Things in Hoshido must have beem quite hetic, there's really wasn't time for war. But even if there wasn't a full-out war, small skirmishes between the two countries must have happened. There's also the fact the Hoshido and Nohr have been fighting for years now, so determining when exactly the war began can be a little difficult.
  6. I really love a lot of things in the game, the story is great, the gameplay is great, the maps are well-designed, and the characters are great, some of my favorites characters, Cormag and Tana, are from this game, and the twins are very well-written. And Lyon is pretty much the embodiment of "The way to hell is paved with good intentions.". You can't help but feel sorry for him, and at the same time you know that Lyon has no one to blame but himself.
  7. I love raising units, having weak ones become strong, but don't get me wrong! I love pre-promotes, LOVE THEM, and I use them freely. However, oddly, despite liking raising units, I'm not fond of raising Ests. Mostly because I like raising something from the beginning of the game, and seeing someone weak in the beginning become strong is just so cool.
  8. My regrets are not from high school, but from college, I tried to be a rebel and tried to study something I knew I wouldn't like, but now I'm on a course that I actually like, but I wasted four years of my life on something that I hated simply because I was too stubborn and lazy, I mean, I'm 24 and having to start college all over again.
  9. Wasn't Cordelia's name also from a shakesperian character as well? I remember that character was famous for sayingthe quote "To love and be silent".
  10. Trust me, if they there were negative opinions, they would never show them, it's bad marketing. I like your tastes. Seth and Ryoma master race
  11. They vanished into the dark, dark abyss. That aside, I think the reason they like the children is from a gameplay perspective, instead of just liking them as characters.
  12. We also have the mysterious Llewelyn, whose only thing we know about, is that he is voiced by D.C. Douglas. It's a weird case in which we know the localized name, but we don't know whose name was changed.
  13. To be fair the child/parent supports in this game are really good and well-written, especially for characters that are supposed to be non-canon. And I'm sure there were a lot of people, a LOT, that didn't like the children, they probably didn't post the most negative responses.
  14. Also, about Jaffar, to recruit him you have to speak with him with Nino on the chapter she joins, however, he will still be a NPC in that chapter, he will join on the other chapter should he survive. Out of the Four Fangs, he's the one who you would least expect to join you, isn't it?
  15. I think the Brave Sword is more useful, mostly because Eliwood has the nasty habit of being speed screwed by the RNG, so he really likes the Brave Sword, you don't need use Harken, just recruit him for the Brave Sword, Brave Weapons are rather scarce in this game, and in the majority of the GBA games really. And Pent and Louise are pretty good, especially since they come with an A-support with each other already. What class you thought Louise was?
  16. This is just a guess, but it seems that White Blood would be far mor useful in the Nohr path than Black Blood, right?
  17. An owl would be the perfect mount for mages! A bat riding class would also be cool for a dark magic user! Why there's no bat option? Heck, they could make a class that ride white owls and have a class that ride black bats as a counterpart!
  18. So, you're on the city map, not the fog-of-war one, right? Is the boss Linus or Lloyd?Also, you're getting Pent and Louise in the next chapter! By the way, since Guy is low-level, Bartre is dead, and you don't use Dorcas, it's likely that you will get Kenneth's map on Pale Flower of Darkness. There's are two units you can get there, but you can only recruit one of them, and there are some weird conditions for them to appear, I can tell you if you want. Which unit do you prefer? A Hero that comes with a free Brave Sword or a Swordmaster with free Wo Dao? To get the Swordmaster you will need to defeat at least two promoted enemies, before turn 10, but if you want the Hero, you cannot defeat more than one promoted enemy before turn 10. If you get Jerme's map however the conditions are different. Both units are good units, but I prefer the Harken the Hero, since he comes with a free Brave Sword, and he's a pretty good unit, for a pre-promote. But Karel the swordmaster is pretty good too.
  19. Also, here's more about them:Suzaku's title is the Vermillion Bird. It represents the South, Summer and the element of fire. Genbu's title is the Black Turtle. It represents the North, Winter and the element of water. Byakko's title is the White Tiger. It represents the West, Autumn and the element of metal. Seiryu's title is the Azure Dragon. It represents the East, Spring and the element of wood. Maybe Kamui should have a deeper connection to Genbu, since Kamui is heavily associated with the element of water. And the Elemental Tribes could worship them individually, such as Suzaku being the fire tribe's god.
  20. Ah, I see, that's too bad. She does have a deeper and sadder side to her, in her supports with Hector and Lucius.But it's your choice in the end. It's really not my place to tell what to do. She's the best light magic user in the game! You'll regret not using her!! Ahem... I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out, please forget what you saw. It's was merely a moment of madness, nothing to be concerned about. On a serious note, this is Eliwood Normal Mode, so don't worry about which units you have use, all of them can do just fine. But did you get Heath? If you like wyvern riders he's the only one you'll get for a while. And don't worry about Canas. While he's the only dark magic user of the game, you can do just fine without him. Also, what are the levels of Eliwood, Hector and Lyn? The next chapter's map and boss will change depending on their levels.
  21. Lucius is good, but Serra's better, mostly due better support options.That girl get criticals like crazy. It's actually kinda ironic that the best mages in the game are either healers or pre-promote, not to say that Lucius and Erk are bad, they are good, but Serra, Priscilla and Pent always seem to outclass them. At least in my opinion. Then again, it could be simply my personal experience, which to be fair isn't credible. Or maybe the RNG gods didn't favor me when I used Lucius, Erk and Canas, because everytime I use them, they never end up as good as Serra, Priscilla and Pent.
  22. To be fair, Takumi and Leo seems to be especially serious and/or emotional in those scenes, maybe they doesn't always sound like that. Especially Takumi, who sounds particularly angry, so that may not be his usual tone of voice.
  23. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/09/07/nintendo-is-busy-developing-pikmin-4-and-its-close-to-completion/ And according to Miyamoto, it's nearly complete! Your thoughts? You know, I think this is the third time in ten days that I annouce something about in this forum, maybe I should stop, since I'm not sure if it is a good or a bad thing, I mean, maybe I'm being annoying, saying stuff like "this game is confirmed!" and so on...
  24. Well, it's better than creating a new thread that talks about the same thing. Honestly, I'm actually surprised that that are japanese voice overs in the west, considering that I've heard that it is very expensive and very troublesome to get japanese voice acting in the west.
  25. I actually really like Silas as a character.
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