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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I remember Camillas's intro appearing in the E3 trailer, and even if only a part of it appeared, it looked the same as the original.
  2. This subject is from another thread, but I believe it matters in a discusson about censorship: some gaming journalism sites are already making articles about the Soleil/MKamui support, claiming that Fates is taking a "cure your gays" attitude with this support. Stupid, I know, but like I said in the other thread, this can get out of control fast.
  3. This is getting out control fast... Is there anything we can to stop it, before it can cause some real damage?
  4. Dear god, please no, this can go wrong so fast, it's not even funny, seriously, can't we just ignore that support? Like I said before, it's not worth the trouble it can cause.
  5. Please don't let that guy or any other gaming journalist see this thread, they would only make a mess of things and make the situation for the game terrible, those guys never do anything right when it comes to matters like this. Please mod, delete this thread, I know it's not my place to say it and maybe I'm being arrogant, but discussing this support it's not worth the trouble it can cause, it's just not worth it.
  6. This is really minor, but Hoshidan spells and Nohrian tomes are pretty much the same type of weapon, right? But in the videos I saw, their attack animations are really different, so I want to know, how are the animations for when Hoshidans use Nohr tomes, and when Nohrian uses Hoshido spells? Sorry if it is a stupid question, but it has been nagging me for days.
  7. That Azura/Takumi support... I wasn't expecting that side of his. Takumi is shaping up to be a fascinating character.
  8. Maybe they wanted to make the scene with only Nohr characters and Lilith, and vice versa ? But I do agree that Mikoto should have appeared in both.
  9. Maybe the reason Corrin didn't mention Mikoto as a loved one was because he didn't spent enough time with her, to at least form some sort of bond.
  10. I guess that shows that a darker story isn't always better, althought I actually sorta expected Hoshido would be the more emotional story, I mean, think about it, what's more dramatic? Fighting against sibilings you barely know or fighting against ones you knew your entire life. Maybe if they reversed the roles of the nations, making Hoshido the "evil" nation and Nohr the"good" one the story would have been better.
  11. If it helps, some supports, like with Azura and Oboro, Corrin mentions being an avid reader. It seems that Corrin knowledge of the world comes from books, maybe that why he is naive? In sense he seems to be more like Estelle from Tales of Vesperia than Luke from Tales of the Abyss.
  12. You speak like that's a bad thing. Joking aside, I have to wonder what MyCastle will look like in the 3rd path, and who will handle the prison, Orochi or Zero?
  13. Yeah, now I see it, they sound so awkward, especially compared to the other sibilings supports... I mean fit the personality of both of them, but still, it could longer.
  14. Now I'm curious, could give me show me link of the Marx/Ryouma support? Is it really that underwhelming?
  15. Thanks for info! And sorry to be a bother, but I got another question, do these random encounters only give gold, or do they also give random items, like the random encounter bosses of awakening?
  16. Can you grind only once per chapter or as many times as you want?
  17. I see, also I meant to ask, but the DVP you earn normally is enough, or do you think is necessary to grind for it?
  18. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been answered, but how exactly do you earn Dragon Vein points? I searched this thread, and didn't find anything about it.
  19. Since we are on the subject, the fearless madman in me wants to know, what was reddit's reaction to the same-sex marriage reveal?
  20. You gotta respect Nintendo for that, it's a daring move for them.
  21. I'm starting to think that S-rank doesn't always equals romance, wasn't it said that some pairings wouldn't be able to have kids?
  22. Was there no promotions, in any of the streams? By the way, 100 pages! Man...remember the good old days, where we burned people for hype train cult?
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